MTL - Go Legend - C.950 Prelude to the final battleMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.950 Prelude to the final battleMar 06, 2023

did not exceed Li Xiangping's expectations. When he defeated the dog with a rare "not to mention 3 eyes" chess form, what greeted him after the game was not cheers and screams, but a voice of doubt.

"Don't mention 3 eyes" is rare, but it is a conventional "Double Live" chess shape.

It is for this reason that many people think that after this chess form is played in actual combat, then according to the rules of Japan and South Korea, when both sides have collected the last official piece with a purpose, the chess is already over.

But Li Xiangping did not agree to the final game, and he even used this chess shape to force the dog to "suicide", which not only seemed unmannered, but even some extreme chess fans thought that this was no longer a question of "victory without force", but that the sentence needed to be changed. It is determined that the white dog half-eye wins the game.

It is of course impossible to revise the verdict. In fact, shortly after the dog made the "suicide" move, Dr. Huang has confirmed the result of the game on behalf of the Google team, and has been negotiating the date of the final tiebreaker.

But although the result will not change, the controversy and discussion accompanying this game of chess will not stop.

Li Xiangping's winning method today, whether it belongs to "reasonable use of chess rules", or is a complete spoiler without grace, has become the hottest topic of the major Go forums that night.

At the very beginning, there were significantly more "anti-Li" voices. More than 60% of chess fans on the Internet thought that Li Xiangping could not win today, and his approach today was obviously lacking in grace, worthy of his "human chess god" This resounding name.

The biggest basis for the opponents is that this game is implemented with black stickers 6 and a half, which means that the rules of Japanese and Korean Go are used.

Since the Japanese and Korean rules are adopted, then of course they must follow other people's rules. Since the Japanese and Korean rules do not accept bills, Li Xiangping's following series of practices are considered to be a spoiler.

"Hey~ The Boss of Jueyi is also. This competition is held in China, and the Boss is also a Chinese chess player. Why do you want to adopt the Japanese and Korean rules? Now, let's make such a big excuse for others, and I want to wash the floor for him. Not clean."

"Well, I still don't believe that the boss will do such a rude thing. I'll go check the detailed rules and see what rules are implemented in this competition."

Not to mention, after the careful search of this chess fan, he really found evidence to prove Li Xiangping's "innocence":

"Ha, I'll just say it... Everyone, come and see the specific competition agreement signed by the boss and the Google team, please pay attention to Article 7, Paragraph 8: In addition to the implementation of the rules of 6 and a half black posts in this competition, other All matters are subject to the latest competition rules promulgated by the Chinese Weiqi Association."

After finding this one, the chess fan, who was obviously a die-hard fan of Li Xiangping, was very excited. He hurriedly posted the competition agreement on the Internet, and then he was the first to follow the thread below:

"Have you seen it, those black fans who question the character of the master of the art can shut up, the **** Japanese and Korean rules, the seventh and eighth paragraphs here are very clear, except for the 6-and-a-half stickers, the rest are the implementation of the Chinese rules. Ah, since it is the rules of Chinese Go, is there any problem with the boss's approach?"

Well, if it is to implement the Chinese Go rules, then Li Xiangping's approach is of course no problem. …

Because there is a core in the formulation of Chinese Go rules: that is, all problems are considered from actual combat, and all problems on the chessboard are best solved by actual combat.

The reason why China's Go rules are formulated in accordance with such a principle is to avoid some "hard rules" in the Japanese and South Korean Go rules.

For example, in the classic life-and-death "Panjiaoqu 4", the Japanese and Korean Go rules strictly stipulate that this chess shape is a dead chess, and there is no reason to say it.

But senior chess fans know that in some special cases, (such as the existence of "external double live"), it is of course unreasonable to forcibly determine a dead chess.

The newly revised Chinese Go rules are precisely to avoid such unreasonable places in the rules of Japan and South Korea, and the general idea of ​​"everything starts from actual combat" is set.

So looking at the problem from this point of view, Li Xiangping's actions today are fine. He belongs to the normal "reasonable utilization rules".

Although his "reasonable use rule" is only valid for dogs this time, and even the validity period is only this time, until the Google team helps the dogs patch, then no one will want to copy Li Xiangping's way of turning around.

Of course, just a die-hard fan of Li Xiangping posted a competition agreement on the forum, which of course cannot eliminate all doubts.

To really stop all the noise, it will not be until about 9 o'clock in the evening when Dr. Huang of Google posted a long Weibo online.

Dr. Huang's writing is still very polite. He first congratulated Li Xiangping and clearly pointed out that the members of the entire Google team believed that there was no problem with Li Xiangping's victory.

Not only that, Dr. Huang even thanked Li Xiangping, saying that if it weren't for Li Xiangping's genius idea (the idea that the difference between the two sides must be an even number), they would not have found such a loophole in the dog.

At the end of Weibo, Dr. Huang also posted a change notice, that is, the change of the tiebreaker match date.

It was originally planned that the second day would be the tiebreaker, but Dr. Huang said on Weibo:

For some reason, at the request of Li Xiangping, and after friendly negotiation between the two sides, it was decided that the final tiebreaker will be played the day after tomorrow, please everyone.

As soon as this Weibo came out, all kinds of noise on the Internet were basically eliminated. Thinking about it, the Google team is the real master. Now that even the real master has no opinion, it will be boring to talk about other slang words.

But with Dr. Huang's Weibo, this reminds many people of another accident that happened in today's game.

That is when Li Xiangping was at noon, he seemed to have suspended the game for 15 minutes due to physical reasons.

What makes Li Xiangping laugh or cry the most is because of Dr. Huang's Weibo.

"What's wrong with Li Xiangping?" It even rushed to the hot search in one fell swoop, and the ranking remained high, which was something no one thought of.

But Li Xiangping himself is indifferent to these. In fact, after coming down from the arena, apart from communicating with the Google team about modifying the game date, Li Xiangping didn't care about the online debate, let alone the matter of rushing to the hot search again.

Now he only cares about when his cheater will come back to him. …

Leaving around 1:30 noon, Li Xiangping waited until 10:00 pm, but he still failed to perceive Lao Shi's existence.

And this is also the first time that Lao Shi has left him for such a long time since Li Xiangping passed through.

The so-called concern is chaos, so at this time, this of course makes Li Xiangping unable to sit still:

"...Brother Ding'an, I think you are so weak now. Even if the 5th round is rescheduled to the day after tomorrow, how can you fight side by side with me..."

"...Hey, this little friend from Xiangping is worried about Mu Yong. I will go to the girl who embroidered the qin now, and then borrow some real yuan from her. I believe that with the real yuan of embroidering the qin, there is no problem in supporting a game of chess..."

Thinking of the conversation between the two before Lao Shi left, Li Xiangping couldn't help but don't want to get into trouble.

He thought to himself that Lao Shi, this guy, still has such a sassy operation, and he can still find his thoughts and borrow real yuan.

Well, it's a pity that when Li Xiangping used to be a bitch, he basically had no idea of ​​any fairy tales and fantasy, so he must not understand how Lao Shi should borrow it.

What Li Xiangping didn't expect was that at about 10:30 in the evening, he didn't wait for Lao Shi to go back, but he got his girlfriend Yaya.

"Hey, Yaya, why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you, Li Xiangping, tell me the truth, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xiangping had a black line on his face at that time:

"I'm not sick, who said I'm sick, ah..."

Li Xiangping stopped suddenly, because at this moment, he clearly felt Lao Shi returned to his body.

And at this time, Lao Shi seemed to be full of anger, and he even joked with Li Xiangping:

"Yo, I'm sorry, little friend Xiangping. It seems that it's not the right time for me to come back. Otherwise, I'll go to Xiuqin and stay for a while."

"Haha Ding'an brother..."

Seeing Li Xiangping smiling so exaggeratedly, Yaya said it was very strange:

"Hey Xiangping, what are you doing, I should come to see you, you don't need to be happy like this."

Li Xiangping is not in the mood to be gentle with his girlfriend, because the battle the day after tomorrow will definitely be the most important battle in his entire career.

is also the last stop of his entire career.

In the game the day after tomorrow, whether he wins or loses, Li Xiangping will announce his withdrawal from all official Go games.

Because by that time, Lao Shi will most likely leave.

Therefore, for the last game of chess in the true sense, Li Xiangping will find a way to win it anyway.

and not relying on today's way of winning chess.

Li Xiangping wants to beat the dog once again!

