MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.10Mar 06, 2023


"Why did a feather turn black? According to the laws of nature, it should also be shedding, right?"

The girl tilted her head, as if she didn't understand what Zhao Yesui meant.

But Zhao Yeshou can't pretend that nothing happened.

"It should have been completely white before. Although it has been a long time since you died, since there has been no change before, how can it suddenly change now..."

Zhao Yeshi thought for a while and asked the girl in front of him, "Daya, did anything special happen recently? For example, did you feel any strangeness in your body, or did you hear a strange sound?"

The girl called Daya shook her head blankly. This simple image made Zhao Yesui unable to tell whether she was saying that she didn't know or that she didn't have a corresponding feeling.

"Black feathers, black feathers..."

Zhao Yechuang frowned slightly, and there were a few more guesses in his heart, but in the end, he still looked at the black mist rising in his hands.

Yes, the winged girl named Daya by Zhao Yesui was already a corpse five years ago.

No matter what method is used to judge, she is already dead, and the only thing supporting her to move freely now is the black mist in Zhao Yesao's hands.

Zhao Yesui once called it the power to control life and death, which is not wrong, because in addition to designing the death of others, it can also revive the dead and live in another way.

......Although Zhao Yesui didn't know whether this kind of resurrection that lost most of his mind/wisdom and memory was really a resurrection, but it was shocking enough.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see any information about the black fog on the character card of the game of destiny just now, so even the game of destiny can't detect what the black fog is?"

Zhao Yesui stood up again and looked at the black mist in his hand that had been with him since he could remember, before shaking his head after a long time.

Daya saw that Zhao Yeshou was silent for a long time, leaned over, and raised the sign in his hand again.

"time to sleep"

"Yeah, it's time to sleep."

Zhao Yesui finally sighed lightly, let the black mist dissipate, and patted Daya's head solemnly:

"No matter what, I will complete the contract between us and resurrect you."

Early in the morning, Zhao Yesui was pushed up by Daya on time at eight in the morning. When he woke up, he saw the other party standing beside the bed, looking down at him with lifeless eyes.

Zhao Yesui, who was already accustomed to this scene, just yawned habitually, then got up and got out of bed, and said helplessly: "Speaking of which, Daya, you didn't have to sleep before you died... So, you It's not human, is it?"

"Oh, what stupid question I'm asking, and I can see the wings behind you and ask this kind of question."

"So, are you a player, or other supernatural creatures? If it's the latter, it means that there is more than just a way to gain supernatural powers in this world through the game of fate?"

"But according to what is said in "Instructions for Beginners of the Game of Destiny V3.7 Revised Gold Enhanced Edition", all transcendents seem to be related to the game of Destiny, so are you an NPC who escaped from the scene? Or some high-ranking person The player's family?"

Zhao Yesui made a guess about Daya's situation based on the knowledge obtained yesterday, while washing daily. Daya did not answer his question. Zhao Yesang was used to it for a long time, and just said to himself. .

Soon, Zhao Yesui walked out of the bathroom, checked the time, packed his things, and went out.

"Today is Wednesday..."

After closing the door, Zhao Ye thought about it, walked to Room 401 opposite, and knocked on the door.

"Grandma Zhang, are you awake, do you need me to bring you anything today?"

Soon there was a sound from behind the door, like some viscous liquid slowly squirming on the floor, Zhao Yepai waited patiently for a while, because he knew that the neighbor, Grandma Zhang, who lived opposite him, had inconvenient legs and feet, out of respect for the elderly. The traditional virtue of loving children, waiting for a while is obviously not a big deal.

Silently, a note was handed out from the crack of the door, and there was still a sticky, unknown liquid on it. Zhao Yeshou didn't dislike it, and took a closer look after taking it.

"Three pounds of human bones

Three intact human skins

Five human brains"

Facing the horror content, Zhao Yesui just sighed as usual, and said, "Grandma Zhang is really confused, and she wrote the cow as a human..."

He shouted into the door: "Grandma Zhang, the price of beef bones has risen recently. Can I replace them with pork bones?"

After handing out the note, the sound of chewing a bone had been heard from behind the door. When Zhao Yexuan asked this, the sound suddenly became louder, as if a bone had been bitten off.

But how is this possible, Grandma Zhang is an old man, how can the teeth bite the bones?

It didn't speak, Zhao Yesui took it by default, picked up the garbage bag at the door of 401 and left.

In the process of going downstairs, in the dim corridor on the second floor, Zhao Yeshou faintly saw a black figure, just standing there, motionless and not smiling, only when he approached, did he realize that it was a sculpture-like figure. Expressionless old man.

Zhao Yeshou raised the hand that was not holding the garbage bag and greeted him warmly: "Grandpa Chen, good morning, come down for a walk?"

Aware of Zhao Yeshou's arrival, the old man turned his head stiffly, and his eyes suddenly became eager.

"Ah, it's Xiao Zhao. I haven't seen you for a long time. When I see you, I think of my grandson."

"You look so much like my grandson. My grandson died tragically. He was..."

"Farewell." Zhao Yeshou waved his hand, blocking the old man's next words: "Looking at you, you must not be tall or handsome when you were young, then your grandson must be very different from you, and he looks like you. Can you be like me?"

"I think, you should stop thinking about it so much, thinking about your grandson all day, must be because you have nothing to do. Otherwise, the grandma Zhang who lives opposite me is very good-looking, although she eats a little more, but the people It's not bad, why don't I introduce you to each other? With the sequel, wouldn't there be a chance to have a grandson again?"


The old man's eyes became confused, as if the machine was down, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhao Yesui waved goodbye to him and went downstairs with a garbage bag.

Walking out of the cold corridor, Zhao Yeshou narrowed his eyes slightly and realized the beauty of life again.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world.

Neighborhood harmony is very important. Although Grandma Zhang always troubles herself to throw out garbage and bring things because of her inconvenience in her legs and feet, Grandpa Chen always mistook herself for his grandson. There were always naughty children knocking on the door in the middle of the night, and people were often looking in the mirror. You can joke with yourself, but as long as you keep your good intentions, you can maintain good neighborhood relationships...

It was at this moment that Zhao Yesui suddenly noticed two prompts popped up in the game of destiny.

[Task: Painting bones and skins is difficult to paint souls]

[Quest goal: Kill the painted ghosts]

[Task reward: 500 game coins]

[Task: Remnant Soul of Lone Bridge]

[Quest goal: Kill the broken bridge remnant]

[Task reward: 400 game coins]

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows, turned off the system interface as if he didn't see it, and left with a garbage bag.

"I still need your reminder..."

p.s. This is the second volume of the original outline, I wrote it wrong, sorry...

Chapter 20 Shopping, then meeting the high school girl who killed yesterday

After throwing away the garbage, Zhao Yesui stopped by the supermarket and the nearby hardware store to look for useful parts, but the results were not so satisfactory.

"The precision is there, but the detailed structure is completely different. If you want to improve the steam engine and start from scratch, it is still too difficult for a mysterious steam engineer..."

Only from the current situation, the way to quickly make Zhao Yesui have reliable combat power is to rely on the identity of the Xuan-level steam engineer he has drawn. This is also mentioned in the "Notes for Beginners". is the fastest and most productive.

Zhao Yesui does not reject the use of foreign objects, what's more, this is not a foreign power, but a weapon forged through his own skills.

How can it be called stealing when it comes to engineers?

But the reality did not give him such a coincidental condition.

If you want to use steam skills, you must at least have a small steam engine, and the corresponding supporting facilities are also indispensable. It is best to have a machine tool.

- Zhao Yesui does not possess any of the above.

Needless to say, the steam engine looks a lot like its brother with the same name and surname on Earth, but in the eyes of the expert Zhao Yecang, it is no problem to understand it as a magic furnace, this kind of extraordinary equipment is bound to need him Made one myself.

As for other supporting facilities and machine tools, it is much simpler. The level of modern industry is enough for Zhao Yesui to use it. Now there are only two problems left.

One is lack of money, and the other is how to buy.

It has been introduced before, Zhao Yesui, male, seventeen years old, general mobile worker, it is really impossible for him to take out hundreds of thousands of innocent assets at one time.

Even if he was rich, Zhao Yesui had to think carefully about whether to buy these things.

"Whether it's offline transactions or online shopping, there's no way to escape official surveillance..."

Needless to say offline transactions, online shopping is also not feasible. Whether it is to use a fake identity or change the address, it is just an act of stealing the bell. The only difference is whether the official wants to check or not.

According to Zhao Yesui's guess, in the special circumstances of the game of destiny in the world, the act of purchasing such special materials by one person should be strictly supervised. As long as it is supervised, the player's identity will be discovered. not far.

Zhao Yesui, male, seventeen years old, a general mobile worker, suddenly bought these things on a whim one day... Sir, believe me, I'm really just on a whim, Sir, you believe me!

Cough, all in all, Zhao Yesui has not found a way to display his ambitions on the premise of solving the above problems.

But in fact, as long as you join the Fate Strategy Bureau, these problems can be solved easily.

If you can't beat it, join in. Players are a valuable strategic resource. Young people like Zhao Yesui who have a clear resume, graduated from May 3rd University, and have received a good education will be welcomed no matter how they look at them.

As long as you join the Life Strategy Bureau, with the entire country's industrial system as the backing, a machine tool is simply insignificant. After Zhao Yesui shows his value as a life profession, maybe he will form an assembly line with him as the center. .

Zhao Yesui is still very confident in the official and their policies towards players, but he has no confidence in himself.

Not to mention the matter of No. 3507 Anke Street, the angel zombie girl at home, the existence of the black mist, and the building where he lives, none of them can make Zhao Yesao feel at ease.

"Anyway, let's go one step at a time."

Zhao Yeshou shook his head, and threw the can in his hand into the trash can, ready to go home. After all, shopping with these three kilograms of pork bones is really a test of physical strength.

After picking up the goods and setting the next pick-up time with the seller, it was almost noon, so Zhao Yesui watched the bustling middle school students walk by in front of him, and occasionally jk passing by looked at him and whispered with his companions After discussing a few words, they ran away with a smile.

"Nancheng Thirteenth Middle School..."

Zhao Yesui looked at the familiar school uniforms on them, clicked his tongue, thought about it, and felt that he should not bring the **** pig brain back to his alma mater. Just as he was about to turn his head to leave, he saw a beautiful girl who seemed familiar.


Even in the face of the aggressive people in Zhenshan Martial Arts Hall, if something went wrong, they might violently kill people, but Zhao Yesui didn't feel as bad as he did now.

The one who was walking alone from the end of the street was Lu Shixi, who should have died yesterday.

After the initial shock, Zhao Yesui immediately turned his eyes away, walked into the convenience store next to him, and looked at Lu Shixi from the corner of the shelf.

That is indeed Lu Shixi. His expression, posture, walking style, and measurements are undoubtedly the characteristics of Lu Shixi.

Zhao Yesui once investigated her specifically and confirmed that she has no twin sisters, so who is this "Lu Shixi" in front of her?

"Yes, she is a player, and she should be a very powerful player." Zhao Yesao took a deep breath, picked a bag of potato chips from the shelf, and recalled: "So, the stronger the basis is. The more rules of the black fog are needed, I should not be able to kill her, but the black fog has taken effect."

"Either the black mist is more mysterious than I thought, or she has other plans."

"And judging from the fact that she has returned from the dead, the possibility of the latter is obviously much greater."

"So, what's her purpose? Take the risk, find me, the real body of No. 3507 Encore Street, and then lock me in the basement for all kinds of inhumane experiments?"

Leather whip, candle, shackles, collar, dripping wax, white zhuo, extracting essence...

As soon as she saw the beautiful girl, she immediately thought of Lu Shixi, immediately thought of the basement, immediately thought of humane experiments, immediately thought of mating, immediately thought of hybridization, and immediately thought of extracting sperm. Zhao Yesui's imagination can only make such a leap at this level.

"So, should I immediately lock myself in the basement... ah no, should I flee Nancheng immediately?"

If necessary, Zhao Yesui would not care about such trivial matters.


"I remember that the black fog should have the law of distorting reality. All the people killed by the black fog will have their facts about me distorted. The only question now is whether this effect will work on the player."

Zhao Yesui's pupils turned deep, took a large bag of things to the cashier to check out, and then left the convenience store silently.

p.s. It was originally planned to start from here, but I am afraid that the concentration of Riddler is about the same as my second book, so I changed it (x

Chapter 21 Comparing a taxi with the body of a mortal

Lu Shixi, female, seventeen years old, studying in Nancheng No. 13 Middle School, was gutted by a silver-plated fan yesterday and successfully arrived in "hell", but she still has to come to class today.

Just like those high school students who saved the world in the anime, they just climbed up the Tokyo Sky Tower to save the world yesterday. Today, they still have to pack their bags and go to school obediently, and Lu Shixi is no exception.

According to the classification among the players, Lu Shixi is undoubtedly a stalker.

Players who have never joined any organization, whose identity has not been exposed, and who have the strength to become a mortal, are called stalkers.

As for those players whose identities are not yet known, but the one-to-one ratio of dishes... is generally classified as a novice.

