MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.349Mar 06, 2023


After agreeing to Zhao Yesui, the girl seemed to be escaping something and said hurriedly, "Then I'll go to bed. If you need it, you can find me again."

"and many more."

Zhao Yeshou stopped the girl and said tentatively, "Are you sleepy now?"

The girl was a little unclear, and replied: "It's okay, because I just woke up, I'm still awake... What's wrong?"

"So, can we start now?" Zhao Yesui glanced at the LCD screen hanging on the high-rise building in the distance, and said, "This time happens to be when people are the most sleepy, and it is also the time when some monsters and monsters like to be dispatched. If that's the case, it's better to start now."


The girl had no idea that Zhao Yesui's mobility was so high. After hesitating for a while, she said in a low voice, "Okay... Then, what are you going to do?"

"How do you need me to cooperate with you?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said: "Tell me all the information about the villains you know, and I will choose the target."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

Half an hour later, Zhao Yesui stood on the rooftop of an office building, quietly overlooking the world under his feet.

"You're a little too slow to sort out..."

He said to his guide lady, "Didn't you say that you are omniscient and omniscient? There are only so many people in total, and it took you so long."

"Didn't you say that you want to sort by the degree of harm?" Miss Guide felt that she was shaken by this stinky man to work overtime in the middle of the night, but he actually complained and said a little aggrievedly: "How do I know how to sort... ."

"According to the degree of possible harm to the society, and the sins they have committed are comprehensively sorted."

When Zhao Yesang said this, he also realized that this kind of thing is a little too difficult for a person like the guide who is not deep in the world at first glance, so he can only say: "Then just leave it all to me, let me do it. judge."

"Are you sure?" The guide lady was still very conscientious and hesitated for a while.

"Sure." Zhao Yesui said affirmatively.

As a result, Miss Guide's last conscience was also wiped out, and she poured everything she had seen into Zhao Yeshou's mind with a revenge-like mind.

After doing all this, she was like a child who was afraid of being discovered after she had just done a prank. She watched Zhao Yesang nervously, only to find that Zhao Yesang had just closed her eyes for a while, and then reopen.

Then, she heard Zhao Yesui say to himself:

"Well, there is a lot of invalid information... If there is a next time, you can try to simplify it a bit, and you don't have to tell me what time they went out and ate a few bowls of noodles. After all, we are trying to convict now, not based on Track their movements to find their location."

Is he all done?

Afraid that the maid would find out that she didn't sleep for most of the night and got up and sat by the window, the girl who had already lay back on the bed couldn't help but be surprised.

Just now, she threw all the crimes she saw in the imperial city to Zhao Yesui, including many people who only committed petty theft cases. It stands to reason that even if he is not involved in these things It's too dizzy, and it's impossible to complete the analysis in such a short period of time, right?

But Zhao Yesui seemed to have made a choice, nodded, and said, "This is my first action today, and it's almost dawn, so let's choose a simpler one."

"Lin Youde, Miss Guide, please help me find his location."

Lin Youde......

The girl rummaged through her memory, and soon found this man named "Lin Youde".

Then, the cherry lips differentiated, as if surprised.

"Are you sure it's Lin Youde?" The girl couldn't help but ask: "He's from the Lin family in Daxia, didn't you say before that you shouldn't do anything to the 'villain' I mentioned?"

"Did you misunderstand something?"

Zhao Yeshi raised his eyebrows and said, "I mean, don't do anything to ordinary people who are in the 'whole' who are just performing their duties, not to say that you don't do anything to the people of Daxia and the New Roman Empire."

When he said this, he suddenly thought of something, and said curiously: "You don't think I'm afraid of not doing something about Daxia and the New Roman Empire before, do you? It seems that your reading comprehension ability is still not good, remember to combine Context."

"But..." The girl hesitated to speak: "Lin Youde is a wealthy and noble family in Daxia. The Lin family has been involved in the three worlds of politics, business and military in Daxia, and is even more powerful in the current Hezhou... Aren't you worried about being discovered?"

"If I were afraid, I wouldn't have done this thankless thing in the first place."

Zhao Yesui said lightly: "Also, Lin Youde is not the kind of ordinary person I said."

"Rape and kill people's girls, try the sword with ordinary people, and lead the human trafficking from Hezhou to Daxia... Every single thing here is enough to sentence him to death. If that's the case, why should I avoid him?"

"Because of his identity? You can really joke."

"..." The girl stared blankly at the gauze above her head, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although she didn't think that Zhao Yesui was lying, she was a little surprised that she was going to challenge such a difficult goal when she came up.

"Miss Guide? Miss Guide?"

Zhao Yesui called her twice, and the girl came back to her senses and muttered, "If you're not afraid of death, then go."

Soon, the girl sensed the current location of "Lin Youde" and told Zhao Yesui.

"Oh, I'm drinking flower wine..."

Zhao Yeshao breathed softly and said, "This is not beyond my expectations."

Then, he began to think about how he should go.

Out of the idea of ​​maximizing labor saving, of course, it is better to wear a sword puppet.

But he has a total of two sword puppets, all of which were handed over to him by Daxia Longque.

Among them, the first phase of one cut was first excluded by Zhao Yesui, because he did not have the idea of ​​adding difficulty to himself by wearing a standard sword puppet.

However, if they started wearing "Glamorgan's Curse" like this, other forces might not be able to recognize it, but the Great Summer Dragon Sparrow who handed it over to Zhao Yesui would definitely know.

"Zhao Tu" is still a wanted criminal in the cognition of Daxia Longque after all, and Zhao Yesui's personal hidden task is still in their hands, so it would be unwise to turn against them at this time.

So, Zhao Yesui thought for a while and took out "Glamorgan's Curse".

The length of the sword is 80 centimeters, the blade is an acute isosceles triangle, and the grip is short, which can only be held in one hand. This unknown knight's sword has been sealed in the Daxia Sword Cave for decades, and it will finally be released today. The sheath sees blood.

Zhao Yesui said softly, "LOYALTYISTHEROADTOHONOR."

The next moment, the pitch-black sword puppet emerged in the void, and gradually solidified, shrouding Zhao Ye's jacket in it.

When the sword puppet was completely revealed, there was only one evil knight standing there.

When the Great Xia Longque handed Glamorgan's curse to Zhao Yesui, he told him that this sword puppet was a sword puppet cast in Old Rome two hundred years ago, so the shape was naturally the same as that of Old Rome.

The dark knight's armor has blood-colored patterns interlaced with light and dark, and there is a faint dark atmosphere. The whole sword puppet presents an ominous atmosphere. Just by watching, there will be a feeling of "this sword puppet is really a magic sword".

Because of this, its appearance features are too conspicuous.

Of course, Zhao Yesui has his own plan.

He took out a cubic meter of processed flesh and blood from the inventory that had been stored before, and then began to cast the flesh spell.

As a qualified Flesh Mage, of course, you can't expect to have the right casting materials all the time. Although the Flesh Mage is like the Necromancer, most of the materials come from the enemy, but you must have certain reserves.

As Zhao Yesang recited the incantation, the flesh-and-blood cube in front of him began to wriggle on its own, and then, as if possessing spiritual wisdom, dozens of tentacles were separated, and they fluttered and rolled over to Zhao Yesang's body.

This is a flesh and blood spell, a flesh and blood equipment, which can be cast on any equipment and turn it into equipment identified as a flesh and blood weapon. It is divided into two types: permanent and temporary.

It takes too long to be permanent, and due to the particularity of the sword puppet, this kind of spell cannot take effect permanently, so Zhao Yejiao chose only a temporary flesh-and-blood outfit.

Soon, the flesh and blood seemed to melt into the sword puppet, merging with the original dark sword puppet, and the originally dark knight armor turned into a ferocious scarlet beast at this moment.

Even if the cursed swordsmith of Glan Morgan is reincarnated, he will not recognize the sword puppet he made with his own hands.

After examining his current situation, Zhao Yesui nodded with satisfaction, and then took out Tianmo Dazzling and put a flesh-and-blood costume on Tianmo Dazzling to keep the overall equipment style consistent.

After the preparations were completed, Zhao Yesui planned to set off.

But at this moment, Zhao Yesui heard the prompt of the game of destiny:

[Same element detected...]

[Famous sword level sword puppet detected]

["Tianshu" will take effect automatically]


After that, Zhao Yesui keenly slept in his body, the part of the Great Xia Zhenguo sword "Beidou", "Tianshu", which started to function at this moment.

It seemed to move the stars above the nine heavens, and illusory starlight sprinkled along with it, making Zhao Yesao bathe in it.


Zhao Yeshou slowly put out a question mark.

No, bro, I'm going to kill someone, do you think I'm not revealing fast enough by giving me this special effect? Or, is this your purpose? ? ? ? ? ?

Soon, Zhao Yesui thought of something and ran towards the stairs. When he reached the closed space, he still felt that he was illuminated by starlight.

So he asked the girl, "Miss Guide, can you see me? Is there any special situation on my side?"

The girl hesitated and said, "Yes, but it's a little blurry, you seem to be shrouded in something that I can't see..."


Zhao Ye's heart moved slightly and asked: "So, this kind of thing does not exist in substance, but some kind of invisible energy? Will it make your observations deviate to a certain extent?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ....

P.S. It's so quiet today...don't know why...

It seems that my voice is very obvious (X

Chapter 412 Reach the highest city in the world

"Well, at least I really can't see what's around you..."

Miss Guide said in confusion: "Besides, I don't seem to understand what you said here..."

Indeed, Zhao Yesui now listened to what the guide said, as if there was a layer of cloth, and it seemed a little blurry.

So, the role of this "Tianshu" is to put on an invisibility cloak for me?

That would be a bit too cheap, as a component of the Zhenguo Divine Sword...

Just as Zhao Yesang was thinking about it, he heard the following prompt from the game of destiny:

["Tianshu" has been triggered]

[Selecting the Pleiades for you...]

[unable to judge]

[unable to judge]

[unable to judge]

[Leave it to you]

At the same time as the fate game issued a prompt, Zhao Yesui felt that his will seemed to have reached the high sky above the sky, and he saw the bright galaxy.

Logically speaking, the next step should be to choose a Pleiades for him based on something like his birth date and the Eight Characters Transcendent System.

But "Tianshu" didn't seem to be able to judge, and after being down for a long time, he handed over the choice to himself.

"So, what stars and what stars are these..."

Zhao Yesui looked at the stars in the sky and fell into contemplation.

He can indeed see the stars, but he only "sees" them.

The stars couldn't see him, he couldn't actually touch them, and there was a sadly thick barrier between them.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yesui temporarily withdrew from this special state.

Although I don't know what the Pleiades do, it must be something like a bonus.

If it's all positive buffs, it's fine, but it's a big deal to choose one with a smaller bonus, but if it's a negative buff, then the fun will be great.

And, for what's to be done tonight, no extra boost is needed.

Zhao Yeshi thought for a while, and began to try to block the "Tianshu" signal.

It is not to let the "Tianshu" fall into a dormant state, but to block the signal it sends to the main component.

Zhao Yesang is going to attack the children of the big Xia family tonight. Although I don't know what the relationship between the eldest princess and "Zhao Tu" is, Zhao Yesang has no idea of ​​pinning his own affairs on luck. .

Soon, Zhao Yesui figured out a way to retain the effect of "Tianshu" without letting it send a signal.

As long as the "Tianshu" is wrapped with ember fire, it will not send out signals, but the starlight caused by it will still remain.

"Although I haven't quite figured out what that Pleiades is, it's just as useful as an invisibility cloak..."

Zhao Yeshou nodded with satisfaction.

