MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.350Mar 06, 2023


At the very beginning, when the "Tianshu" was implanted into his body, the people of Daxia Longque said that "Tianshu" is not only a kind of restraint, but also a kind of help, which is probably the way it is now.

Otherwise, as a component of the Zhenguo Excalibur, it turns out that it can only be used as a bomb collar, which is a bit too cheap.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

Although she still doesn't know the true identity of the guide lady, she can make her "all-knowing and all-seeing" vision deviated, presumably other means will only be less effective, adding an extra layer of insurance for Zhao Yesui's actions.

He wasn't just going to do it.

Although it's good to have a long flow, Zhao Yesui still thinks that every stroke is a big job, and it's not good to have a flood.

After I leave this scene, let him flood.JPG

After fiddling around, Zhao Yeshao breathed softly and said to the guide lady, "Okay, it's alright."

"Then please help me lead the way."

The girl was lying on the bed, and the candles by the bed were intertwined, reflecting her clear eyes and beautiful face.

For some reason, her face was a little apprehensive, but it was more joy that she was about to touch the new world.

So, she nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

The next moment, the scarlet beast wearing the cloak of starlight jumped down from the rooftop.

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

It has been 30 years since Hezhou became the ghost he is today.

Although it is still called a sovereign country internationally, the actual situation can only be said to be understood.

And when a country has a tendency to transform into a colony, it will inevitably encounter economic exploitation, cultural invasion and political slavery.

Although the two sides will try their best to show their advantages on the bright side because they are at the forefront of the confrontation, there are still shocking sins in the shadows where the sun can't shine.

Lin Youde, male, 27 years old, is the plenipotentiary agent of the Daxia Yunding Chamber of Commerce in Hezhou. This is his official identity, and it is also an identity used to cover up his private activities.

The Lin family is a veritable aristocratic family in Daxia, and its influence has penetrated into the three worlds of politics, business, and military. Of course, there are their people in every industry.

Such a level of clan power has a complete economic backbone, political power and territorial power, but when the power of the central government is still strong, it temporarily echoes the voice of the central government.

In order to support such a large family, it is only a business on the bright side, and it cannot make it work normally.

What's more, people's desires are endless. As long as they have the ability to usurp interests, then people with ambition will naturally seize them and not let go.

Today's Hezhou is an excellent place for ambitions to realize their desires.

The domestic political situation is stable and the supervision is strict, but Hezhou is different.

Xihe Continent is an open-pit gold mine for a powerful force that already has the status of calling for wind and rain in Daxia.

Of course, even the most daring worms would not dare to expose their deeds on the surface, but not necessarily in the dark.

Imperial City, Plum and Bamboo Museum.

Lin Youde was lying on his side on the meat futon, surrounded by beautiful girls in gauze clothes, they were wearing the most respectful smiles and serving this distinguished guest from Daxia.

However, there was still fear in his eyes.

Because they had heard of the "prestige" of the person in front of them.

I heard that he likes to try the sword with a living person to feed his famous sword "Red Wish". Among them, he likes to try the sword with a beautiful woman the most.

Although no one had ever seen him unfold the sword puppet with his own eyes, among the people they knew, there were indeed people who disappeared for no reason after contacting this "VIP".

Moreover, today this "VIP" doesn't seem to be in a good mood, with a gloomy expression, even if they tried to please him, it was to no avail.

Lin Youde looked at the dancers dancing in front of him with blurred eyes, and unconsciously fixed his eyes on one of the dancers, who was slender and unskilled in movements.

She looks the youngest, and seems to be a newcomer. Her face is still a little green, and her movements are a little unnatural. It seems that she is not used to showing the beauty of her body to outsiders.

"It's nice to be young..."

Lin Youde suddenly sighed, and the people around didn't understand why he said that. Only the beautiful girl sitting beside him noticed that Lin Youde's fingers were unconsciously rubbing the hilt of the sword around his waist.

Those who can accompany Lin Youde are naturally the most lively people, and almost immediately thought of that daunting conjecture.

No matter how much she has experienced, when she thinks of this possibility, her body still trembles, and the expression on her face becomes a little stiff.

But even if he lets go of the waves again, Lin Youde is still a swordsman who is capable of commanding a famous sword.

This kind of subtle body change may be difficult for ordinary people to detect, but for a swordsman, if he couldn't even detect the reaction of the person next to him, he would have died in the sword puppet duel long ago.

Lin Youde withdrew his gaze, looked at Meiji beside him with a half-smile, and whispered in her ear, "Come with me today, okay?"

Mei Ji was so frightened that her face turned pale, but Lin Youde just looked at her quietly, lifted her chin, and stared at her with cold eyes.

So, she could only nod her head with difficulty, and said in a tone that almost burst into tears: "...Okay, my lord."

Seeing her like this, Lin Youde's mood improved, his expression was no longer gloomy, and he looked at the performance in front of him with a smile.

The beauties around him were deeply moved, but they could only continue to forcefully smile and serve him.

It didn't take long for the person Lin Youde was waiting for to arrive in a hurry.

He didn't cast his eyes on Yingyingyanyan, who was full of people in the room. As soon as he entered the door, he knelt on the ground in a posture of sitting on the ground, and said respectfully, "My lord, it's too late to get down."

"It didn't take long."

Lin Youde looked at him with a smile, but he couldn't see the slightest smile: "Of course it doesn't matter if I wait for you for a while. My time is not valuable, and it's okay to have a beautiful company."

"However, if the thirty-four freighters of my Lin family are waiting for you, then you will be guilty of a great sin."

"Time is money, He Ye-jun, my temper is not bad, but the temper of the swordsmith hired by my family is not very good."

The man who was kneeling on the ground was in a cold sweat, his head was on the ground, and he said repeatedly: "Please forgive me, my lord, because of the recent batch of the most dark sword puppets, whether it is Xihezhou, Donghezhou, or the emperor. The city has stepped up its vigilance, and we really can't gather so many 'sacrifices' as scheduled..."


The man's words were smashed by a flying vase.

The crisp sound triggered by the vase and the head reverberated in the room, and the bright red blood flowed out, which together with the gurgling water and the delicate flower arrangement formed a strangely beautiful scene.

"You can tell that swordsmith about this, okay?"

The smile on Lin Youde's face disappeared completely. He looked down at the man and said, "Do you know how much work and how much my Lin family spent to win over the swordsmith who knew how to cast Gorefiend?"

"He only promised to work for us for five years, and every minute and second of idling during this period was a waste of money. If you can convince him to delay the time, I will let it go, how about it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you are also a swordsman, so if you still can't finish it by then, how about using the traditional sword casting method to cast you into a sword puppet to fill the hole?" Zhong Longhe Ye Jian', sounds pretty good too, doesn't it?"

The naked threat and the burning pain from his head were all rushing through the man's nerves, but he still didn't dare to raise his head, let alone raise any resistance.

Because in front of him is not just Lin Youde, or the Daxia Lin family, but an abstract concept.

Maybe someone who didn't have a broken spine would have such courage, but that kind of person is probably extinct in the current Hezhou.

Lin Youde withdrew his gaze, embraced Meiji beside him, and said lightly: "I don't care what method you use, to threaten to kidnap and loot, in short, in a week, I want to see 20,000 qualified 'sacrifices' ', don't try to get away with crooked melons and cracked dates, you know the consequences."

"Remember, in this hellish place, there are countless people who want to be the dog of my Lin family. You are just one of the more useful ones. If you can't fulfill your obligations, then I can only treat you well. Cooking a meal can be regarded as an explanation for our long-standing friendship between monarchs and ministers."

Twenty thousand...

The man's heart was bitter, but he didn't dare to say a word, he could only claim it was.

"Go away when you know."

Lin Youde said casually: "By the way, remember, you, Zhonglong and Ye, are the leader of the Xihezhou underground gang and the Dragon Gang. The reason why people were hunted down this time is because you were fascinated by ghosts. On the blood spirit ritual - understand?"

"If our stubborn Governor-General asks, do you know how to answer?"

The man, Zhong Longhe also immediately bowed his head: "Understood, my lord."

Soon, Zhonglong He also left the room, and after that, the atmosphere in the room gradually became ambiguous.

Push the cup for a change, and you are drunk with gold.

Shengge Yanwu, don't be impatient.

Just when the atmosphere was about to reach its peak, Lin Youde couldn't help but want to take away Meiji beside him, when someone politely knocked on the door.

Or rather, knock on the window.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Youde?"

"I'm here to fix the water pipe, can I make it easier?"

...................................................... ...................................................... .........

P.S. According to statistics, plus the first two days, I only owe a total of 14 shifts.

Little thing, that's why I'm not afraid to open a bounty, because I'm completely dissatisfied with the vote~( ̄▽ ̄~)(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Chapter four hundred and thirteenth hum ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

pipe repairing?

This seems to be some kind of special reserved item of Hezhou, but Lin Youde, who is from Daxia, obviously can't get the point.

On the contrary, when he realized that he had not noticed anyone outside the window before, Lin Youde's pupils shrank violently, he pushed the beauties away from him, and then held the famous sword Hongyuan around his waist. said:

"May my heart be like a red ling, full of sincerity and passion."

The bright red sword puppet appeared on his body and solidified in an instant.

Unlike the standard sword puppet, as a real sword puppet, it is also a sword puppet of the famous sword level. If you really want to summon it, you only need a thought.

However, Zhao Yesui has practiced, this world is indeed the world of swordsmen, with a setting similar to fashion value.

The more solemn the ceremony of performing the swordsmanship, the more profound and mysterious help one can obtain.

This is probably the "law related to this world will be improved" that was prompted at the beginning of the game of destiny.

If you can't beat it, join in. Although Zhao Yejia thinks this setting is a bit too much, after trying it out for himself, it's still really fragrant.

After the sword puppet was wearing the armor, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't completely relax, but rushed out immediately.

- rushed to the door.

The son of the daughter can't sit in the hall. As a direct descendant of the Lin family, of course, it is impossible for him to rashly fight against a swordsman of unknown origin.

What if you win? This kind of thing, of course, is left to the next person to do.

"Damn, each of them is a rice bucket, and people can't even notice it when they touch such a close distance. Thanks to me, I spent a lot of effort to bring this whole security system from Daxia...!"

At the speed of "Red Wish", Lin Youde moved to the door of the room in an instant. He shouted "attacked" and planned to leave the room directly.

However, at this moment, a pitch-black long sword broke through the window and slashed towards him from behind.


Lin Youde gritted his teeth and decisively turned back to meet the enemy.

Although he has been pampered for a long time, his instinct as a swordsman has not declined. If he only wants to escape at this time, he will only put himself into a more dangerous situation.


The two long swords collided with each other, and a violent air wave burst out, sending everyone who was still in the room tossed.

It was at this time that Lin Youde finally saw the swordsman who called himself a "pipe repairer".

The dazzling cloak like a dream is spreading out with the air waves, but under the cloak is a scarlet beast that seems to be seeping blood. The two form a strong contrast, which makes people feel shocking.

"Who are you!"

While facing the sword, Lin Youde shouted loudly, "Who dares to attack the citizens of Daxia here!"

The scarlet beast didn't say a word, just took a step forward and slashed at Lin Youde again.

Seeing that the other party was aggressive and had no intention of communicating, Lin Youde faintly realized that this matter was probably impossible to do well. He gritted his teeth, and with the momentum of the conflict between the two, he flew backwards and crashed into the wooden wall. .

It was also at this moment that Lin Youde finally heard the first and only sound of the scarlet beast in front of him so far.

He chuckled lightly.


Why? Did I do something to make him laugh?

Why do enemies laugh?

Lin Youde's mind changed sharply, but he could never imagine where he went wrong with such a cautious step.

Of course, that's right. It was a very cautious step to distance himself from the unknown enemy, call for help at the same time, and wait for the rescue of his companions, and it didn't match his age at all.

It stands to reason that it is difficult for a person of his age and a high-ranking person to remain calm when faced with such a thing. After all, as a swordsman, who would think about running first when they encounter something?

