MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.357Mar 06, 2023


"Hey, you reminded me three times in a row... Does this count the Darkest Sword Puppet I carry on my body? If you count it, it's a bit outrageous, what the **** is the prisoner? …”

Asakami Yu unconsciously rubbed the hilt of the sword around his waist and fell into deep thought.

When the police officer saw his action, he unconsciously turned his attention to the saber on Yuu Asaka's waist, with an inevitable look of envy in his eyes.

Because that is the most advanced sword puppet in the world today, it is named the existence of the darkest sword puppet by countries around the world.

At the same time, it is also the "culprit" that Hezhou once again became the front line of the war.

It has been said before that the Darkest Sword Puppet is used as a law enforcement sword puppet of the Imperial City Guard, and Yuu Asakami is the Darkest Swordsman who holds a Darkest Sword Puppet.

The reason why I called him over this time was just because a high-end combat power was needed to control the field, but the other Darkest Swordsmen all had their own powers, and only Asaka Yu was lonely and helpless, just a simple thug, such an errand runner. Of course he did the work.

"If you count the Darkest Sword Puppet, and the game of destiny still gives such a rating, then Lin Youde's death is not wrong. The water behind this matter is deeper than I imagined..."

After thinking for a while, Yuu Asagami came back to his senses and said to the police officer in front of him, "Why, has it been decided to name this criminal swordsman the 'Sword Puppet Demon'?"

"It has not been finalized for the time being, because the standard of this crime is very high, but in this case, I am afraid there is no way to determine it."

The police officer replied: "However, Mr. Lin Youde has a special identity, and this criminal swordsman is not like a newcomer in terms of the level of crime and social harm, so he may be named that way in the end."

This world has a very strange ethos of accusing criminal swordsmen.

The charge of crime, that is, an alternative title, belongs only to the nickname of criminals.

Zhao Yesui didn't understand this trend from the very beginning. He named the terrorist because he was afraid that his reputation wasn't big enough, right? In order to allow the public to remember them more clearly, they also have a nickname that is easy to remember. What is this?

But in short, this world has such a custom, and there are strict rules for naming crimes.

"Ghost" is the highest "praise" and "affirmation" of terrorists in a sense.

For example, Zhao Tu's crime is that demons cast ghosts. It's simple and easy to remember and catchy, so much so that the mention of this title can stop a child from crying.

"Is that so..."

Asakami Yu shrugged, and was about to ask some more questions when another police officer hurried over and said to Asaka Yu: "Asuka Police Department, the people from Daxia are here, do you think... ...?"

"You want me to bow again, right?" Asaka Yu rolled his eyes: "Only me, who has a police title but no real power, can be bullied. It's suitable for this kind of occasion, right?"

The police department can say that it is high or low, and it is just that it can receive certain characters, and then it can lower its face and nod and bow to them.

The two police officers looked at each other and said flatteringly: "How come, you are a genius swordsman who can manipulate the Dark Sword Puppet, the guards are all relying on you."

Afterwards, they bowed deeply to Yuu Asaka: "Please also ask the Asaka Police Department for your generous support."

Asaka Yu's expression distorted for a moment, and I really want to tear up the stupid police uniform on this body now, I quit!

In the past few days, he has suffered too much anger because of this status. If he didn't take into account the main quest, and he took the dark sword puppet without permission to accept the punishment of the game of fate, he would have brought the dark sword puppet with him. run away.

"Forget it, the task is important, the task is important..."

After muttering a few words, Yu Asakami finally held back and followed the police officer in a certain direction.

Soon, in the splendid hall of the Yunding Chamber of Commerce, Asaka Yu saw a meticulous woman.

"The military attache of Daxia's embassy in the Imperial City, Lin Yi." She introduced calmly.

Seeing that she didn't look like the kind of person with a nose above her eyes, Yuu Asakami breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Imperial City Guard, Yuu Asagami."

After exchanging names and having a brief exchange of words, the two sides were planning to go to the next step of wrangling about the case... I mean, during the exchange, another police officer hurried in and looked at the two of them. Embarrassed, he said, "Shallow the police department, the people from New Rome are here."

"Come here?" Asakami Yu was not surprised. Daxia people died. Can New Rome come to dinner?

"Then let him in, you can't stop him anyway."

The policeman bowed in relief and walked out. After a while, a woman in a top hat and a men's suit walked in with a smile.

puppet master.

Yuu Asakami couldn't help but sighed again.

Sure enough, it is impossible for my teammates to settle down...

"Do you mind if I sit in?" The puppet master said with a smile, "I don't need to speak."

Lin Yi glanced at her lightly, but didn't speak, Yu Asakami considered that everyone was going to carry out the main quest together next time, and this was not the right time to tear up your face, so he said, "Please take a seat, this friend of New Rome. "

After the puppet master was seated, the three of them did not speak for a while.

Sure enough, after a while, another police officer came in.

It's just that the name he said this time caught everyone's attention.

"Asakami Police Department, the representative of the Jigong family is here."

The police officer who came to report the letter had a strange expression: "But... there is no such person in our bureau's records..."

"Oh?" Asakami Yu's heart moved slightly, and he asked, "Did he say what his name was?"

The policeman recalled and said hesitantly, "He said, his name is..."

"Jigong welcomes summer."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......

P.S. Shura, be patient!

Chapter 420 I, the son-in-law of the Ji Gong family, make money!

Hime Palace.....Welcome to summer?

Asakami Yu was slightly taken aback, not because he recognized the visitor, but because he remembered that Ji Gong Ling's identity in this world was a member of the Ji Gong family.

As a wanted criminal wanted by Zhaoqi Taisha, although Jigong Ling has already said that he will not care about him in this scene, when he meets Jigong Ling, he still has a subtle feeling of a thief encountering an officer.

But when he glanced around, he noticed that the expressions of the other two present were a little strange.

The puppet master raised his eyebrows and waited for the appearance of this "Jigong Yingxia" with a lively look, while Lin Yi frowned slightly, as if he had seen something incredible.


No, you all know me, am I the only one who is an idiot?

Asakami Yu looked at a loss, but still said to the police officer: "It's okay, if it's the representative of the Ji Gong family, then of course he can't be stopped outside, please come in."

"If not, then I have my own way to judge."

The policeman responded and left.

It didn't take long for a familiar figure to appear at the door, and raised his hand to say hello: "Good evening everyone, are you all...?"

The envoy of the Ji Gong family who came in, Ji Gong Yingxia, was of course Zhao Yeshou.

He had long known that he would meet an acquaintance this time, because on the way out, he saw Yu Asakami with a Sima face sitting in the back seat of the police car, heading towards the Yunding Chamber of Commerce.

As for encountering a puppet master, that is also expected.

He is the ambassador of New Rome to the imperial city. If this incident happened, it is necessary to come over and gloat at the misfortune, and if necessary, make a fuss.

Moreover, as a player, I encountered an incident that shocked the whole city, but it is impossible to come and see.

Zhao Yesui guessed that Mr. Ivanov should be peeping at some corner now, but he couldn't reasonably enter because he didn't have an official identity.

But meeting Lin Yi here was something Zhao Yesui could not have imagined at all.

No, aren't you the one that Daxia Longque sent as my contact person this time? Why do you still have a part-time job of investigating cases and chasing murderers?

But the eyes of the two sides are only a little touch, and they are not too entangled.

Zhao Yesui knew that Lin Yi was on a secret mission this time, and Lin Yi also knew that he was carrying out an infiltration mission.

"Mr. Dongjun... ah no, Mr. Yama... neither"

Asakami Yu saw that it was Zhao Yesui who came in, and couldn't help but be surprised.

Carrying out the mission in this scene full of fools made Yuu Asagami nostalgic for the days when he and Zhao Yesui did the mission together.

You don't have to think about what to do, just follow Zhao Yesang's instructions and act, and it turns out that Zhao Yesang has no reservations about them. On the contrary, under Zhao Yesang's command, they have obtained their The best review I can get.

The contrast produces beauty, so that Yu Asakami now has a feeling of meeting Zhao Yeshou in a foreign country.

But soon, Yu Asakami remembered that there were outsiders present, coughed lightly and said, "So, are you the representative sent by the Ji Gong family, Mr. Ji Gong Yingxia?"

"But I don't seem to have heard of such a character in the Jigong family..."

Appropriate inquiries are necessary. This is for outsiders present. Although I don't know the real situation, as long as Zhao Yesui gives a passable reason, Asaka Yu will pretend to know nothing.

However, Zhao Yesui smiled and gave Ling Asakami Yuu and another girl present petrified on the spot.

"Ah, it's normal not to know me, because before today, I didn't call Ji Gong Yingxia."


Both Yu Qiangami and Lin Yi could not help but slowly put a question mark, but the puppet master looked at Zhao Yesao with a smile as if everything was under control.

"what do you mean......?"

Asakami Yu couldn't understand what Zhao Yesui wanted to do, and winked at him frantically.

Brother, you have to give me a step before I can let you down. When you come up, you just say "I'm not Ji Gong Ying Xia", how can I help you out? ? ? ? ? ?

Fortunately, Zhao Yesui didn't have the idea of ​​selling off, and said with a smile: "Because just today, I just married Lingyin, and I also changed my surname to Jigong."

"Oh, it turns out that I got married and changed my surname..." Asaka nodded leisurely: "That's no wonder..."

After a few seconds, he realized what Zhao Yesui had just said, and mechanically turned his head to Zhao Yesang little by little, and said, "What did you just say??????"

"You and that Himemiya married the head of the Hime Palace????"

For Asakami Yu, this is indeed a big news.

It is precisely because he is a player from Yingzhou that he can better understand the meaning of the name "Jimiya Ling" to Yingzhou.

The supreme leader of the present world, the future successor of Zhaoqi Taisha is a sure thing, one person is under ten thousand people, and it can be said that he has a promising future.

Although Mr. Dongjun is indeed very good, what happened to make them get married in less than a day...

Did they know each other before?

"Anyway, that's what happened. Miss Ji Gong's choice of me is indeed something I never thought of before. It's like a dream."

Zhao Yeshou pretended to sigh with emotion, and then took his seat.

Lin Yize was at a loss when the name "Jigong Yingxia" first came out, and now it is completely down.

The fake identity "Chen Yingxia" was secretly created by Daxia Longque, so of course Daxia Longque knew this identity.

At the same time, Daxia Longque has indeed conducted relevant investigations, and it was precisely because it was confirmed that Zhao Tu and Ji Gong Lingyin had a relationship beyond friendship that Zhao Tu was chosen to perform this task this time.


You TM only arrived at the Imperial City in less than a day! Hey! ! !

Even if you used to have a good relationship with Himemiya Ayane, that's in the past. It's been so long, how on earth did you persuade Himemiya Ayane to marry you in less than a day? ! ! !

Lin Yi was calm on the surface, but his heart was already ups and downs.

Daxia Longque has conducted investigations on various influential figures in the world, and of course Ayane Himimiya is among them.

Although there is not much information, none of the known information indicates that the eldest lady of the Himimiya family is a love-minded person.

So, how on earth did you get a well-respected person in power to drop everything and marry you, a terrorist, in less than a day?

Could it be...brainwashing?

After thinking about it, it is more reasonable that "Zhao Tu performed hypnosis training on Ji Gong Patriarch".

So, this time, did Zhao Tu re-contact Himemiya Ayane and trigger the hypnosis mode set before?

Just when Lin Yi was thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, the puppet master generously sent blessings.

The puppet master looked as if he had known it for a long time, smiled and said: "It's really surprising news, then, on behalf of the new Roman Empire, I would like to send blessings to the two newlyweds. After that, we will prepare a wedding gift to send. Come to the mansion to express your feelings. However, it seems that the good news between the two of you has not been announced yet?"

"It will be announced tomorrow." Zhao Yesui looked at the puppet master who seemed to have a deep meaning, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Today the incident happened suddenly, and I didn't have time to announce it. By tomorrow, Lingyin will announce to you and the forces behind you. notified."

It looks like the puppet master already knows about this...

So, where did the information leak, or did she learn about it through some extraordinary means?

"It will be announced tomorrow..." Asakami Yu still couldn't understand, but he still remembered that he should not know "Jigong Yingxia" at the moment, so he coughed lightly and said, "Cough, then wish you all the best. Happy wedding?"

Speaking of which, Yuu Asakami's expression was very strange.

According to his attitude towards the Discord Society, if it were someone else, he would definitely spread this kind of lace news to the world without saying a word, but the person involved in the incident was Mr. Dongjun...

Although according to common sense, there seems to be nothing to blame for this kind of thing that you love and I wish for, at most it is just a momentary talk for players, but Asaka Yu always has an inexplicable hunch that if this matter is exposed, then, Very bad things will happen.

