MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.363Mar 06, 2023


"Tsk, these mud legs of the Northern Alliance..."

The puppet master tutted unpleasantly, jumped at the same time, and jumped down from the second floor.

Ivanov's footsteps never stopped, he hugged the steel puppet and rushed out of the balcony, and the latter two hit the ground heavily, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

The steel puppet also stretched out his arms, trying to grab Ivanov, but Ivanov just stared at it coldly, his muscles moving as if they had life, and they opened up in an instant. The embrace of the Iron Golem.

Ivanov stretched out his hands, pinched the head of the steel puppet, and then exerted force with both hands, a steel twist sounded, and the steel puppet was forcibly torn in half, and Ivanov threw it aside.

He looked in the direction of the puppet master, and there were already one after another puppets approaching him, trying to block his way.

Ivanov just charged silently.

The encircling net formed by the puppets became scattered before his unstoppable charge. Under the shroud of the "North Alliance Truth", all the extravagant abilities would be ineffective, and everything would return to the most primitive state of hand-to-hand combat.

However, even a puppet specially made for Beilian players that conforms to the truth of Beilian, it is difficult to rely on the core of self-discipline to resist a player who is enough to match Zhao Yesao.

The silk thread in the puppet master's hand flew, wrapped around the tree trunk in the distance, pulling her body away, but Ivanov's speed was faster than this, and he was about to catch up with the puppet master and violently output to her.

The puppet master turned around, pulled out a delicate brass handgun, and shot at Ivanov in mid-air, but Ivanov just covered his eyes with his hands, and then proceeded desperately. charge.

"So, you crazy people are really disgusting..."

The puppet master sighed lightly, took out a suitcase in mid-air, opened it, and a cloak with fluorescent light emerged behind her, leading her to the edge of the truth of the Northern Alliance.

As the price of forced operation, this puppet, which took her a lot of effort to make, was also scrapped.

Ivanov is still some distance away from him, he can't flash, he can only speed up clumsily, which is also one of the tactics that many players will adopt when facing players from the Northern Alliance.

fly a kite.

Beilian players are very similar to the monks who have set the precepts in DND. They have powerful magic immunity and a tyrannical body, but they cannot use equipment or make spells work on themselves.

What makes them more powerful than Discipline Monks is that they can make their opponents use their supernatural abilities.

Pull the opponent into the same field as yourself, and then use your rich experience to defeat him.

But even so, a single fighting method is still their fatal flaw. Players of the same level can pay a high price to temporarily get rid of the limitations of the truth of the Northern Alliance, thus gaining a short-term advantage in the battle.

For example now.

Even if she paid the price of a common puppet, the puppet master has already drawn a long distance from Ivanov. As long as she takes one step forward, she will be able to temporarily get rid of the shackles of the truth of the Northern Alliance, so as to expand the puppet, whether it is There is a choice to fight or to flee.


The puppet master looked at the peaceful block in front of him and sighed, but did not take this step towards freedom.

"I remember, in my impression it wasn't you who was chasing me..."

The puppet master didn't forget that he went to tease Zhao Yesao first, and then planned to see Zhao Yesao's reaction.

Who knew that Zhao Yesui would kill him directly, and then she planned to test Zhao Yesang's trump card, but it turned out to be a mud leg from the Northern Alliance.

So, where is Mr. Yama, who originally planned to take his head directly?

It is impossible to lose yourself in the city.

The puppet master had reason to believe that in the "freedom" ahead, there was a crisis that would make her bones buried.

But there is still Ivanov who is getting closer and closer, and an unknown enemy is lurking ahead. It can be said that there are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

"So that's the case, is it Yang Conspiracy?"

At this time, the puppet master chuckled lightly: "Is it true that you use the way of others to treat others, do you hold revenge like this?"

The puppet master now has only two options.

One is to step forward and meet the impending crisis.

The other is to stay and wrestle in the realm of forbidden magic with a strong man who is immune to extraordinary abilities.

Neither is a good choice.

Just like the choice left by the puppet master to Zhao Yesui before.

Whether you choose to go here or go to the apartment on the other side, some kind of information about Zhao Yeshou will be exposed.

After thinking for a moment, the puppet master finally chose to wrap the street lamp in the distance with invisible silk thread, so that his figure moved with it.

She is a puppet master, and most of her strength is in the puppets she made. In this area shrouded in the truth of the Northern Alliance, not only is she unable to communicate with the puppets from the outside world, but even the deployment of her own puppets will be limited everywhere.

The lesser of two evils, although knowing that there is danger ahead, the puppet master can only step into this trap without hesitation.

This is also something that can't be helped. Ivanov's ability is too restrained by her, and both sides are players of the same level, let alone facing another player, that is, Zhao Yesang's attack.

Even if it is any other player, it may not be able to perform better than her.

It was also at the moment when she left that You Huanghuang Sword Qi descended on her from the sky to judge.

Time seemed to stagnate at this moment, and only the brilliant sword energy remained in the puppet master's vision.

No, it wasn't an illusion, but the speed of that sword energy was so fast that she had the illusion that time was stagnant.

Without hesitation, the suitcase that had been opened once was opened again, and a black shadow flowed out of the suitcase, forming the shape of a black cat.

But this black cat is not a black cat in the usual sense. If it must be described, it is a "paper cat".

It seems to exist only in two dimensions and exists in the form of a plane. Therefore, ordinary attacks from three dimensions cannot attack it in another dimension.

But this sword is the Taixu Sword God.

In the heavens and the world, in the eight deserts in the universe, there is nowhere to escape.

The black cat could only scream, and turned into a thick black shadow to surround the puppet master, but it also melted away under the brilliance of the sword.

The puppet master's mind moved slightly, and a suitcase was about to be opened again.

But just as the suitcase was about to be opened, an inexplicable force enveloped it, making it silently closed again.

Heavenly Damage Sword · Back to the wind and back to the fire.

A good puppet master will never let himself fall into a situation where there are no puppets available, but the puppet master has not prepared in advance due to some ulterior motive, so that now he can only watch himself being paid. The fire sword pierced through his chest.

What gushed out of the wound was not blood, but azure energy fluid.

The body of the puppet master is also a puppet, to be precise, a specialized command puppet.

The pale ember fire ignited, covering the entire body of the puppet master, erasing the last trace of her left in this world.

"Alala, it's so irritable, Mr. Yama..."

The puppet master stared at the fire sword that penetrated his chest, but did not do any countermeasures, just raised his head and smiled at the surrounding darkness and said, "I just said hello to you, why did you suddenly form a gang to kill me?"

"Did I do something wrong? Make you think I'm unleashing hostility towards you?"


Yama, or Zhao Yesui, did not speak, and there was only silence in the darkness as an answer to the puppet master.

"Really cautious, do you think I will take advantage of this time to fight back?"

The puppet master looked at his body bit by bit being swallowed up by the flames, opened his arms, and said with a sigh, "But it's alright, if you have grudges against me, then kill me first, if this is the case. If it can calm you down, that's even better."

"After all, what I'm about to say next may irritate you even more..."

The puppet master looked straight in front of him and said with a chuckle, "After this campaign, I want to turn you into my puppet more and more..."

"Such resoluteness, such ruthlessness, justice that is resolute and not pedantic... ahhh, it's so tempting."

In the darkness finally came a voice that could not distinguish the direction.

Very concise and clear:


"Wherever the **** comes from, crawl back to where it comes, don't be in heat with disgusting people on the street."

The female-heavy setting has been withdrawn from the environment (violence theory)

"Then let's try it."

The puppet master's body gradually turned to ashes, and the final voice turned into a murmuring: "Look at whether I turned you into a puppet in my palm, or whether you tamed me as your dead servant... ."

The little embers fluttered in the breeze, burying the sound.

It was not until after completing the one-stop service of killing, arson, and ashes that Zhao Yesui recalled the Sword of Fire and walked out of the darkness. Looking at the puppet master who had no ashes left, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily:

"It's not eldest sister, we just met, right? Love at first sight is not so outrageous, right? Or, you say that to everyone? 'You are the puppet I must get'? What slut."

Zhao Yesui was really speechless. He could understand that he was remembered because of the mission, but inexplicably being targeted by a slut, he really couldn't accept it.

If it was his original appearance, it would be fine. Zhao Yeshou could barely accept it, but now he bears the public face of Chen Yingxia, the kind that cannot be found on the street at all. How could anyone still treat him like a ban?

Or does the puppet master mean, "You are the one I love the most"?

Zhao Yesui, who is very loyal to his feelings, can't understand this absurd view of feelings.

Taking advantage of this kung fu, Ivanov has also come to his side, behind him are more than a dozen dilapidated puppets, at this moment fell to the ground in pieces, unable to move.


Ivanov frowned slightly and said, "It shouldn't be. Although we are working together, the subordinate of the oppressor can't be so weak..."

Zhao Yesui's plan was very simple. Ivanov launched the Northern Alliance truth, cut off the puppet master's manipulation of the puppet, and then pressed on step by step, forcing the puppet master to escape from the scope of the Northern Alliance truth.

Then, it was time to greet the Sword God of Taixu, Zhao Yeshou, who had been replaced by the title of "One Sword in Ten Years" and who had been accumulating power for a long time.

The key to the whole plan is Ivanov's Northern Union truth.

Otherwise, the puppet master can unfold the natal puppet he carries at any time, and the situation of one enemy two will turn into a situation where a group of puppets will fight Zhao Yesui and Ivanov.

At the same time, if there is no truth from the Northern Alliance, the puppet master can still manipulate the puppets in the entire city to burn all the jade and stones at the end, and even if it is bad, he can make the nearby puppets run wild.

This is Yang Conspiracy, a conspiracy set up by two very special beings in the hero class. It is very simple, but it is still very useful under absolute strength.

But even so, the puppet master shouldn't just die so easily.

At the moment when she was hit by Sword God Taixu, even with the restriction of returning wind and fire, Zhao Yesui felt that she could still deploy her puppet and make a desperate fight. It would be impossible for Zhao Yesao to do so little by then. Easy to win.

But the puppet master didn't do anything, just made a slutty declaration and peacefully welcomed his own death.

Moreover, the declaration also included turning Zhao Yesui into his own puppet Yunyun.


Zhao Yesui held the bone sword, listened for a while, then shrugged and said, "It's okay, I'm ready, she can't run away."

Seeing that he was so confident, Ivanov was a little puzzled, but in the end he chose to trust Zhao Yesui.

"It's all ordered..." After that, he glanced at his watch and sent an invitation to Zhao Yeshou: "Yam, where are you going? Why don't you have a drink with me?"

Zhao Yesui wanted to say that he was actually married. Tonight was the wedding night, but seeing Ivanov's sincere eyes, he didn't say it in the end. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

After this battle, he and Ivanov also became acquainted with each other, and the two of them were very close. Even this short battle was enough to relieve them from the initial jerky.

...................................................... ...................................................... ......

Just after Zhao Yesui and Ivanov smashed the puppet master to ashes, they found a tavern on the side of the road to prepare for the night.

in the apartment.

The puppet master, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, suddenly froze in his hand holding the remote control, and sighed helplessly:

"The Beilian people who killed a thousand knives, the truth of the Northern Alliance who killed a thousand knives..."

"I shouldn't have voted in favor of that CHAIRMAN's speech... Now it's better, it's become the cancer of the entire Xinghai..."

Having said that, the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "However, this is interesting, isn't it?"

"The host died, and now I'm the host."

...................................................... ...................................................... ...

P.S. I'm going to spend 5K to set an illustration. The domestic painting circle environment is really unbearable. It's not that the painting is not good, but how should I put it... There is always a feeling of being taken advantage of, because I The draft of the Sakura girl (X

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Seven Hime Miyaya: What the **** did you do on our wedding night ⑦k


The husband who was sitting on the sofa watching TV called to the room, and the girl with the ponytail ran out of the room.

After washing the dishes and drying the water stains on her hands, the wife also sat in front of the TV and greeted her daughter with her husband.

A happy sight.

The puppet master sighed softly and glanced at his inventory and skill columns.

