MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.403Mar 06, 2023


Just as Jigiya Aya was thinking deeply, someone knocked on the window.

Ji Gong Ling woke up from her thoughts, and then saw someone opened the window and climbed in on her own.

It was a sword puppet that seemed to be made of blood and flesh. It seemed to exude a **** aura all the time. Just looking at it made people feel chills.

And Ji Gong Ling, who has obtained relevant information, is very clear that this is the real body of the sword puppet evil ghost.

In other words, this is Zhao Yesui.

Ji Gongling raised her face, just when she was about to say something, Zhao Ye had already removed her armor, glanced at Ji Gongling, and said, "Miss Ji Gong, what, can you sing for me again? song?"


Ji Gongling looked at Zhao Yesang quietly, and the emotions that had just been brewing were interrupted by Zhao Yesang's words.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhao Ye took a seat in the room, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it in one go.

Ji Gongling originally wanted to maintain a serious attitude, but when she saw Zhao Yeshou, she subconsciously walked to his side and sat down.

Then woke up again.

No, I'm here to question him...!

But when Ji Gongling looked at Zhao Yesui, who was leaning on the sofa and showing a bit of exhaustion, she couldn't bear to ask him questions at this time, and finally she could only pull his body viciously over. Then he took out a bottle of elixir and poured it into Zhao Yesao's mouth.


Zhao Yesui blinked, drank the elixir in one gulp, and asked with hindsight, "Isn't this the same elixir from last time? Then I can't afford it, Miss Ji Gong, you have a solution. Take it out again?"

"No, don't worry, it's just an ordinary elixir."

Ji Gongling replied angrily, and then adjusted Zhao Yeshou's body so that he could lie down on the sofa in a comfortable position, and then gently sang a prayer.

The familiar tone made Zhao Yesui relax, close his eyes slightly, and enjoy the moment of peace after the war.

Seeing his undefended appearance, Hime Miyaya couldn't keep her originally stern face any longer, and gradually softened.

When the round of prayers ended, Zhao Yesui felt that the elixir was gradually exerting its effect in his body, filling his body.

This time, Zhao Yesui originally planned to use time-based skills to fight the enemy, but infiltrated three times in a row... or, Wushuang, it was too extreme. In the end, Zhao Yesui still used other skills. miracle.

As far as the law of time is concerned, Zhao Yesui has not even condensed miracles. If he plans to rely on time alone to be able to traverse the imperial city, he will underestimate the heroes of the world.

But after Zhao Yesui used other miracles, the situation reversed in an instant.

Although the top group among the players can fight back and forth with Zhao Yesao, Zhao Yesao is also a veritable warrior of the twelve hazes. The darkest swordsman ever, no one is his enemy.

The price is that the body is drained again.

To fight in three places in a row, but also to hide whereabouts, not to be caught, need to use a variety of skills.

But the end result is still perfect.

After a lot of consumption, of course, Zhao Yesui returned to Ji Gong's house.

He originally planned to find Miss Ji Gong who prostituted a prayer song for nothing, but he didn't expect Ji Gongling to give him another bottle of elixir. The consumption is not as severe as last time, and it has now recovered seven to eighty-eight.

Just when Zhao Yesang was enjoying Ji Gongling's one-on-one private service, Ji Gongling suddenly stopped her singing, and turned to Zhao Yesang and said seriously: "Mr. Yama, miracles and magic are not anything. Free stuff."

...................................................... ......................................

P.S. Daya's illustrations are out, but they can't be posted, so they can only be thrown into the group.

In addition, a friend asked why Xiao Zhao is currently back and forth with the puppet master, Ivanov and others, because they are all players who can match Xiao Zhao (X

Everyone is the strongest in a certain system in this level, and they all have their own secrets and abilities. Except for Yuu Asakami, no one will break it at a touch.

Sola of the brave class also belongs to this class. The reason why she is now the strongest king of Xinghai is because she has been conferred a **** long ago, but she has been suppressing herself. In theory, she cannot be counted as a king.

Chapter 462 I am the man of your boss's boss's boss

Aren't miracles and magic free?

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"Cash, or credit card?" Zhao Yesui raised his head and said sincerely to Ji Gongling.

The corners of Ji Gongling's mouth twitched at Zhao Yeshou's "going way". She didn't expect Zhao Yessang to react like this after she said such words.

Although Ji Gongling did intend to use such a riddleman's way to tell Zhao Yesao that he needed to pay something in exchange for his actions, but Zhao Yesang directly led this "price" to a dirty money transaction Above, it's true that Jigong Aya can't get it right.

At such a time, shouldn't you say something like "I owe you a favor" and "I'll help you next time when you need it"?

How come it's almost time to pay? ? ? ? ? ?

The reason why Zhao Yesui came to such a conclusion was due to a very simple factor.

For a long time, most of his transactions with other players were settled through money transactions, so now Zhao Yejiao thought of the price he needed to pay, and his thinking went straight to paying.

Ji Gongling opened her mouth, and then said helplessly: "I don't mean Mr. Yama, you need to give me game coins or something, and I don't lack these things..."

Not missing these things?

Hearing this remark, Zhao Yesui felt that his personality was insulted.

Could it be that just because you are not short of money, I will prostitute you for nothing?

how can that be!

How could someone like me, Zhao, be such a person who likes to prostitute for nothing!

Zhao Ye said righteously and sternly: "That won't work, even if we are husband and wife, but the brothers still make up the bill. Miss Ji Gong, please make an offer."

Seeing that Zhao Yesui finally entered her predetermined orbit, Ji Gongling let out a light sigh and became nervous at the same time.

Because she was about to make a request, a request that would allow her to gradually approach Zhao Yesao's true colors.

Before making the request, Ji Gong Ling first said: "Mr. Yama, I remember you said before that you are in a special state and can't get energy supply from the outside world, so you are so tired every time."

"From this time, it seems that you still haven't gotten rid of this state, then, I have a proposal."

After laying the groundwork for so long, Ji Gongling finally showed her fangs: "Let me help you recover, how?"

"If nothing else happens, Mr. Yama, you should face this situation many times. Then, if you have my help, you will be able to reduce your worries and let go."

"In this scene, I can always provide elixir as your backup, and if you need any other buffs, I can also apply it to you together."

In a sense, what Himimiya Aya said is not something that should be done in the category of "temporary teammates".

Although it is common sense that everyone has worked together, it does not mean that players have to sacrifice their own interests to work hard to complete the task. That is to say, helping Zhao Yesui is a love, not helping is a duty.

Zhao Yesui has never thought of moral kidnapping. Although I don't know why Ji Gongling suddenly changed from a gentle wife to a caring housewife, Zhao Yesang still understands it.

So, after thinking about it, he said, "Then, Miss Ji Gong, what is the price?"

The corners of Ji Gongling's mouth twitched, and she said with a chuckle, "I wonder if Mr. Yama has heard a sentence called 'loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty'."

"Of course, it's normal for couples to keep a little private space, but I think I don't know Mr. Yama too well, so I hope to know some of your little secrets."

"Every time you provide you with a treatment, you answer one of my questions, how about it? This is an unprecedented one-on-one personal service from the current **** and witch of the Teruchi Taisha. It's worth it, right?"

Ask me a question?

For a moment, Zhao Yesang didn't know what kind of style Ji Gongling was smoking.

In all fairness, Zhao Yesang felt that this proposal was not too much, because there were some secrets that could not be known by others. Even if Ji Gongling asked, Zhao Yesang would definitely not answer her.

Besides, he has nothing to hide.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhao Yeshi said: "Yes, but if it is too personal or too sensitive, please forgive me for not being able to answer."

Ji Gongling didn't expect Zhao Yesui to do this, so she nodded and said, "Then, it's settled."

"So, does the agreement take effect from now on?" Zhao Yesui felt that as a beneficiary, he should be more generous, and said, "Just take it from now on, Miss Ji Gong, you can ask me a question now. "

Ji Gongling was a little surprised. Although she did have a strong desire to find out about Zhao Yesui, it was too hard for her to ask her a question so suddenly.

After pondering for a long time, Ji Gongling felt that she couldn't be too hasty, so she just asked, "Mr. Yama, did you act for the purpose of justice tonight?"

Ji Gong Ling did not clearly point out what this "hands-on" was, but everyone knew it well, and there was no need to be sloppy.

Zhao Yesui thought for a while and said, "Justice...I'm not very sure about the definition of this word, but if it's justice in a broad sense from the standpoint of the vast majority of people, I think it is of."

Mile X, Sun Haolong, and Yoshino Ichiro, the things these three people have done are indescribable, and even what the guide lady knows is enough for them to die dozens of times.

However, they are important pawns of the New Roman Empire in Hezhou, so no one can judge them.

The New Roman Empire did not have this idea, Daxia did not have this obligation, and Hezhou did not have this ability.

Although it is indeed related to Pei Changkong's entrustment, even if there is no entrustment from Pei Changkong, as long as he knows their existence, Zhao Yesui will still do the same thing without hesitation.


Ji Gongling stared at Zhao Yesao's pupils, confirming that what Zhao Yesang said at this moment was from the heart.

That's why she was confused.

Mr. Yama, do you really think that you are doing good deeds?

No, as an evil god, he should have a more profound goal...

Ji Gongling couldn't help but ask: "Then even Mr. Yama, you are doing good deeds, but Mr. Yama, haven't you ever thought about the consequences for this city of your flamboyant actions? "

Zhao Yesui did not immediately answer Ji Gongling's question, but said with a smile, "This is the second question, Miss Ji Gong."

Himemiya Aya didn't expect that the suggestion she just made would actually become an unknown object blocking her mouth at the moment, and she was speechless for a while.

Seeing her depressed look, Zhao Ye couldn't help but chuckle, and then said, "Then I'll pay you a question in advance."

"Of course I know that when the serenity on the surface is broken, more and more sins will be exposed, and the city will soon become chaotic, because there are too many people with different ideas gathered here. already."

"But even without me, this situation would have arisen."

"So, I want to draw a line in their hearts, erecting an empty image of a judge who only knows how to kill, absolutely rational and absolutely cold, and will not stop the sword in his hand for any reason, as long as he is guilty, he will be judged."

"Of course, this does not completely stop their actions, but at least, the city will still maintain a sense of 'calm'."

This is Zhao Yesang's true thoughts.

Even the wicked, those who can survive under the arrest of various countries are still sane wicked people, and those who are not sober have been eliminated long ago.

When the existence of "Sword Puppet Demons" is known to everyone, when these evil people plan to do something, they will be concerned about the existence of Sword Puppet Demons. Although it cannot be eradicated, it is at least better than letting evil happen. it is good.

They may not be afraid of a specific powerhouse, but they will be afraid of an empty "urban legend".

As long as Zhao Yesui can maintain the character of the sword puppet evil ghost, it is not difficult to complete the above.

"Mr. Yama means, intimidation?"

Ji Gong Ling was slightly startled, then suddenly woke up and began to reflect on herself.

This is not something that is hard to think of, but because of preconceived reasons, she subconsciously trusted the previous guess, so she made a wrong judgment.

"What Mr. Yama said is the truth, that is, does he really think so?"

She wanted to find out about Zhao Yesang's "evil plan", but she didn't expect to hear such a legitimate idea. Ji Gongling felt that the image of Zhao Yesang in her mind was a little blurry.

Arrogant evil god.

Empty judge.

The only thing in common between the two is perhaps that lofty divinity.

Only, in a different way.

Which one is the real you?

Ji Gongling quietly looked at Zhao Yeshou, her husband in various senses, for a while, she was a little stunned.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go back to rest first."

Zhao Yesui felt that the energy in his body had filled up again, so he got up and said to Ji Gongling, "Thank you, Miss Ji Gong. If nothing happens, I should trouble you for a while."

In order to achieve Zhao Yesui's purpose, the sword puppet demon cannot disappear and must be active at all times.

Only in this way can it become the sword of Damocles hanging on the heads of everyone.

At this time, for Zhao Yesui, who had temporarily lost his battery life, Ji Gongling's help was very important.

Having a nanny at home is of course much more convenient than Zhao Yesui's own search for firewood.

The feeling of burning the air is really uncomfortable. If possible, Zhao Yesui doesn't want to be reduced to such a miserable state.

Ji Gongling didn't answer Zhao Yeshou, she still looked thoughtful.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Ye said jokingly: "Then, do you need me to keep the door for you, Miss Ji Gong? Will you come to fulfill your responsibilities as a wife at night?"

