MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.402Mar 06, 2023


But [Tianmo Lianluan] is an evil sword that can only be born by sacrificing the entire world, how could it be so easily forged by him?

"So, we still have to find the real sword puppet..."

The real sword puppets are of course in the hands of real swordsmen.

And now, in this city, the most indispensable thing is swordsmen who want to take a share of the torrent of this era.

Among them, of course, there are also desperadoes who meet the standard of Zhao Yeshou's daily good deeds.

"In that case, let's start with you."

Zhao Yesui turned his attention to the three names on the bamboo slip.

"Miss guide, help me navigate."

"Okay, sir."

...................................................... ......................................

Late at night.

Ji Gongling is still coordinating the Ji Gong family up and down, handling the tail for Zhao Yeshou.

This was an appointment she had made with Zhao Yesui before, and in general it was a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

For Ji Gongling, the Ji Gong family is both a help and a restraint. Because of the existence of the Ji Gong family, Ji Gongling can't stay at home all day like Zhao Yesao, a street boy, running around everywhere, and can only stay in Ji Gongling. In the palace, otherwise her identity would lose its meaning.

But now, Zhao Yesang has handed over the side quests that he did not have a high degree of completion to Ji Gongling, and asked Ji Gongling to use the power of the Ji Gong family to solve the matters that Zhao Yesang could not solve alone, which not only improved the task completion At the same time, Jigiya Aya participated in the side quests in this different way.

However, the current Jigiya Aya's mind is somewhat absent from the file in front of her.

She was still thinking about what she stumbled upon this morning.

"Mr. Yama is the evil god? But he can match with me, and at the same time can be recognized by the game of destiny... Could it be that he used to be a player of the game of destiny, but now for some reason, his strength No more, recovery in progress?"

As the apostle of Tenzan Nagi, Himemiya Aya is also his supervisor. Because of this feat, she was recognized by the game of destiny and was given the title of [Evil God's Supervisor].

This title is used to reward Ji Gongling for daring to supervise the evil **** with the body of a mortal. Otherwise, if it is just a simple supervision, it will be difficult to obtain the title of Yeji.

This title can improve the rationality and will of the person who equips it, especially when facing the evil god, it can maintain a certain level of sobriety.

Sobriety is the most important element in supervision.

For a long time, this title has no use, because apart from Tianxie Naqi, Ji Gongling actually has no chance to face the evil god.

And now, for the first time, Himimiya Aya regretted her too strong desire to control.

If she didn't have this desire to control, she wouldn't think about testing Zhao Yesang, and she wouldn't discover Zhao Yesang's "secret" because of it.

Once Pandora's box is opened, it cannot be closed again.

She now inevitably began to think about what kind of evil **** Zhao Yesui was.

"Being able to be identified as an evil god, Mr. Yama should at least be in the evil camp. Why did he match with me... Could it be that during the recovery process, there was a deviation in the judgment of the game of destiny?"

"However, Mr. Yama still seems very kind, although sometimes aggressive..."

After curiosity, it is another indescribable emotion.

She wants to know more.

Want to know more information about Zhao Yesui.

Zhao Yesang's performance all along and his now exposed identity of the evil **** have shown completely opposite sides, so that Ji Gongling, who has a strong desire to control, can no longer restrain the idea of ​​wanting to know more about Zhao Yesang.

If I had to describe this allure in one word, it would be contrast.

Zhao Yeshou's sacred side formed a strong contrast with his identity as an evil god, making Ji Gongling want to find out what the real Zhao Yesang was like.

Is everything he shows now just his disguise?

So, what is the purpose of his disguise?

The purpose of the evil god...

Just when Ji Gongling's heart was surging, she suddenly heard a voice from outside, and the wave was higher than the wave, as if the whole city was awakened.

She looked out of the window with some doubts, but found that the city had been lit up while she was thinking.

Countless lights converged into the ocean, like day.

what happened?

...................................................... ......................................

P.S. The Crimson King!

The line of the shop is finished, and you can write it down with peace of mind.

Chapter 461 Miracles and magic are never free things

Himemiya Aya stood up in surprise, walked to the window, and looked at the lights of thousands of houses.

Although the Imperial City is indeed a very prosperous city with rich nightlife, most people will still rest at this time.

But now, the entire imperial city seems to be awakened, and the lights are lit from the houses, which is dizzying.

At the same time, the loud voices came one after another.

Without waiting for information from her subordinates, Ji Gongling pinched a magic decision, and pieces of pure white feathers were born next to her ears, but in an instant, with Ji Gong's house as the center, the voices in a radius of ten miles were all heard by Ji Gongling. capture.

As the ruler of the Teruchi Taisha, all the techniques of the Teruchi Taisha are open to Himiya Aya.

Among them, the technique system called Onmyoji is one of several extraordinary systems that Ji Gongling mainly practices, and she also has the profession of Onmyoji in her occupation column.

At this moment, after performing the relevant yin and yang surgery, the surrounding voices were captured by Himemiya Aya and distinguished one by one.

She originally wanted to carefully identify what was going on, but the same noun kept echoing in those voices, making Hime Miyaya the first to focus on that.

And when Ji Gong Ling knew what they were talking about, she knew that she didn't have the point of continuing to listen.

Because what she heard was a title.

- Sword Puppet Demon.

"Tsk, what a big job my husband has done to wake up the whole city..."

After knowing what the "Sword Puppet Demon" did, Ji Gong Ling sighed lightly and relaxed a little.

However, she was still a little curious. Although the Imperial City Guards had done their best to spread the word about the existence and deeds of the sword puppet demon due to Yu Asakami's decision, it's only been a day, so why is there such a big uproar? movement.

Afterwards, a subordinate who came in a hurry solved Jigiya Aya's question.

"Kick off."

The subordinate knocked on the door, and Ji Gong Ling glanced in the direction of the door and said, "Please come in."

The subordinate pushed open the door and entered, kneeling on one knee respectfully and offering the document in his hand, and then backed away.

Himemiya Aya tapped her forehead and picked up the document bag on the table.

At first glance, I was not surprised to find that the riot in the imperial city this time was caused by the sword puppet evil ghost.

Maier X, a diplomat of the New Roman Empire, has participated in the color revolution movements launched by the New Roman Empire in other countries for many times. Under his organization, the regime of a small country has been successfully subverted.

And this time, he came to the imperial city, firstly to build momentum for the new Roman Empire, and secondly for some deeper purpose.

In order to achieve this goal, he needs to hold various activities to let the people of the imperial city know of his existence.

Just this evening, he organized a charity party and invited all the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen in the imperial city.

Ji Gong Ling also received an invitation, but she was too busy with her own affairs, so of course she was not interested in this kind of show.

But now, Himimiya Aya regretted not going.

Because, if she goes, she will be able to witness how Mr. Yama "does a good deed every day".

For the current Ji Gongling, the loss of learning about Zhao Yesui made her heart ticklish.

According to the intelligence, under the watchful eyes of the public, at the charity gala organized by the New Roman Empire, the sword puppet evil spirit descended from the sky and beheaded Maier X, the host of the charity gala.

Then, under the pursuit of many swordsmen, the sword puppet evil ghost left gracefully, as if it had never appeared before.

"It's really Mr. Yama's style..."

Ji Gongling shook her head helplessly, although she could roughly guess why Zhao Yesui did this, but such a flamboyant behavior was like walking a tightrope on a cliff of thousands of feet, and she would be shattered if she was not careful.

Of course, with Mr. Yama's strength, there should be no danger to his life, but if he is left behind and his true identity is revealed, then the mission will fail.

Ji Gongling has never done a similar title task, but there are players in the Zhaoqi Taisha who have done it. In the end, because of the identity exposure, the task of paying a lot of precious props and hard work was destroyed, and the depression has not recovered for a long time.

After reading this information, Ji Gong Ling turned back, and sure enough there was still.

If only Mel X was killed, it might not have caused such a big movement.

But after that, the sword puppet evil ghost launched the second assassination in full force.

Or, it should be called a strong kill.

Sun Haolong, one of the important speakers of the New Roman Empire in Hezhou, is the chairman of the Xuanlong Chamber of Commerce, responsible for realizing some unknown activities of the New Roman Empire through legitimate business means. Lin Youde's human trafficking plan also associated with him.

This time, he came to the imperial city on the grounds of investigating the market. The real purpose is unknown, but in short, it will not be a good thing.

As the chairman of the Xuanlong Chamber of Commerce, Sun Haolong knew that he had offended many people, so he was very concerned about his own security. Even if he left the base camp this time, he still lived in a single-family villa that he had been running for a long time. To enshrine the famous swordsman whom he hired with a lot of money, it can be said that he was extremely careful.

The information that Maier X was forcibly killed alerted the Imperial City Guards, and just when the members of the Imperial City Guards dispatched the police urgently, the sword puppet demon had already arrived at Sun Haolong's residence far away on the other side of the city.

Then, he broke through the door in a grand manner, and killed him from the main entrance.

Sun Haolong noticed that something was wrong, so he called the police and applied for assistance from friendly forces, but before the rescue came, he and his famous swordsman, the swordsman, had been killed by the sword puppet evil spirit.

And this isn't even the end.

After beheading Sun Haolong, the sword puppet evil spirit turned to the core area of ​​the imperial city alone, with the sword pointed directly at Yoshino Ichiro.

Yoshino Ichiro, Hezhou people, is also one of the spokespersons of the New Roman Empire in Hezhou, responsible for safeguarding the interests of the New Roman Empire in Hezhou, as well as letting some Hezhou people with strange ideas die unknowingly.

He lived near the palace and was a **** used by the New Roman Empire to monitor the palace.

But even so, he could not escape the punishment of the sword puppet evil ghost.

The sword puppet demon broke into the palace area, and dozens of swordsmen serving the Hezhou royal family witnessed "he" beheading Yoshino Ichiro, and then quietly disappeared as before.

Three kills in one night, killings were carried out in different areas of the imperial city, and people from different forces were also involved, causing the entire imperial city to jump up and down for a while.

The Imperial City Guard was incapacitated, and could only issue an alarm to announce that the entire city was on alert, which was why the entire Imperial City was awakened.

The city is full of wind and rain, because of one person.

Just by reading this paper file, Himimiya Aya could smell the strong smell of blood after this.

"Should I say it's Mr. Yama, it's really daring..."

Even if she is as knowledgeable as Hime Gong Ling, her scalp still feels numb when she sees this information.

It is said that art masters are daring, but what kind of people dare to commit three murders in succession in the imperial city where the storm is about to come at this moment, regardless of the consequences.

If it was said that everyone was temporarily obeying the superficial order, and they didn't really tear their faces, they were just making small troubles, then I am afraid that the next thing is that the various forces will use the imperial city as the battlefield without any scruples.

Just like the broken window effect, when such a vicious "crime" occurs without corresponding sanctions, people will think that this kind of behavior is acquiesced, and the coat of order will be torn, barbaric and violent. will dominate the city again.

"So, is this what Mr. Yama's purpose is? Let blood and death cover the city..."

After knowing Zhao Yesang's identity as an evil god, Ji Gongling felt that she had captured the logic behind Zhao Yesang's unscrupulous behavior.

Since it is an evil god, then of course it is impossible to do this kind of thing to achieve justice, but to have a different purpose of its own.

Lead the violence of the city, plunge the city into a never-ending slaughter, and finally destroy the city in the flames of war, and laugh at the ruins of the city...  

Himemiya Aya even imagined such a scene.

Yama, is this also in your calculations?

In Ji Gongling's heart, she couldn't help but go up a few steps with Zhao Yeshou's vigilance.

Mr. Yama, who can easily formulate such an evil plan, is certainly not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Maybe, what he showed before was just a disguise to confuse me.

At the same time, Himimiya Aya also made up her mind.

Her character destined her not to ignore Zhao Yesui's behavior.

Ji Gongling decided that when she saw Zhao Yesui again, she would seriously question him about this matter and cross-examine his purpose.

If he really wants to destroy the city, then even if he is an evil god, Ji Gong Ling will find a way to stop him.

