MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.408Mar 06, 2023


The specific performance is that people who are attached to this state will not be able to be hurt, and will have endless physical and magical power. The equipment attached to this state will not be worn out and will not be damaged by violent collisions.

This is why the Darkest Swordsman seems to be able to use miracles indefinitely.

Because they have cast "solidification" on themselves, they have infinite blue bars and can always perform miracles.


"Not quite right..."

Ji Gongling frowned and said: "This doesn't seem to be a miracle, or even the category of power... This is a perpetual motion machine, and even a person with extraordinary talent can at least be completed in the stage of divine power. corresponding ideas.”

Perpetual motion.

This is a well-known paradox, from which many theories of folk scientists have been extended, so I won't repeat them here.

The reason why Ji Gong Ling called the miracle attached to the Dark Sword Puppet a "perpetual motion machine" is because it really shows such a nature.

Use miracles to put yourself into a "solidified" state, and then use the infinite blue bars and infinite physical strength in the "solidified" state to maintain the "solidified" effect, and continue to perform miracles...

While there is a price to pay when the miracle is performed initially, the cycle after that makes no sense.

Where did the energy that came out of thin air make them squander like this?

Afterwards, Ji Gong Ling looked at Yu Asakami and asked seriously: "Mr. Asakami, you should have used the Darkest Sword Puppet, right? How do you feel? That state called 'solidification'?"

"It is indeed the same as the description above, there is no falsehood."

After thinking for a while, Asaka said: "However, I think, instead of stopping my state at that moment, it is better to say that my state is returning to the previous moment every moment, so it seems that There is infinite power."

"That feeling... is really intoxicating, everyone should be able to understand it, as if everything can be done, and everything is under control..."

Asakami Yu showed an intoxicated expression, and when he came back to his senses, he found that the other three looked indifferent, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

I almost forgot, except for me, the three people sitting here are not normal people, one is the future supreme of Yingzhou, the other is a lunatic from Beilian, and the other is an indescribable person.. ....

So, he sorted out his expression, and then said, "So, when you asked me for the first time when we met, I would say that my strength has increased by at least 50%."

"However, this state is not unbreakable."

Asakami Yu quickly recalled the nuclear explosion he saw at the New Roman Embassy, ​​and said with a subtle expression: "As long as there is enough power in a moment, this state can be broken, and at the same time, Let the Darkest Swordsman suffer backlash."

"Then what if you quit voluntarily?" Zhao Yesui thought and said, "Will there be any adverse reactions?"

"...No." Asakami Yu replied: "Really not. I have been observing it for a long time, but I didn't find it. It's up to now, and there is still no reaction at all."

"If it happened in a few months or a few years, then I think a lot of people would still want to wear it."

This is true.

There are so many people who want to pursue power, and this side effect is hardly worth mentioning.

Besides, it doesn't have any side effects.

"In this way, the Darkest Swordsman will become a very difficult enemy."

Zhao Yesui thought about it for a while, and felt that if what Yuu Asagami said was true, then the Darkest Swordsman would be a very difficult opponent to deal with.

Eight, oh, seven, oh, six guys who can unleash miracles indefinitely, plus lock blood, each of them can be the final boss of other hero-class players, and they can only be regarded as elite monsters.

But there is no way to do it. Except for Yuu Asakami, the players present are the top players of the hero class in each faction, and it is normal for them to be assigned to difficult dungeons.

At the same time, Zhao Yesui was also glad that he found someone Liu Wanyu didn't bring to the Dark Sword Puppet to kill him.

Otherwise, although he may not lose to Liu Wanyu, if the opponent "solidifies" and the battle continues for a long time, the "personality" of the sword puppet evil ghost will collapse.

"I should be able to deal with them."

Listening to the discussion quietly, Ivanov, who was silent, suddenly said: "If the mystery of them does not involve the king, then I may be able to include them all in the truth of the Northern Alliance, if it involves the king. If it exceeds even more, then it can only be divided."

When everyone heard it, they remembered that there was a Beilian player on their side.

Although Beilian players are troublesome opponents when they become enemies, but when they become teammates, they are the most reliable partners.

—Although this partner can’t fight only against the enemy, it is enough to be reassuring.

No matter how strong the skill, no matter how tricky the miracle, as long as the truth of the Northern Alliance opens, it will all be a cloud, and there is no need for other strategies at all.

Any time to stop the time to delete the time backward will lose the effect.

The only problem is what Ivanov said himself.

- How mysterious is the Darkest Sword Puppet?

If it is too high, then Ivanov will not be able to completely restrain them. Instead, it may affect his own battle due to the unfolding of the truth of the Northern Alliance.

"This problem is not urgent. At that time, the main mission should arrange for us to meet the Darkest Swordsman. At that time, a lucky audience will be randomly selected to try it out."

Zhao Yeshou said lightly: "It's a mule or a horse, and you only know when you pull it out. No matter what, if we fight one more righteously, can we still lose?"

Even if the ability of the dark sword puppet is paradoxical, it is only a one-on-one situation.

Even if it is one-on-one, for everyone present, it is only a matter of paying the price, let alone a just beating?

Zhao Yesui was not afraid at all.


The teammates didn't have any opinions, even Yuu Asagami.

As a player, you always have to be a little confident.

"The information provided by Mr. Asakami is very important. If we don't have this detailed information, we may suffer a small loss when we go up to the Dark Swordsman in the future."

Zhao Yesui turned his gaze to Ivanov and said, "As for Mr. Ivanov, this information is somewhat intriguing..."

What Ivanov provided was an order recently provided by his state-owned military-industrial enterprise for Hezhou.

Hezhou wants to import arms, of course, it needs the consent of Xihezhou and Donghezhou, but this batch of orders are all smuggled, using clever means to disguise, theoretically no one should find out.

However, Zhao Yesui discovered a subtle point.

Most of the orders are shipped through Xihezhou, and only a few who have no choice will choose to enter from Donghezhou.

This made Zhao Yesui have to think a little more.

After all, Pei Changkong's identity in this matter is also very vague, and Zhao Yesui still doesn't know what she wants to do.

In the end, it was provided by Ji Gongling, the information that Zhao Yesang is most concerned about at present.

That is the candidate of the Darkest Swordsman and their respective experiences.

As a local snake, the Jigong family has a natural advantage over other forces.

Moreover, Himimiya Aya is not a part-timer like Yu Asakami, and basically has no access to any secrets.

What the Himimiya family can grasp, is what Himimiya Aya can know.

And although the Imperial City Guards took a rare attitude of guarding against the Darkest Swordsman, they couldn't get rid of the essence of the sieve after all.

Although some core information is not even known to the Imperial City Guard, there are still some that can be known.

[Completion degree of current mission goal 2: 59.3%]

Zhao Yesui glanced at the completion rate of the mission. This is the second objective of the mission, that is, the degree of completion of the goal of understanding the operating principles of the Darkest Sword Puppet.

Even after obtaining so much information about the Darkest Sword Puppet, the completion rate is still only 59.3%, which is still counting the "Darkest Sword Puppet is a foreign object from the sky" obtained by Zhao Yesao in the previous mission objective. Foundry" in the case of this intelligence.

"Principles of Operation..."

Zhao Yesui stared at the information on the table and fell into contemplation.

At present, they already know the style, quantity, and ability of the Darkest Sword Puppet. Although the source of the power is still unknown, it can be fooled by "foreign objects", so there is only one doubt left at this stage.

That is how the darkest sword puppet chooses the swordsman.

So far, no one knows what the criteria for the identification of the Darkest Sword Puppet are.

There are different opinions in outside rumors, some say it depends on potential, some say it depends on luck, and some say the dark sword puppet can see a person's future, so choose the right sword master.

However, judging from all the gathered information, the Imperial City Guards do not know anything about the standards of the Darkest Swordsman.

Because every Darkest Swordsman was personally appointed by the Emperor, and then invited them over through the efforts of the Imperial City Guard.

Therefore, the inner should doubt that it is possible that the emperor has something similar to a "host" in his hand, which can grant others the qualification to become the most dark swordsman.

However, Zhao Yesui felt that this was unlikely.

Because if you have this ability, you must give priority to the trustworthy people around you, why go to those mercenaries with different backgrounds outside?

"Qualification, qualification, qualification..."

Zhao Yeshou tapped his forehead, suddenly thought of something, looked at Yuu Asaka, and asked, "Mr. Asaka, speaking, I suddenly remembered something, and I haven't had time to ask you."

"Did you get the approval of the Darkest Sword Puppet after entering the scene, or did you already get the approval of the Darkest Sword Puppet when you entered the scene?"

Zhao Yejiao wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but only now has the right time to ask it.

Yu Asakami was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It was the recognition that I got after entering, and it also triggered a personal hidden mission."

After speaking, Yu Asakami simply showed the personal hidden mission.

[Personal Hidden Mission: The Darkest Person]

[Mission description: You are a newcomer, and you have just joined the Imperial City Guard. You are a newcomer with limited experience. Because you are not in the professional group, you have no hope of promotion. You may only be a superintendent if you are the first in your life, but it is here When, you have the opportunity to change your destiny, the most powerful sword puppet in the world. ]

[It recognizes you, and you are soaring to the sky, and the future is promising...]

[However, depending on misfortune and good fortune, and fortune and misfortune, the Darkest Sword Puppet may be your chance, but it is also possible that it is the devil who makes you fall into the abyss and fall into a doomed situation...]

[The first link of the mission goal: master the dark sword puppet, use the dark sword puppet proficiently (completed)]

[Mission goal second ring: Get the highest possible status in the Imperial City Guard, and work hard to better grasp the secret behind the Dark Sword Puppet (in progress)]

[The third link of the mission objective: Investigate the origin and information about the Dark Sword Puppet, and fight for your own destiny (in progress)]

[Warning: If during the execution of the mission, you lose the approval of the Dark Sword Puppet, or lose the ownership of the Dark Sword Puppet, or the Dark Sword Puppet is damaged, the mission fails]

Asakami Yu showed his personal hidden mission so succinctly, which surprised Zhao Yesao.

"Mr. Asakami is really a team player. If it was someone else, it might be a waste of time to fiddle around..."

Zhao Yeshou secretly praised Yu Asaka's dedication.

After carefully reading Yu Asakami's personal hidden mission, Zhao Yesui reaffirmed one thing.

That is, the Darkest Sword Puppet is definitely not a gift from fate to Hezhou, but a downright trap.

After all, Yuu Asakami's personal mission was written from the beginning to the end, "There is a problem with this thing, buddy, hurry up and find a way to figure out where the problem is, or you will lose your life." If there is no problem with the Dark Sword Puppet, why bother?

Zhao Yesang recalled the archives of the other seven Dark Swordsmen he had read, breathed a sigh of relief, and said seriously to Yu Asakami, "Mr. Asaka, can you tell me about your experience?"

"Rough life experience from birth to the present."

"Among them, there is probably the reason why the Darkest Sword Puppet chose you."

...................................................... ......................................................

P.S. Occupational groups can be understood as civil servants, quasi-professional groups are career editors, and non-occupational groups are contract workers. Although they do not correspond exactly, they mean the same thing (X

Currently owed (4/9), at the end of the month, it will start to be renewed.

By the way, a bounty will be opened, because the remaining five updates will probably be paid off in the next two days, and the bounty should be opened at the beginning of the next month.

The rules are the same as before.

Chapter 467: Destiny Bullying 1w

Tell me about my life experience?

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, but then they quickly understood something and looked at Yu Asakami thoughtfully.

Since Asakami Yu got the approval of the Darkest Sword Puppet after entering the scene, it is very likely that the Darkest Sword Puppet is not recognized by the NPC Asaka Yu, but the current player Asaka Yu.

This may sound a bit awkward, but it's the truth.

It is generally believed that after entering the scene, if it is a free-play mode, then the player is substituted for the NPC to be replaced.

However, even so, the behavior of the player's arrival is like adding several more strokes to an oil painting. It is difficult to say whether the current painting can be regarded as the original painting.

So far, none of the Destiny Game countermeasure organizations have come up with a convincing result.

And now, Zhao Yesui intends to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If the Darkest Sword Puppet really recognizes him because of a certain trait he possesses, then according to Yu Asakami's description, it is possible to find out what this trait is.

Although the Jigong family has tried their best to collect information on the other dark swordsmen, the Imperial City Guard has done very strict intelligence protection work this time. .

