MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.415Mar 06, 2023


Miyamoto autumn leaves.

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late at night.

"Sir, go to the right, there is no one there!"

The guide lady nervously reported the best route to Zhao Yesao, guiding Zhao Yesao to escape from the weakest position in the encirclement.

Soon, with the help of the whole picture hanging, Zhao Yesui got rid of the pursuers and stood on the roof of a certain building again.

This seems to have become a habit of Zhao Yesui. After doing good deeds every day and killing evil every day, he stood on the roof of a certain building and chatted with the guide lady, about this incident, about this beheading Kill the wicked, and think accordingly.

The completion of Hidden Quests and Flowers is steadily progressing and thriving.

But this time, Zhao Yesui looked at the city under his feet and did not speak for a while.

The guide lady was a little puzzled, but she still took the initiative to say: "Sir! This time I feel a lot more dangerous. The imperial city seems to have increased its level of vigilance. Is it because of your recent behavior, sir?"

Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "It should be, maybe it's what I did that completely annoyed the Imperial City Guard. After all, if it's just a slap in the face, it's fine. Their faces are jumping up and down, and the clay figurines are still three-pointed in anger, so it's strange that they are still not angry."

"Hmph, what's so angry about that?"

The guide lady snorted and said, "They are not capable of their own, and they don't dare to attack those bad people. Sir, you helped them maintain the security of the imperial city. Not only did they not thank you, they also wanted to hunt you down. Just deal with the bad guys."

How can you say that "the enemy not only does not surrender, but dares to fight back"...

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, and he had to sigh again at the innocence of Miss Guide.

This is completely impossible to pretend, Miss Guide's world is very simple, it is black and white, good or evil, whoever defeats the wicked is a good person, and whoever persecutes the good person is a wicked person.

Zhao Yesui sometimes actually envied Miss Guide. He could look at the world with such eyes, and he didn't have to look forward to the future every time he did something.

No one will examine his actions and carefully observe his every move with a magnifying glass, but Zhao Yesui will examine his own behavior.

This is probably the reason why Zhao Yejiao is much more tired than others, but Zhao Yejiao is enjoying it.

If the judge cannot judge himself, then it means that the edge of judgment will one day dim, rust, and even become a weapon to exclude dissidents.

After being silent for a while, Zhao Yesui suddenly said, "Miss Guide, do you remember what I talked about with you when we first met?"

"It's about the balance between good and evil."

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P.S. I currently owe updates (7/7), and it's over.

I didn't expect that the newly opened bounty could be ended at the end of the month, probably because there is no need to add a few more updates (X

I wrote 1W8 today, I've burnt it out, go and take a rest, and the reward will be offered at the beginning of the month tomorrow.

Chapter 470 Yuyin Broadcasting


The guide made a cute nasal sound, and then said, "Of course I remember. That was the first time you and I met, sir. If it wasn't for accident, I might not know you now, sir."

"Yeah, so what I told you at that time, I actually don't know how to say it now."

Zhao Yesui looked at the starry sky, shrugged and said, "Or, I can convince myself, but I can't ask you to believe what I said."

"After all, to betray everything, lose one's position, and always look down on everything from a lofty perspective is something that people in this world will never be able to do. Who can truly be selfless?"

What Zhao Yesang said to Miss Guide before has now become an obstacle preventing him from believing in Miss Guide.

Starting from his theory that "good and evil are just concepts given by man", he can't fully trust Miss Guide, because their current relationship is more like some kind of sublime than cooperation for interests. The ideal and came to the instrument.

If everyone in the world has a position... then it is normal for the guide lady to stand in her own position.

"Well..." The guide said after hesitating for a while, "If it was me before I met you, I might refute you without hesitation, telling you that there must be absolute good and evil in this world. ......but after so much with you, I don't seem to be as determined as I used to be..."

"However, sir, you can't be wrong. If there is one person in this world who will always be right, it must be you, at least from my point of view."

"So, just trust you, and things will become easier."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, I and you belong to two completely different worlds."

After Zhao Ye tutted, he became serious and said seriously: "So, Miss Guide, can I trust you? I believe you will believe that I have always been able to make the right choice?"

"Of course." The guide replied without hesitation: "As long as Mr. thinks you will always act like this, then you can always trust me, because I will always trust you."

Just after Miss Guide said these words, Zhao Yesui heard a prompt from the game of destiny:

[The World Hidden Quest and Flower Quest progress has been updated]

[Current task completion: 41%]

Zhao Yesui glanced at the task panel and ignored it.

This hidden task has always been inexplicable, and Zhao Yesui didn't understand what it was relying on to judge the progress of the task.

Could it be that as long as you keep brushing the goodwill of the guide lady, you can improve the completion of the task? Then this hidden task is too good for Zhao Yesao to complete.

However, if I don't understand things, I will ignore it for the time being. After confirming Miss Guide's heart, Zhao Yesui continued: "Then, Miss Guide, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Check it out for me. Where do the people I mentioned live and who they are."

"Okay." Miss Guide agreed immediately, with a bit of excitement in her tone.

Zhao Yesui quickly informed the guide of the clues he had just obtained from the girl named "Miyamoto Akiba".

The guide lady quickly gave him the answer.

Reading the information passed by Miss Guide, Zhao Yesui narrowed his eyes slightly.

Those people, if there is no accident, should be the existence of the assassination target.

Those targets are not limited to a country or a faction, there are New Romans, Old Romans, Russians, Daxia, and even Hezhou.

The only thing in common is that they have a common identity.

That is, they are all the forces behind the eyes of the imperial city. In order to better seize the interests of Hezhou, they are the candidates sent to deploy forces in Hezhou. In a sense, they are their respective forces in Hezhou. 's representative.

According to the information that the guide had just told him, those people's residences were located in the radius of the apartment building.

That is, around the girl swordsman "Akiha Miyamoto".

This made Zhao Yejiao feel an ominous premonition in his heart.

"That is to say, will she be arranged to live there, not by accident, but to better carry out the mission?"

"However, this doesn't seem right, because if it's an assassination, it's impossible to arrange a fixed residence. No matter how well you cover it up, the Imperial City Guard will be discovered sooner or later... ."


Zhao Yesui suddenly thought of something.

- Unless, this assassination won't last long.

In other words, the assassination will be a one-off.

Only in this way is there a reason to arrange "Miyamoto Akiba" here.

Because of this, it is convenient for her to go to the places where the various key personnel live at the fastest speed and assassinate them one by one.

Otherwise, it would be very stupid to arrange a fixed residence for a killer.

This guess is very bold, but Zhao Yejia intuitively feels that this is the correct answer.

"Assassination of VIPs..."

Zhao Yechai vaguely thought of something: "This is an organization that wants to paralyze the various forces in the imperial city? If that's the case, then killing just this few people is not enough..."

There are not many people in charge of Miyamoto Akiba. If Zhao Yesui's guess is correct, then this is a matter of course.

If you want to succeed in a one-time assassination, you must pay attention to the time limit. If it is not all completed after the incident, then the remaining people will definitely be vigilant, and the success rate of re-action will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, there are not many people who arrange for Miyamoto Akiba.

However, as I said before, the current imperial city can be described as a mixture of fish and dragons, and I don’t know how many forces are involved here. If only killing so many people wants to have an effect, it is really whimsical.


In the current imperial city, there are still many people like Miyamoto Akiba.

The prompt of the game of destiny sounded:

[The progress of the mainline hidden task Fengyun Gathering task has been updated]

[Mission objective: Investigate the details of the assassination list completed]

[Current task completion: 50%]

With the help of Miss Guide, Zhao Yesui quickly completed the task at a magical speed.

However, this hidden task that was ignored by Zhao Yesang at first gave Zhao Yesang an unexpected surprise.

Or rather, frightened.

"Hey...this is really going to make trouble..."

Although I already know that the current imperial city is the PLUS version of the Balkan Peninsula, Zhao Yesui couldn't hold back when he was exposed to such an exciting thing all of a sudden.

If it was just a spy war before, and everyone showed off their acting skills and stealth skills, then now it has risen directly to the unparalleled real sword.

If a development is not good, it is not impossible to start a war on this.

"Tsk... Fortunately, there is a guide lady."

Zhao Yesui can only be glad that he met Miss Guide at the beginning, and made Miss Guide interested in his unique three views, and was attracted by Zhao Yesao step by step.

Otherwise, this kind of thing will probably have to wait until it erupts before it is possible to have a glimpse.

Afterwards, Zhao Yesui thought for a while, and tentatively asked Miss Guide: "Miss Guide, can you help me find someone named 'Miyamoto Akiba'?"

After asking this question, Zhao Yesui held his breath slightly.

If his guess is correct, then Miss Guide should be someone related to Hezhou. If the question asked before is still within his agreement with Miss Guide, then this question is undoubtedly beyond the norm.

The guide lady pondered for a while, as if she was searching, and then said blankly after a while: "Yes, but they are just ordinary people... I need to pass the information to Are you, sir?"

"No need." Zhao Yexuan didn't know whether he should be happy or regretful for a while, and replied, "It may be just a pseudonym. I'll check it again, and I'll ask you when there is news."


The guide lady responded, and then hesitantly said: "By the way, sir, do you want to let everyone know the name 'Sword Puppet Demon'?"

When Zhao Yesang had a conversation with Pei Changkong before, Miss Guide had obtained his permission to listen to the corner from the side, so it is not surprising to ask this question now.

This is something that both of them are aware of. After all, the sword puppet evil ghost, who has already become notorious, just broke through the encirclement with the help of the guide lady and left gracefully, so there is nothing to avoid.

Zhao Yesui said calmly: "Yeah, apart from personal selfishness, I hope the name Sword Puppet Evil Ghost can become a nightmare for those who do bad things, and become a hope for those ordinary people."

"In the long night before dawn, it should be very gratifying to see a ray of light, right? Even if that dawn may never come, if it can give people a little comfort, it is worth doing. ."

"Is that so..." The guide said in a complicated tone, "As expected of Mr., I'm afraid I'll never have the courage to do something like this."

"After all, since you want to become a nightmare for the wicked and draw a bottom line, then there will be countless people who want to get rid of you and then hurry up..."

Of course Zhao Yesui knew this.

The moment he chose to become a sword puppet demon, he was ready.

Maybe some people see him as hope, but more people just want him to die sooner.

But who cares?

"Don't worry, Miss Guide, I'm not that easy to fail. Why don't you help me."

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "In contrast, it's them who should be afraid."

"It's just that things like fame still depend on luck. I have already asked Governor Pei in Xihezhou, but Governor Pei can't reach the imperial city."

"Although I have already asked my friends in the Imperial City Guard, the Imperial City Guard is only a department after all. It is still unknown what kind of effect it can have. It can only be said that it is better than nothing."

"If you don't mention it in Eastern Rome, I don't know anyone there."

"If it's just the Imperial City..."

The guide lady asked earnestly: "If you want to make the name of the sword puppet evil ghost become a household name in the imperial city, what should you do? What should you do to achieve the best results?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said: "The best effect? ​​Of course, I have to let the local snake do it, that is, the royal family of Hezhou. After all, it is the orthodox of Hezhou, and it should be better to say a word than others. Come and be useful."

"It would be great if the emperor could issue an imperial order, such as an imperial decree, because he had no way to govern himself, causing chaos in the imperial city, thus creating the birth of sword puppet evil ghosts and so on... "

Zhao Yesui just said casually, after all, emperors are people who want to save face and suffer, even if they are puppet emperors.

