MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.116Mar 06, 2023


Ordinary soldiers can have a fear of fighting, but commanders can't. Interest is a double-edged sword. It can bring the most loyal collaborators, and it can also lead to unscrupulous betrayals. It is a pity that more than 60% of the six hundred and seventy-eighth Guard Fleet are businessmen. The troops under its jurisdiction, even the direct troops of the Governor Goodwill, cannot escape the shadow of the merchants.

"It's hard to do."

Shang Ping has mastered the operation of combat armor. Although he does not have any combat experience, he has no time to pay attention to these. According to his observation, at least one-third of the drivers in the parking lot are not as skilled as him.

Taking a deep breath and stabilizing his mind, Shang Ping kept telling himself that this was not just a test, he couldn't stay out of it, if according to Goodwill, once he was defeated, he would be safely sent out of Huo Xing, and even if he survived, he would be safe. become an indelible stain on his life.

This is not the era of peace on Earth. Shang Ping, who grew up as a Mars soldier, has deeply imprinted the traces of a soldier in his bones.

The imperial army obviously believed that victory was in sight, and Soran Edrich even left the main fleet. With the pride of these golden nobles, Shang Ping was sure that before the attack, the young emperor would definitely declare his kindness. Simple, there is no need to expose Huo Xing's trump card immediately. Since the Imperial Fleet can send combat armor that rivals the death squad, why can't Huo Xing? Attack with a battle group that is not inferior to the imperial combat armor, and intercept the arrogant and neglected imperial fleet halfway, not seeking maximum annihilation, but only hoping to get close to the flagship of the imperial emperor or the commander. The ship, perishing together, can sometimes become the biggest bargaining chip.

As long as the opponent's consideration is greater than his own, the outcome of the war is likely to be rewritten. Even if he failed, Shang Ping had a fifty percent certainty that he would get out of his body. Anyway, the first time was born and the second time was cooked, the third time was nothing.

While Shang Ping was nervously waiting for the order to attack, a small number of fleet commanders outside the battle circle in the central command room underground of the Governor's Mansion disagreed on this action and even started quarreling.

"You don't need to take such a big risk! Huo Xing's defense system is enough to resist the empire's fleet! Moreover, this kind of unplanned action with little chance of winning is likely to attract strong revenge from the emperor!"

The commanders on the screen have different expressions, and there are not a few people who hold this view, but they have no desire to fight? Hope, I only know the idea of ​​sticking to it, and there are many people who oppose it.

"It is precisely because there is no plan in advance that it is impossible for a traitor like Naira to appear! In this way, the empire will not be able to find out our truth in a short period of time, and can severely attack those arrogant guys, not them. Come, we will kneel and lick their toes! We are businessmen, but also soldiers! We are obliged to defend our homeland!"

"But what if it fails?"

"Will they let us go if we don't attack? Or do you believe that the beautiful young man will treat the surrenderers kindly? Look at the treatment of the imperial war criminals. Don't you know where the imperial clone troopers came from?"

"But we can create wealth!"

In a word, the noisy command room suddenly quieted down, and the goodwill frowned, and the brown eyes flashed fiercely, obviously, the remarks tended to surrender.

"There is a signal to intervene!"

The operator's voice interrupted the quarrel. Black and white snowflakes appeared on the two auxiliary light screens next to the main screen at the same time. The communication wave was then connected. Except for the command room, all the flagships of the Star Fleet received this signal, which led to the fighting. There was also a brief ceasefire between the main fleets of both sides.

Soran Edrich in silver and gold military uniforms appeared on the screen, with a slender and tall figure, which was very rare. The emperor wore a military cap with a wide curved brim, which covered the emperor's overly beautiful eyebrows and eyes. The pointed jaw, the collar button is meticulously shone with jewel-like color.

The cold breath was released without any scruples, and across the screen, it was impossible to ignore the majesty of Solan II as an emperor.

The screen used for dispatching battleships in the parking lot was also connected to the signal. Shang Ping looked at Soran Edrich in the picture with mixed emotions. On the one hand, he was glad that he guessed right in some aspects, but on the other hand, he regretted that he had lost one. Excellent fighter.

Why haven't the orders been issued yet?

"Good day." Soran Edrich still maintained a good upbringing, but this polite greeting did not make the person on the opposite side of the screen feel any kindness.

"If you are persuaded to surrender... I want to say that you will not do this. In this case, out of courtesy, please ask for your own blessings."

The words fell, and the signal was cut off.

Harlan? Edrich stood behind Soran Edrich in amazement. Generally speaking, imperial rulers and fleet commanders are absolutely not allowed to appear on a battleship during wartime, but the imperial fleet, from top to bottom , they all think that the outcome of the battle is no suspense, Harlan? Edrich's actions were not unduly discouraged either. However, the officers who were familiar with His Majesty himself were all surprised by the pre-war communication published by His Majesty the Emperor. If there was one word to describe it, it would be nonsense.

No matter how you understand this call, it has nothing to do with the declaration before the war. To put it simply, it means that His Majesty the Emperor is angry. Before running over the person who made him angry, he had a whim to tell people, I'm here to beat you, I guess Even if you get on your knees and beg for mercy, you won't agree, so if you're beaten to death or maimed, you can figure it out for yourself, don't even think about medical expenses and funeral expenses!

After finishing the call, the emperor finally stopped feeling cold all over.

Shang Ping leaned in the cockpit of the mecha, rubbing his chin with one hand. Is this guy the cold-blooded emperor he knew? Yeah? Why do you feel like an angry little friend?

Embarrassed by his own thoughts, Shang Ping finally received the order to attack. It is estimated that his own father opposed all the opinions, but, something is better than nothing. Finally, after checking the various devices, after the signal from the ground crew, the battle armors lined up kept taking off. Shang Ping controlled the discomfort in the moment he was in the air, and controlled the speed of the mecha to keep up with the team members. He was still a little too optimistic. Once the speed of the fighters moved forward at full speed, the speed of these fighters was not comparable to that of a single fighter. This cutting-edge It is too extravagant that both the Empire and the Star can be used for suicide attacks casually.

The strategy envisaged by Shang Ping was adopted by Goodwill, and a more detailed plan was drawn up, but both father and son ignored an important fact. This time, it was Harlan who came to attack the homeland of Huoxing? Edrich's fleet!

If Shang Ping could be more cautious, he might think that the Royce artificial celestial body had been pulled by Harlan's giant mecha to move in the universe, but Shang Ping's brain was not a precise instrument, so he ignored it.

Soran Edrich took off his military cap and pinned it on his arm, Harlan? Edrich, as the fleet commander, has returned to his flagship, the emperor's authority is supreme, but Solan Edrich does not want to take Haran? Edrich's power as a commander and his exploits in occupying the 678th star. The emperor's cultural and martial arts were not obtained by means.

Harlan? Edrich returned to the flagship and put away his smile in front of the emperor. Perhaps it was the blood relationship that made his relationship with the emperor different from other generals, but in battle, a soldier is a soldier!

"The main guns of each ship are filled with energy!"

Harlan? Edrich issued an order calmly. More than 200,000 warships, including the flagship, turned their muzzles at the same time to determine their orientation. The main guns were not used much because of their slow rate of fire and too much energy consumption. They were mostly used for The fortress guns and fleet flagships that destroy planets or fortresses are hit by such huge artillery, and no matter how large the battleship, no matter how solid the armor and protection will be, it will be vanished.

When the main battery energy shows full, the turret commander reports: "Energy fully charged, ready to fire."

Harlan? Edrich waved his arm gently.

At the same time as the order was issued, hundreds of thousands of dazzling huge beams rushed towards the six hundred and seventy-eighth star, which was like a ripe fruit. In just a few seconds, on the protective cover around the star, it exploded like a stellar explosion. The huge waves of sparks, the collision of energy and energy are tough, just like the gladiators of the earth age, without any tricks, only rely on their own strength to fight!

Huo Xing's combat mech has secretly flew to the two huge flagships surrounded by the center of the battleship, with a bird's eye view, dodging the first round of the main artillery salvo, before the imperial fleet moved the second round of attack, the mech team The captain of the commander issued an order to attack, and Shang Ping immediately positioned the coordinates. When rushing towards the golden battleship, his pupils shrank violently, and he told his companions to give up the attack immediately and turn around to escape.

When Shang Ping was captured for the first time, the two single-man fighter jets glued to the emperor's flagship had already made the generals of the empire have lingering fears. That kind of gnashing of teeth but helpless situation must never happen again!

So whenever the Emperor's flagship moved or appeared anywhere, there would be a massive **** of warships, and Harlan? Edrich, on the other hand, directly surrounded the emperor's flagship in the battle armor! Because the empire's combat armors are all black and hide behind the battleships, it is difficult to see them clearly through the display alone, whether it is goodwill or business level!

Shang Ping's reminder was not untimely, but it was still too late.

The imperial battleships were so focused on attacking Huo Xing that they didn't even bother to pay attention to these blue mechas that suddenly rushed out. The combat armors guarding the emperor's flagship were immediately divided into four teams. One of the teams rushed to Shang Pingren.

Shang Ping dodged the opponent's laser cannon a little embarrassedly, pressed the attack button, and was easily dodged by the opponent without any accident. The black mecha moved to the right side of Shang Ping at the speed of light. The two particle cannons on his shoulders and his elbows The Ministry's laser cannon has been aimed at the blue mecha's deadly head cockpit and waist energy compartment!

There were already two other black combat armors rushing towards him. Shang Ping knew that he would not be able to get out of his body no matter what, and was praying that he could escape the key point when ten huge beams of light suddenly appeared from the side of Huo Xing. !

It turned out that the captain of the combat armor saw something wrong and immediately sent the situation back to Huo Xing. It was impossible for Goodwill to watch Shang Ping die. !

Shang Ping naturally had no way of knowing what his father was doing. Seeing that the black battleship was surrounded by a light curtain formed by a beam of light, the three black combat armors around him were also stagnant for a moment. He immediately pulled the operating lever and rushed to the three aircraft Above the armor, he gritted his teeth, did not turn around and escape, but mobilized the laser cannons on his shoulders and elbows, slammed it down, and at the same time quickly fell, kicking another mecha on the head! The energy injection device on the sole of the mecha was originally used for acceleration and flight, but at this moment, the high temperature melted the cockpit of the black mecha.

Even the most experienced fighter pilots can only say one sentence: "It's shameless!"

Fighting armor is a high-end weapon that fights with speed and artillery fire. Where have you seen fighting in such a shameless way? !

Shang Ping, who succeeded in one blow, inspired his team members. He was originally on the weaker side, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the businessman's nature to judge the situation. Therefore, the blue combat armor started a similar attack without any hesitation. The imperial soldiers who were beaten out of real fire also began to change their strategies. Since it's shameless, let's all be shameless!

So, the first epoch-making battle armor brazen fight in the history of the universe began...

Harlan? Edrich was stunned to see what happened to his proud mecha team, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief, while Soran Edrich, His Majesty the young emperor, didn't want to say anything other than silence. .

Could it be that the past emperors were all repelled by such shamelessness?

