MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.146Mar 06, 2023


The six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing is an independent planet. The regime is completely controlled by the will of the merchants. The overwhelming majority of people support, but in the goodwill era, this compromise completely vanished.

Obey or perish.

In a sense, Goodwill's governing thinking is similar to that of the Empire. The difference is that the Imperial Fleet is good at directly crushing opposing forces, while Goodwill likes to play tricks and use swords to kill people.

Soran Edrich launched a war against Juxing, which aroused the unity and armed resistance of the entire Juxing. As the Governor's goodwill, his prestige reached another peak after the counterattack. Few people knew that His Excellency the Governor used the emperor's help. fleet, completed a thorough cleaning. Today, Huo Xing can no longer find a business group that can fight against Goodwill by force. Of course, except for the space pirates who wear the cloak of business groups, these people have no interest in politics. In this way, Goodwill can safely hand over most of the armed forces in his hands to Shang Ping. As for whether to hand over his power and wealth to his own son, it depends on what kind of situation Shang Ping and Soran Edrich end up doing. relation.

The emperor's lover is a very delicate relationship, and if it is a partner, it is another matter.

During the time when Goodwill left Huoxing, most of the buildings destroyed by the war in Shangdu have been cleaned up, new buildings have been erected, green vegetation and various facilities have covered the ruins at the fastest speed, and businessmen have gathered again. , the entire Puppet began to restore its former prosperity. The tragic battles of the previous war can only be seen from the battle-defense fort that has not yet been dismantled. The Huoxing Fleet, which was completely annihilated in the battle with the Imperial Fleet, was inscribed in Huoxing's newly built History Museum, and the last speech of the fleet commander was continuously replayed in the form of text on the huge screen. He didn't leave a voice or a name. He might be a businessman or a pirate, but he was remembered by everyone as a soldier. There is an endless stream of condolences, and the grief of losing relatives and friends will not fade away with the passage of time.

Major General Edgar and Austin were brought back to Shangdu by goodwill. Goodwill did not restrict their freedom. The work accumulated during the time away from Huosing was enough to make him unable to leave the office for a short time. However, when the two go out, they must carry identification cards with them, and the positioning device will report the whereabouts of the two. Goodwill reminds Edgar that it is best not to discard the identification cards, otherwise, they will be shot dead on the spot as intruders.

This regulation was proposed and passed when Shangdu was rebuilt. The imperial clone soldiers such as El Fei made Shangdu suffer a big loss. These terrible spies are still fresh in the memory of Shangdu people.

"Strange places, strange people."

Major General Edgar's words were not sentimental, just stating a fact.

From the beginning of thinking that Goodwill had completely joined the Empire, to learning from the receptionist that Shangdu was independent of the Empire and had the ability to fight against the Imperial fleet, Edgar's mood was full of twists and turns. In the end, he could only be forced to accept the fact that if Goodwill did not let him leave, he might no longer be able to lead the Mars fleet to battle.

With a sigh, he sat on the bench by the street and looked at the blond boy standing under the tree, expressionless and lost in thought, Major General Edgar began to think, what is Shang Ping doing now? The child had lived by his side for more than ten years. He clearly remembered the day when Shang Ping was brought home. The small child with the fragrance of milk sat on his arm, his pink lips dissatisfied. The dissatisfaction in his eyes was obvious. Edgar felt strange until Shang Ping climbed down from him, took small steps, neatly packed up the shirts scattered on the sofa, and started cleaning the desks and chairs floor, Edgar stayed there in a daze, almost forgetting What to say or how to react.

Shang Ping didn't have any anxiety about being adopted after losing his parents. The messy room seemed to attract all his attention.

Sure enough, it is the child of Goodwill and Xiaoxia?

Edgar thought so.

Thinking back to Shang Ping's life now, including the calmness he showed since childhood, his enthusiasm for the army and warships, and his performance in combat, which is different from other Mars boys, Edgar can only smile bitterly. Perhaps as Goodwill said, he really doesn't know anything about the children he raised by himself.

No, maybe he understands, but this is only what Shang Ping let him understand, not completely.

"What a failure..."

Edgar rested his arms on the back of the chair and raised his head. The sun was shining through the dense leaves, and the mottled light and shadow fell on him. The major general who took off his military uniform was like an ordinary handsome man, sitting quietly On the bench by the street, it seems to enjoy the warm sunshine.

Austin heard Edgar's sigh. He didn't know what Edgar was saying, maybe it was because he was defeated, maybe because he was captured, or maybe it was about Shang Ping...

Shang Ping…

Thinking of the black-haired boy, Austin felt his heart freeze.

"Major General, may I ask you a question?"

Austin walked to the bench and looked at Major General Edgar, he was no longer excited before, maybe he was really spoiled, he could sneer at the goodwill, but Major General Edgar's comments were enough to break his pride.


Edgar raised his head and put up his long legs, his posture still leisurely.

"Why does Goodwill do this?"

"Actually, what you really want to ask is Shang Ping, right?"

"Please answer me, will you?"

Austin stood in front of Edgar, with his back to the sun, with determination on the handsome young man's face, which vaguely revealed the meaning of not giving up until the goal was achieved. Edgar was stunned for a moment, as if he had seen Hansen, Apollo, himself, and goodwill for more than ten years... Youth is such a good thing.

"Do you really want to know? It's not a good thing to get to the bottom of."

"I would like to know."

"...Okay." Major General Edgar clasped his hands and sat up straight, "If you insist, I'll tell you everything I know..."

Sometimes the truth is not a good thing, but Edgar intends to respect Austin's choice. Even this young man may lose his faith and pride because of this truth.

Saixia leads the star at the border of the Golden Empire, and the emperor and his party are ready to go.

Shang Ping once again boarded Solan Edrich's flagship and stood on the teleportation bridge. Shang Ping looked in the direction of the Saixia ground prison. After today, the soldiers of Mars will no longer be detained there. It belongs to Shang Ping's army. Shang Ping has no regrets that things have developed so far, he is just looking for a way out, with the least cost and least blood, a way out for his father to be redeemed.

There is nothing to regret and nothing to blame. Surviving surrounded by powerful enemies is inherently difficult. Perhaps this description is not accurate, but his situation is indeed not much better. Well, now the Emperor of the Empire likes him, but who knows how long this like will last? Emotions are illusory things. It is extremely stupid to always pin your hopes on others. Your own strength is the key to success.

This is a very realistic notion. Shang Ping knew that his character was a bit bad, but it was innate and there was no way to correct it.

"What are you thinking?" Soran Aidrich dragged Shang Ping down the teleportation bridge, put one hand on his shoulder, and watched the people on the ground turn into shadows, "Or, do you want some what?"

Shang Ping shook his head, he was accustomed to Soran Edrich's intimate behavior, and sometimes habit was a terrible thing.

"Your Majesty, can I go back to the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huxing once?"


Goodwill was handed over to Shang Ping's warship, which needed a docking planet and a supply station. After all these Mars soldiers were implanted with control chips, Shang Ping, as the commander of the fleet, needed to run in with the entire fleet, an incompetent commander. An officer commanding a powerful fleet would be a disaster.

"Incompetent? No, that word will never come to you."

Soran Edrich turned Shang Ping's face with a smile and nodded his nose, "You can't go to the six hundred and seventy-eighth star for the time being, but I will give you a planet, if you want, I can give it to you. You're a galaxy. Your father's ships and these soldiers are nothing... but, come on, it's a fun thing."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The emperor's flagship was getting farther and farther away from Sesha. Unlike when he came, Soran Edrich chose to enter the space to jump to the particle, which would greatly shorten the voyage time.

Tonight, the residence of the Imperial Prime Minister is still brightly lit. With the news that the Emperor is about to return to the Ivan Summer Palace, it is Soran Edrich who will hold a grand banquet for the pro-appointed Imperial Major in a month. The emperor's request was a bit sudden, and the attendants in Ivan's summer palace began to get busy, and the time was in a hurry but in an orderly manner. In the era of Heine III, court banquets were often held, and it was the first time that Soran II held a court banquet of this size. The specifications of the banquet and the list of invitations will be checked after the emperor returns, but Count Reichardt has already received the news, and the specifications are no less than that of the imperial concubine, even the Grand Duchess Eve in the era of Hainy III has not received it. this kind of treatment. Count Reichardt had to start to face the black-haired boy. Apart from the emperor's transaction with the 678th Huxing and the identity of the governor's son, does he have other meanings to the emperor?

Earl Reichardt had various guesses, but it was never finalized, which also affected the Earl's mood, and the officials under the Prime Minister of the Empire were also quite overwhelmed. After all, Soran Edrich is a single emperor, and no one knows whether this wayward dictator will make this "Imperial Major" a further step on a whim. There has always been an element of willfulness and wantonness in the blood of the Edrich family.

"No, I won't allow it!"

After receiving the invitation to the banquet, Empress Dowager Yilan directly broke the small incense fan. As a member of the royal family, Empress Dowager Yilan is more aware of the meaning of the emperor's hosting of this banquet. This is not a simple favor for a lover, she cannot allow such a person of unknown origin to bear the royal family name!

Compared with Earl Reichate and Empress Dowager Yilan, the imperial nobles who received the news had their own opinions, but without exception, they developed a strong interest in the black-haired boy beside the emperor. This kind of interest cannot be precisely defined as good intentions or malicious intentions, even Empress Dowager Yilan would not be able to refute the emperor face to face.

In this eccentric atmosphere, the emperor's flagship entered the last space jumping particle, getting closer and closer to the capital.

