MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.168Mar 06, 2023


High-density laser cannons and large-caliber particle cannons bloom silently in the universe. In the face of absolute strength, bravery, fearlessness, and fearlessness have become empty words.

It may be cruel, but it is irrefutable helplessness.

After several rounds of tentative attacks, the Deco Galaxy Fleet finally opened all the energy compartments of the turret, and the fully-loaded central control system began to heat up. The clone soldiers stood in the turret control room without realizing it, faithfully executing Order. When several times the previous shelling beams rushed towards the Mars Space Fleet with thunderous momentum, all the battleships were shrouded in a terrifying light curtain. The universe no longer sleeps in darkness, and even if it is silent, one can imagine the death trap hidden behind the dazzling white light.

"Back off!"

The command of the command ship could not be conveyed to all the warships. The collision of high-intensity lasers and particles completely destroyed the light wave communication. Even the two warships in the immediate vicinity could see each other from the turrets, but could not receive each other's messages at all. message.

Silent fear began to hang over everyone's heart.

Under the light curtain, some warships were cut off by the middle, some energy cabins were hit, and a raging fire broke out in an instant, and some were directly torn by several beams and dissipated in the universe like smoke. Such tragic, destroyed battleships, and no surviving soldiers, this is the cruelty of war, and the Mars fleet, which has lost all peripheral battleships, shows no sign of leaving the battlefield, even the three under Shang Ping Commander, some warships have been shaken, but they are still faithfully guarding the battlefield that belongs to them.

"Respectable soldier."

Major Lu Dan carried his hands on his back, and from the beginning of the battle, he left the high-back chair with ornately carved patterns in the command room. Although he admired the tenacious perseverance of the Mars soldiers, it did not prevent him from issuing another round of shelling orders. The empire's battleship galloped in the universe, and had encountered countless indomitable and unyielding resistance. In the end, in the face of absolute strength, these all turned into a fantasy. After this, it was **** suppression and massacre, without exception. Like Sid? Major Hall, and the transferred Major Bomi, or even Chad from the Empire's Dependent Star? Did Major Mace, their ancestors, have fought so hard against the Imperial fleet? Major Lu Dan is unknown, but at this moment, they have all become soldiers of the Empire, and they must faithfully implement all military orders.

"Commander, the flagship has sent a message."

"Turn on the communicator."


The huge screen in the command cabin was divided into several pieces, showing the scene of the battlefield attacked by the Second Fleet. The image of Shang Ping was abruptly interspersed in it. Major Lu Dan straightened his back. .

"Shrink the attack range, compress all the Mars warships inwards, then send out the fighter and sappers, and tie them up with the beam leash."

Shang Ping's order was a bit inconceivable. The three fleet commanders were stunned at the same time. They had never received such a battle order. When the results of the war were clearly visible, wouldn't the flagship not want to be more laborious? Doing so would undoubtedly be asking for trouble.

"Your Excellency, this will prolong the fighting time. Moreover, the subordinates believe that these prisoners are not of much use to us."

Sid? Major Hall's words expressed the feelings of the other two fleet commanders, but Shang Ping was unmoved.

"Execute the order."

The interruption of the signal indicates the end of this communication. Even if the three fleet commanders were puzzled and reluctant, they could not disobey the flagship's order.

The Mars Space Fleet on the other side of the battlefield could feel the sudden weakening of the enemy fleet's firepower, and they were equally puzzled. When the road ahead is only destruction, everyone will go forward, and when the outcome is unpredictable, a fluke accompanied by luck begins to breed in some people's hearts. Mars soldiers have strong perseverance and fighting ability, but it does not mean that everyone will be unshakable in the face of death. David Soth's order, let some young cadets also participate in the battle, these children who have never seen the **** battlefield, full of enthusiasm to try to save their planet, the laser cannons and particle beams intertwined in the battlefield But it completely destroyed their enthusiasm and confidence. There are only two possibilities for young children to experience bloodshed prematurely. One is that they grow into fighting machines without blood and tears, which will be several times more cruel and cruel than ordinary soldiers, and the other is collapse.

Obviously, most of these children who are still in education have become the second kind of people. Military academies set them up with values ​​and unrealistic fantasies about war, but didn't teach them what to do when those values ​​were challenged.

Being young is not an excuse, but a practical and cruel test.

Finally, when another cadet had his legs cut off by the particle beam that ripped through the hull, he cried to his mother, raised his portable laser pistol, and blasted his head. The military doctor who came to rescue didn't even have time to His severed limb was covered with artificial skin, and his blood was drained.

The brunette-haired military doctor numbly motioned for the nurse to lift the child's body down. When he turned his head, he saw the pale faces of other children. He was helpless.

Deco Galaxy Fleet Flagship

Shang Ping lowered his head, constantly rubbing the golden trim of the mouth of his military uniform, his fingertips trembling invisibly. The staff officer was not with him, and he didn't even have anyone to talk to. He can't let anyone find out that he is shaking at the moment, he has already expected this situation, what is he doing at this moment? I even feel fake.

The attendant also went to the flagship with Shang Ping. He kept silent all the time, and he was not allowed to intervene in government and military affairs. It's just that when he sees Shang Ping's obscure expression, he will bring a cup of coffee or cake.

"Squire, I don't like sweets."

Shang Ping pushed away the plate of exquisite cakes in disgust.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, it was negligence under the post."

The attendant took away the exquisite plate with kindness and sent another plate, to which Shang Ping could only be speechless. But his mood was not as bad as before.


"My pleasure."

This is just a small episode between the wars. The three fleet commanders faithfully carried out Shang Ping's orders, and the Mars fleet was gradually compressed into a very small area, but the casualties were far less than at the beginning of the battle.

In the flagship, David South frowned deeply, he didn't understand what Shang Ping's intention was. It is impossible for him to regard Shang Ping as a young soldier who has only graduated from the military academy for less than two years, but he does not understand the intention of the Deco galaxy fleet.

Sid? Major Hall was sitting in the commanding chair, his neat military uniform still spotless. The three fleet commanders did not have much contact in the battle, but they were able to predict the next move of the other two very well. This was the result of the fleet's running-in training. He began to admire the young Lord Deco. In the past, absolute strength was the mainstream in the concept of imperial soldiers. Between fleets carrying out the same task, there would even be comparisons and competitions. Major Bomi's previous actions were exactly the same. out of this idea. Shang Ping, on the other hand, emphasized the cooperation between the fleets, which was new to the three fleet commanders. Now, it seems that this young lord and fleet commander should not be underestimated.

Sid? Major Hall raised his right arm and waved it down gently. At the same time, the Second Fleet and the Third Fleet issued the same order. The shelling weakened a lot in an instant, the hatches of the huge battleship and cruise ship opened, and the black humanoid combat mecha and the sapper mecha twice the size of the combat mecha flew out immediately, like a chain of black light chains, pointing directly to the trapped inside. Mars Space Fleet in a narrow area. As these mechas approached, the Mars Space Fleet immediately dispatched single-person fighters. Some of the combat armors were stopped, while other combat armors and engineer mechas continued to move forward. Within the range of the Mars Space Fleet, spread out. Every three to four combat mechs form an **** group, escorting the sapper mecha in an arc shape, resisting the shelling of the Mars battleship and the harassment of the single fighter. The sapper mecha stretches out its arms, two dazzling white lights? It shot out and continued to extend until it was connected to another white light. Then, a circular curtain opened, and all the Mars battleships were wrapped in a huge sphere of light. The energy cabin stopped running in an instant, all the turrets were paralyzed, and panic began to spread. At this moment, the Mars battleship was like a baby without resistance. If these combat armors attacked, no Mars battleship could survive. The strange thing is that these combat armors are still escorting around the sapper mechas, neither attacking nor leaving.

David Soth rushed to the light screen, looking at the terrifying scene on the screen, his face was ashen.

Shang Ping also stood in front of the screen of the flagship command cabin, clenching his fists. He didn't intend to kill everything from the start. This battle must happen. Shang Ping remembered his transactions with his father and the emperor. If he dared to unilaterally "break a contract", the result would not be for him, nor for this galaxy to bear.

"Now, ignore these fleets and directly contact Mars Planet." Shang Ping said slowly: "I don't harm civilians, nor do I interfere in government affairs. If it is not necessary, the imperial fleet will not land on Mars mainland, I believe the other party will give I am satisfied with the answer."


A few minutes later, Martin, the CEO of the Mars military government, sent a note to the Muse galaxy, and Mars accepted the conditions of the Deco galaxy fleet and accepted the jurisdiction of the Deco galaxy fleet. Interestingly, he was talking about the Deco galaxy fleet, not the Golden Empire fleet. In this regard, Shang Ping made no comment. He is contacting Goodwill at the moment, which is what he has to do.

Goodwill's response surprised Shang Ping.

"I just want the result. I don't care how the process goes. Of course, I believe you, my son, will satisfy me."

This is trust, but also warning.

Shang Ping silently turned off the communicator and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, a dark light flashed in his eyes and said, "Send a communication to the Mars Space Fleet, asking the other party to stop all resistance activities, and send the Mars chief executive officer. Martin's note and all our conditions are sent to each other, to every warship."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief!"

After issuing this order, Shang Ping ignored the changes on the battlefield. He picked up the communicator and began to think about how to talk to Soran Edrich so that the emperor could completely hand over the galaxy to him.

However, Shang Ping has already made the worst plan for how much he should pay. I hope that the emperor will not care about his previous behavior of dropping the communicator. If the emperor can promise him, then, Liu Xi and Aijia? Derich will be a good candidate. As for Martin, Shang Ping doesn't believe him. Of course, his belief in the first two is also based on a relative basis.

"In any case, I will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history?"

Shang Ping sighed, leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, if he stepped on Mars again, would he be beaten into a sieve by the laser gun? Forget it, since it has already been done to this point, it is meaningless to think about it. Besides, he's an Earthling, isn't he?

Shang Ping comforted himself, he knew it was shameless, but after he took the first step, there was no turning back. In the future, he could only continue to walk. The best result is that the father's goodwill gets what he wants, the emperor will not pay too much attention to this galaxy that is still a certain distance from the border of the empire, and the Muse galaxy, after nominally belonging to the empire, can still remain independent.

The father wanted the lives of some people, the emperor wanted the power stone and the obedience of this galaxy, and they all got what they wanted. And what about yourself? He also has to work hard to dig this galaxy out of the emperor's hands, and can't let other imperial fleets garrison in this galaxy. Playing tricks and tricks with the emperor will give you a headache just thinking about it.

"It's really thankless."

Shang Ping sneered. Immediately, the correspondent reported to him that about 90% of the Mars fleet was willing to accept the conditions of the Deco galaxy fleet. Shang Ping nodded, which was similar to what he expected, but the matter was not over yet. As for contacting the emperor, we'll have to wait and see. Now, how to make some people "generous sacrifice" is the most important thing.

Shang Ping ostrich thought.

