MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.169Mar 06, 2023


The universe in the dark is beautiful.

Shang Ping looked through the hard transparent ship window and looked at the night sky from the land. It was a completely different concept than being in the middle. He couldn't help thinking of a beautiful legend deep in his memory. At that time, the earth was still his home. On the moon, which carried people's beautiful fantasies, the Fairy Guanghan danced lightly in the sky. Under the osmanthus tree, was the snow-white jade? rabbit…

"Chang'e, Guanghan Palace... Nowadays, even fantasies are a luxury." However, when he thought of this, Soran Edrich's face came to mind. Shang Ping shook involuntarily, this association was too weird.

"Your Excellency Commander?"


Shang Ping closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was no trace of excess emotion in his brown eyes.

The staff officer returned to the flagship, and most of the Mars space fleet had been allowed to leave, after the self-destructing turrets. These disarmed warships are like tigers with their tusks pulled out, just a bunch of heavily armored guys. In the encirclement that opened a passage, Mars battleships continued to leave, and they were allowed to return to Mars. The Deco Galaxy fleet would not attack them, nor would they coerce them in the name of "guardians". Shang Ping promised not to. Will land on Mars, not a single battleship in the Deco system fleet will disobey the flagship's orders.

Finally, the encirclement continued to shrink. Only a few hundred warships were trapped in combat armors and sappers. A huge flagship was very eye-catching. The logo of the Soth family was engraved on the side of the ship, indicating these rejections. The warships and soldiers who laid down their weapons belonged to David Soth. To be precise, they belonged to the Soth family. Not surprisingly, even in the fully militarized Mars junta, class and private armies never disappeared.

"Your Excellency, they refuse to lay down their weapons."

Staff Officer Roger's voice was flat without a trace of personal color. He was just stating a fact, and he didn't even mean to give Shang Ping advice.


Shang Ping leaned on the back of the chair, and he couldn't distinguish his current mood, neither happy nor sad, perhaps it should be said that he didn't feel anything now. But he knew that things must have a result, and this result was already doomed. Before that, though, he still has something to do.

"Contact the other party's flagship."


The communicator's dexterous fingers were flying on the keyboard, and it was not difficult to intercept the signal of the Mars Space Fleet flagship, as long as no sappers or combat mechas suddenly turned on the magnetic interference.

David South still maintained his military demeanor. When his image appeared on the screen, Shang Ping had to admit that he was a qualified soldier at all times.

"Hello, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief."

"Hello." David South's voice still carried the smoke of the battlefield, hoarse and indifferent, "If you want me to give up resistance, then I don't have to."

"No." Shang Ping shook his head, looked at David South with a very subtle expression, and said, "I just want to confirm one thing with you."

"Please speak." David South maintained military manners, even though it all meant nothing.

"Twelve years ago, what happened at the Kanon military fortress, were you a participant or the mastermind?"

David South was stunned for a moment, his expression loosened for a moment, but it was only a momentary event, but it did not escape Shang Ping's eyes.

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Yes." Shang Ping smiled, leaned forward slightly, rested his elbows on the table, clasped his fingers together, supported his chin, looked at David South with a not serious attitude, and said, "If Do you still remember what happened twelve years ago, then, can you tell me that at that time, it was you who gave the order to 'stand by' for the three fleets?"

"Yes." David South's voice was hesitant, but he didn't deny it.

"Did you know they were going to die?"


"You know, right?"


"Oh, thanks."

Shang Ping smiled, stood up, and walked to the screen with dark brown eyes, "I want to tell you that my father and mother were both from Mars and served in the Mars Army. At that time, they were both in In the fleet. Unfortunately, my mother and my unborn sister both died in the Kanon fortress. Even more unfortunately, my father didn't die, and he was brooding about it and wanted to pay for it in blood. So, I showed up it's here."

"...That's why you betrayed Mars?"

"This question is a bit complicated to explain." Shang Ping tapped his forehead, "Speaking of which, it's definitely better for me to stand here than my father is to stand here."

"Shameless excuse."

"Whatever you think, it doesn't matter."

Shang Ping shrugged his shoulders, and the staff officer glanced at the commander in surprise. It was the first time he saw Shang Ping so relaxed. Perhaps it was because he had been with Shang Ping for such a short time that in his impression, The current lord of the Deco galaxy is not as mature and rational as a sixteen-year-old boy.

"You will be a disgrace to all Mars people!"

"Mars?" Shang Ping shook his head, looking at the vast universe on the split screen next to David Soth's image, "Before this planet was named Mars, or this galaxy was named Muse Galaxy, Maybe there are lives that cursed the invaders at that time. Of course, I am not qualified to say these words. However, the only thing I can guarantee is that this galaxy has only changed its owner in name, not after the bloody, completely wiped out civilization ."

David Soth no longer refuted, but obviously, he did not agree with Shang Ping's words.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree with my words, and I don't intend to prove anything, that's too shameless. However, I will treat you with the attitude of a real soldier. Apart from other things, you are indeed a soldier worthy of respect. "

Shang Ping has already got the answer he wants, and he doesn't want to continue to entangle. Signal the correspondent to end the conversation and send a final command asking the other party to give up resistance, knowing that it is futile.

Five minutes later, the sappers and most of the fighters surrounding the Mars battleship were all evacuated. The remaining black humanoid fighters turned on the acceleration device, and the laser cannons on their shoulders were set up at the same time. During the flight, the laser beams were like sharp blades. Like tearing at the dying battleship, the flower of death and destruction bloomed silently, Shang Ping turned his head, and did not intend to watch this battle that had nothing to do with equal power. In just twenty minutes, only the wreckage of the battleship remained in the battlefield. Cruising black humanoid fighters and cruisers heading to clear the battlefield.


Shang Ping sighed, not feeling relaxed at all.

At this moment, the Muse Galaxy is unusually calm, and the Free City Federation and the Republic of Seth have not suffered any losses. Except for the black battleship entrenched in the sky, the people living here are slowly beginning to relax their nervousness, while Mars , then after welcoming back his cosmic fleet, he felt that defeat had come again. Chief Executive Martin has no time to take care of David South, and the news of his death has not yet returned to Mars, but everyone knows that he has no chance of surviving.

"The government announcement has been issued. Martin, will the other party really keep his promise and not land in Mars?"

"We can only believe so if we keep our promises as well."

Martin's face was ugly, and his anxiety and worry made him look like ten years older in a short period of time. The military personnel are currently headless and have lost their spirit. The people of Mars have always only known that their fleet is galloping across the universe, and they have never thought about what it would be like if their planet was occupied by others. However, at least the other party gave them Buffer time, even if Shang Ping repents, there is still time for him to make arrangements.

"Forget it." Martin rubbed his face fiercely, trying to cheer himself up, "The main job now is to appease the people's emotions. Has the battle damage been counted?"

What worries Martin is that most of the soldiers in the fleet this time included a large number of cadets. According to preliminary statistics, about 60 percent of the children died in battle. Mars people may be proud of dying in battle, but they are not monsters without blood and tears. It is duty and honor for professional soldiers to die in battle. Children who are still underage... Martin himself is the father of two children, he knows this kind of Misfortune can drive people crazy.

"Who's to blame? Damn invaders?"

Martin sneered. He didn't think Mars's cleaning of the colonized planet was a bad thing before, but now he is always worried that this fate will befall him, which is not an irony.

"Master Consul, Liu Xi, President of the Republic of Seth, has requested to speak with you."

"Liu Xi?"

Martin was stunned.

Free Cities Federation

The Deco galaxy fleet entered the route of the Muse galaxy, leaving some warships stationed in the airspace of the Republic of Seth, directly over the fourth planet Mars, and entered the sky over the Free City Federation.

The third planet γ of the Muse Galaxy seems to be shrouded in a huge dark cloud. These natural businessmen do not seem to regard the black battleship entrenched in the sky as a threat. Some people even waved their hands in a good mood. After thousands of years of continuation, They have already formed their own special values ​​and life system. They have not colonized planets, but the wealth in their hands enables them to buy any small planet. Compared with Mars and Seth, they have a weaker concept of the country. Seeing this, Goodwill took the lead with Aijia? Derich contact, also received very good results. Of course, because they put too much energy into making money and enjoying themselves, they have no time to develop their own military power, but the merchants of the Free Cities Federation don't care.

Love Jia? Derich had already announced to the entire planet the conditions proposed by Shang Ping. After confirming that his life was not in danger and that his interests would not be violated, the merchants of the Free City Federation did not react much. Therefore, Shang Ping chose to land on the third planet, instead of the Republic of Seth, which also fell to the Deco galaxy fleet.

As long as there is enough interest, these people can sell their souls to the devil, which is what Goodwill taught Shang Ping. Now, Shang Ping will truly experience what power and wealth will be.

Love Jia? Derich was dressed in a dark blue court dress, with long grey hair in a high bun, with a gold pin studded with sapphires gleaming in it. Seeing Shang Ping stepping down from the flagship, she seemed stunned for a moment. Although she knew that the commander of this fleet was very young, she did not expect that it would be so young. The commander-in-chief of the fleet under twenty years old?

"Beautiful lady, nice to meet you."

The devil-like etiquette training has played an important role at this moment, Shang Ping is courteously holding on to Aijia? Derich's hand, bowed his head, the warm breath on the back of the snow-white hand was fleeting. Love Jia? Derich was very satisfied with Shang Ping's courtesy, and even more satisfied with his face that was six or seven points similar to Goodwill.

It seems that the terms of Goodwill's promise to her should not be rhetorical.

Love Jia? Derich welcomed Shang Ping and his party into the lord's mansion with a smile on his face, followed by some powerful figures from the Free Cities Federation.

Mars and Seth had different reactions to Shang Ping's fleet entering the Free Cities Federation. Mars was relieved, while Liu Xi, President of the Seth Republic, fell into contemplation. After contacting Martin, Liu Xi believed that, I have to reposition the person Shang Ping.

Capital of the Golden Empire, Ivan Palace

Soran Edrich took over the wedding regulations presented by the court etiquette officer. He was very satisfied with the preparations for the wedding by the etiquette officer. Only the queen of the empire was qualified for a wedding prepared according to this specification.

"Your Majesty, because the time is too rushed, and Lord Deco is leading his troops, it is best to make a decision as soon as possible."

"Well, I see." Soran Edrich nodded, "After the financial officer has reviewed it, prepare according to this charter."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Volume 4 Eternal Movement

