MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.197 extraa year ago

MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale

C.197 extraa year ago

The first prince of the Golden Empire, Missell Edrich, is six years old.

As the only son of Emperor Solan II and Empress Shang Ping, the little prince Missell has been the darling of the royal family since childhood. However, after the prince's sixth birthday banquet, the little prince's attendant was horrified to discover that the treasures of the royal family, the stars of the empire, and the silver-haired prince Missell suddenly fell into an inexplicable melancholy!

Gods of the Empire, this is terrifying! The court servants and maids racked their brains, but could not make Miselle happy.

"His Royal Highness, this is a dessert newly developed by the Royal Chef."


"Your Highness, your court etiquette class is rated as excellent!"


"His Royal Highness, the weather is so nice outside today!"

Misel Edrich finally had a different reaction. He turned his head and looked at the sky shrouded in dark clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Is the weather good?

As a result, the tearful court attendant was defeated.

The first prince of the empire, Missell Edrich, continued to hold his cheeks with both hands, immersed in melancholy.

The cause of the incident began at the birthday party of Mischel Edrich's six years old.

According to the custom of the Edrich royal family, the six-year-old birthday banquet for the princes who have the right to inherit the throne is very important. They will meet all the members of the royal family on that day, including Grand Duchess Mancia Eddrich, Admiral Harlan Eddrich and other real powers. The only child of the Emperor and Empress, and the first heir to the throne, Missell Eddrich has been receiving an elite education from the royal family since the age of three.

As the first teacher of Soran II, the court ceremonial officer was responsible for teaching the first heir of the empire.

Miser thrived as the emperor and the empress hoped, although in the past three years, the empress Shang Ping raised objections to this high-pressure education method more than once, but was without exception rejected by Soran II. "Talk all night" convinced.

Michelle Edrich inherited the Edrich family's silver hair, blue eyes, and rose-like lips, looking like an angel in a fairy tale. Only those who have had close contact with Misell know that this little prince is actually an out-and-out little devil.

The most direct evidence is that the court etiquette officer has to go to the parking lot in the western suburbs of Ivan Summer Palace to exercise after each lecture. His Excellency the etiquette officer, who can't tell his age at all, continues to contribute to the empire's aircraft manufacturing industry.

Why would such a Mischel Edrich be troubled by things?


Miselle sighed and looked at the ceremonial officer with an expression that did not match his age, trying to find the answer he wanted on the handsome face of the other party, but the ceremonial officer, who had absolutely no idea what the little prince was thinking, once again. Disappointed Missel.

"Your Highness, you are the glory of the empire. Anything that bothers you will be completely destroyed."

The court etiquette officer who faithfully implements the iron-blooded education, speaks horrifying words with an expressionless face.

"Anything? Including people?"


"Then," Missell raised his head and looked at his teacher seriously with big blue eyes, "if this person is the emperor of the empire, what about my father?"

"..." After a long silence, the court etiquette officer retrieved his voice, "Do you want to usurp the throne?"

Although it is not impossible, six years old is still too young.

"No." Mischel shook her head and said, "If I tell my troubles, will you swear to keep it a secret for me?"

"Of course, I swear!"

"Okay." Misel beckoned to the etiquette officer, motioned him to bend down, leaned close to the etiquette officer's ear, and said, "I suspect that my father, His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, is having an affair."

Fright is no longer enough to describe the mood of the court etiquette officer, and cracks finally appeared on his indifferent face. This is even more incredible than the six-year-old little prince wanting to usurp the throne!

"How could you have such an idea?!"

"Why not?" Mischel put out the evidence with a serious face, "At my birthday party, I met all the members of the royal family, including children of my age and their parents! From their appearance, You can always find the shadow of both parents! But what about me? My appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the father! I can't find the shadow of my mother and queen, which makes it hard for me not to have some idea..."

"You are indeed the child of the emperor and the queen. For your birth, the empire revised the code to allow the use of gene fusion technology for human reproduction. You should not doubt your parents so much."

"Maybe it's just that the royal father was trying to cover up his infidelity to the marriage..."

Halfway through what Miselle said, he suddenly realized that the atmosphere was not right. He turned around involuntarily, and saw Soran Edrich standing by the door expressionlessly. The black-haired queen beckoned to the little prince with a smile. , "Baby, come, come to Daddy."

"Father, Queen Mother."

Miselle saluted the most noble couple in the empire with the most standard etiquette. As always, when she heard Miselle's address, the queen twitched the corners of her mouth unsurprisingly.

Soran Edrich walked up to Mischel and looked down at his six-year-old son, "Miselle Edrich, I think we need to have a good talk."

Miser was still a little afraid of such a father, so he couldn't help turning to Shang Ping. Although he always had a headache for his son's name, Shang Ping still couldn't resist those big watery eyes, blinked at Miselle without a trace, and then moved closer. He whispered something in Soran Edrich's ear.

In an instant, the emperor's expression softened slightly.

Shang Ping made persistent efforts and raised the corner of his mouth. The next moment the emperor took the queen's hand and strode out of the room. While being pulled away, Shang Ping turned his head and waved at Mischel: "Baby, see you later!"

It was not until the figure of the empress disappeared outside the door that the court etiquette officer said to Miselle, "Your Highness, so, do you still have any doubts?"

"No." Misel Edrich shook his head.

"So, can we move on to the next lesson?"

"Okay, Your Excellency the etiquette officer."

At the end of the day's class, the attendant was pleasantly surprised to find that Prince Missell Edrich had returned to his former "cheerfulness", while the Emperor and Empress did not walk out of the bedroom until the next morning.

In the diary, the little prince of the empire, Misel Edrich, solemnly wrote this passage: "I only now know that the highest authority of the empire is not the emperor, but my mother!"

Closing the diary, the yawning little prince slowly fell asleep.

