MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.9Mar 06, 2023


In the dazzling white light, the huge hull was shattered by the particle cannon and turned into particles floating in the universe. The roar of the explosion, the wailing of the people who were torn apart with the hull, and the thick dark red liquid floating among the metal fragments, this is a hellish scene...

In the chaos of consciousness, El Fei vaguely remembered Colonel George's unwilling eyes, the blood of Goldilocks hanging from the corner of her sweet mouth in front of the communicator, and everything was stained with a layer of dark red...

He should be dead, why can he still feel his heartbeat?

His eyes could not be opened as if they were stuck, the darkness invaded again, and Elfy's consciousness was interrupted here.

In the experimental cabin, there are several glass cylinders distributed and arranged. The cylinders are filled with a sticky, slippery and transparent liquid like oil. The liquid is filled with several people with closed eyes and catheters inserted all over their bodies. Their faces are lifeless and their skin Showing a death-like blue-gray, if the chest is not slowly rising and falling, it is easy to be considered to be completely dead.

In addition to the incomplete brain, their hands, feet, limbs, and even the entire torso were cloned from fragmented tissue cells. Relying on the nutrient solution to keep the heart beating slowly, in a sense, they are indeed no different from the dead.

It's just that there are anomalies in this

The virtual screens neatly arranged in the experimental cabin simultaneously produced a wave of fluctuations, and wavy snowflakes began to appear on the screen. The monitor looked through the screen and looked at the person wrapped in the huge glass cylinder. It was unbelievable that this strong brain wave Turned out to be issued by this broken brain.

"It's time to report this to Marshal Novi!"

With excitement in the monitor's voice, he and his colleagues gave each other high fives, and couldn't wait to turn on the communicator.

In the command module of the flagship of the Golden Empire cosmos fleet, on the huge screen that occupies half of the dome, countless stars shine in the darkness. A man with long silver hair stands in front of the screen, dressed in a traditional golden imperial uniform, a white straight coat with golden patterns coiled around it, trousers wrapping straight legs, silver boots with equally ornate engravings on their heels. pattern. Ice blue eyes, pale red lips, fair skin that is almost transparent, and abstinence like ice and snow, but with the innate sense of superiority of the superior, two kinds of temperaments that should be contradictory coexist harmoniously in this man, the more The hair shows off his charm.

Soran Edrich, the first prince of the Golden Empire, the emperor's favorite child, and the marshal who leads the imperial fleet, has a rare beauty and an extremely intelligent mind. He is like a perfect work of art. The gift of the most beautiful stars to the golden empire.

He is the pride of the Golden Empire, but the nightmare of the conquered planet. Those who praised him called him a dazzling star, and those who cursed him only hoped that he would become a fleeting comet. No matter which one it is, there is absolutely no question of Soran Edrich's own strong presence and irresistible attraction. Even if he is regarded as a demon's occupier of the planet, he cannot deny this.

However, under this perfect appearance, there is blood flowing like a glacier, cold and cruel, without the slightest pity and compassion. He is the future ruler of the Golden Empire, and boring and illusory emotions do not suit him. In those icy blue eyes, the whole universe is always full.

"Your Highness, there is new news."

Novi stood respectfully behind Soran Edrich, with a mechanical voice, narrating the news just received from the experimental cabin.

After a while, Soran Edrich looked away from the vast sea of ​​stars, and the sound of crystal crashing was cold and clear.

"Really? That means, your plan can start, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Novi's pale eyes flashed with darkness. Soran Edrich got the expected answer, but he didn't seem very happy. He moved his white and transparent fingers, and the picture of the stars on the huge screen changed. What appeared in front of the two of them was the entire Muse galaxy. sky map. The corners of the screen are divided into nine pictures, showing the appearance of each planet in the Muse Galaxy. In the end, the picture was positioned on the seventh planet. There, is the beginning of their plan.

The ore transaction with Planet Gamma was only a part of the plan, destroying the Fourth Fleet, but when cleaning the battlefield, several human corpses were found that did not turn into dust with the battleship. Even though it was broken and incomplete, Novi found another opportunity from these people.

"What the Golden Empire needs is the minerals of the entire galaxy. If it is conquered by force, the final result is likely to be a piece of scorched earth."

You can't attack the enemy head-on, but you need to play some intrigue behind your back, and the ultimate goal is just to get those ores. No matter how good this reason is, in front of Soran Edrich, it seems a little untenable.

Fortunately, Soran Edrich accepted Novi's advice. He is not a reckless man who will only lead his fleet to the enemy. He is the commander of all imperial fleets, even if he loves particle cannons to tear through the darkness of the universe. The moment is brilliant, and you need to calm down and think about whether what you give is equivalent to what you get, and whether it is worth the price of the imperial soldiers' lives for this.

Novi's plan sounds perfect. If it is successful, the Imperial Fleet will serve as a savior and appear in front of the human beings in the Muse Galaxy with a peaceful and loving face. Those "garbage" picked up from the battlefield will be the best of all this. evidence of.

However, the premise is to give those people a complete body and a cruelly beautiful memory.

"Then, do as you wish."

Soran Edrich's voice sounded again, re-turning the screen into a vast sea of ​​stars, icy blue eyes staring at the farthest stars, and the icy voice played a cruel prologue.

"As ordered, Your Highness!" Novi knelt down on one knee, took the corner of Soran Edrich's cape and kissed lightly, "May the stars praise you!"

Madoff Military Academy

In the middle of the wide arena, a group of boys in black school uniforms are gathered around, cheering loudly. This is the only place in the academy where loud noises are allowed, and it is also the best choice for this group of adolescent boys to exert their excess energy. one.

In the middle of the circle, John Jonathan took off his black school uniform jacket, his white shirt was soaked with sweat, his short brown hair was stuck to his forehead, the back of his hand wiped the sweat from his chin, and he kept breathing heavily. Opposite him, the blond boy's black school uniform was slightly messy, but he was still wearing it perfectly, with a fair face and green eyes, standing straight, his clenched fist slammed into John again with force. .

"damn it!"

With a low curse, John finally sat down on the ground, clutching his stomach, this **** woman's face, his ribs are probably broken.

The boys around were silent for two seconds, followed by a deafening cheer, mixed with whistles and jokes. They don't care which of the two in the field can stand to the end, they are only interested in the whole process, which will make them excited and excited, adding rare fun to the boring military school life.

Shang Ping and Zhou Ting attended Professor Kerry's history of earth anthropology together. Zhou Ting's interest in this course came entirely from Shang Ping. Originally, I just thought it was strange that Shang Ping was so keen on the boring history class. After listening to two classes, Professor Kerry's explanation was boring, but Shang Ping's explanation after class made Zhou Ting very interested. The profound knowledge shown by the boy made Zhou Ting wonder if he had made memory sticks from the entire library and implanted them in his head.

"Hey, Shang Ping, why are you still here? Your big dog is being beaten up in the arena!"

Joseph strode past Shang Ping and Zhou Jin, and turned back to John, who said he was going to see the arena, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Arena? Get beaten up?

Was John beaten up?

I have to say that Shang Ping's suspicions are very reasonable. For John, who has always scored A+ or above in close combat classes, it is really hard to imagine him being beaten to the ground by someone.

Shang Ping and Zhou Ting were both curious, and the two rushed to the arena, where they could hear the cheers and whistles from the crowd from a distance. It was difficult to push aside the crowded crowd. Although he was already mentally prepared, Shang Ping was still taken aback by the scene in front of him.

Where is John Jonathan as simple as being beaten up? Looking at his embarrassed appearance, it is clear that he was visited by the enemy's family to seek revenge.

"John, are you still alive?"

Shang Ping squatted down and poked John's shoulder, in exchange for John's hissing, covering his right rib with one hand, turned his head to Shang Ping with a wry smile, "Well, I can still breathe. It's just a broken rib. Beautiful. The school doctor is calling me, hehe..."

Shang Ping was speechless, staring at John, this guy who doesn't know how to live or die, should he break all his remaining ribs?

Looking up at Austin South, who was standing aside, Shang Ping frowned. Is this person born to be at odds with himself? Having caused such a big trouble for himself, and now beating up John like a dead dog, Shang Ping began to wonder if he had offended him unintentionally.

Before Shang Ping could speak, Austin South had already walked to Shang Ping and looked at him condescendingly. "He's your friend? The good kind?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"I'm better than him. Whether it's tactics, combat or whatever."

"so what?"

"It's better to choose me than to be with him."

Austin South's language was amazing, and Shang Ping was completely stunned. Everyone present was stunned for a while, and then there was another burst of crazy whistling and shouting.

John Jonathan looked at the obviously stunned Shang Ping and the serious-looking Austin South, and the expression on his face became unkind.

