MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.836 Nothing to teachSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.836 Nothing to teachSep 13, 2023

Chapter 836: Nothing to teach


"Attention all! Male Mangekyo, identified as Uchiha Shisui! One person!"

"Non-combat personnel evacuate their workstations and go to the refuge area."

"The combatants immediately go to Area C and make arrests immediately!"

"Repeat it again!"

The broadcast was mixed with the sound of explosions and sirens. In the corridor, Shisui, whose head was covered with blood, ran hurriedly.

This scene was like poking a hornet's nest.

No, it's more serious than poking a hornet's nest.

"Warning, intruder!"

"Please stop your activities immediately and stay at ease!"

"Warning! Stop the activity! Just surrender!"

There was urgency and a hint of ferocity in the gentle female announcer's voice.

While running, Shisui had no time to respond.

All I can think about is

what to do?

Now, there is no way to end it.

If caught, he will be very passive and cannot be caught no matter what.

All we can do is resist to the end.

I have to inform the Yondaime, she can save me.

In his mind, Shisui anxiously called out to Yondaime.

Almost immediately, the fourth generation's voice sounded.

"It seems something happened over there." Tsunade's voice was full of confusion. She stood in front of the balcony, overlooking the brightly lit city night view below.

"It's too late to explain." Zhisui said hurriedly: "The address is Nanxing Park, the headquarters building of the Special Guards. I conducted an infiltration operation and was discovered."

After a moment of silence, Tsunade said: "Just in time, hold on, the louder the noise, the better. My people will arrive soon."

With blood streaming from his face, Shisui was stunned for a moment and said, "Yidai, I can't hold on any longer!"

Do you really know where I am?

This ghost place, you really don’t know if you don’t fight, and you will be shocked if you fight.

Everyone is **** strong.

"Don't be afraid, you may die once." Tsunade said, "I will save you."

What a big deal, die once.

The moment he finished speaking, Shisui's eyes widened. In front of his eyes, both sides of the corridor suddenly exploded.

Under the high-definition and high-speed dynamic capture of Kaleidoscope, every detail is clearly captured.

Two giant arms composed of chakra broke through the wall, stretched out from the left and right respectively, and tacitly blocked the passage in front, leaving no gaps, mixed with bursting rubble and bricks, and violently slapped Shisui.

The power of God, Susanoo.

Counting my own kaleidoscope, this is the fourth pair of kaleidoscopes that appeared tonight.

For the first time, Shisui had a real sense of the power the clan had.

My own kaleidoscope is just one pair.

"Damn it!"

He suddenly stopped and slid on the smooth floor tiles in a hurry, inserting the ninja sword in his hand into the floor with blazing flames.

Jiri-ryu Sealed Ninja Sword Technique. Explosive Red Lotus

On the ground, the sealed spell continued to spread and spread all over Shisui's feet.

Accompanied by the exploding fire, the expanding fireball swallowed up the space in the corridor and Shisui's figure in an instant. As the ground collapsed and flames spewed out, Shisui fell from the upper floor to the corridor on the lower floor.

In the flames, two giant arms waved away.

Scarlet Kaleidoscope squinted slightly as he looked at the flames coming towards his face.



A pair of white eyes watched this scene quietly and sent the information.


As the floor collapsed again, two Susanoos fell simultaneously.

"You're at the end of your rope, Shisui."

Among the collapsed bricks and rubble, the giant Susanoo tore open the wall. Chakra surged rapidly through the fully assembled skeleton, tearing open the ceiling above the head, and flames pouring down like water.

"Give up your resistance obediently and don't make us brothers waste any more effort."

Susanoo moved, pressing one left and one right on his waist in tacit agreement, and gestured to draw the sword. With the movement of his arms, two giant chakra ninja swords were slowly drawn out and formed.

Among the half-length skeleton giants, the two brothers stood proudly with their arms crossed, looking at Shisui.

In the flames, Shisui stood up and pressed his eyes with one hand, blood dripping down his cheeks.

Senju's victory over that guy was a little trickier than expected, and the remaining chakra had to be calculated carefully.

Hold on, Shisui.

Tsunade called up the scene and frowned slightly at the heated scene.

As a Kage Tsunade, she knows how strong Konoha is today.

"Interesting." Looking at the picture, Mei Ji raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "How many times can he hit? Zhili."

As a teacher, Zhili undoubtedly has the most say.

"There are no technical flaws, but due to the difference in life-and-death combat experience, a slight discount must be made." Jiri commented interestingly: "And there are still flaws in terms of hard power, especially the level of chakra."

"The limitations of physical fitness are there. Compared with Uchiha who has the advantage of Senju bloodline, he does not have the upper hand."

"Sen Luo Wan Xian's hybrid genes have great advantages."

"What is mixed blood?" Mei Ji said with a smile: "That's called returning to one's ancestors."

"Three, please." Zhili rolled his eyes at Mei Ji and said modestly, "No more."

"Why don't teachers think highly of the disciples they have carefully trained?" Mei Ji said, "Then, I bet I can beat ten."

"You are very confident." Zhili said: "Are you so unsure of the subordinates you have prepared?"

"After all, he is Shunshen Shisui." Mei Ji said: "I am very curious about what you taught him."

"Everything that can be learned has been taught." Zhili said, "Don't worry, this does not include Flying Thunder God."

Beside her, Hitomi blinked and said, "Did you forget something?"

"What?" Zhili asked.

"The boys in my family are not very kind." Hitomi said: "This boy Shisui will die in an ugly way."

"Eight Gate Dunjia! Open!"

Just as Shisui was confronting his tribe, violent chakra burst out one after another.

Immediately afterwards, twelve blue meteors rushed into the scene, and the walls along the way exploded under the shock wave.

As soon as they came up, there were twelve sacrificial flying kicks, and under the attack of the righteous gang, it was like twelve missiles and heavy artillery arriving at once, blocking Shisui's retreat from all directions in space, from top to bottom, left, and right.


Shisui's pupils narrowed, and in front of him, six large shoe soles exceeding size 43 came into view.

Under the fierce battle rhythm, there is no time to activate the most powerful illusion.

With a heavy sound, smoke filled the air, and a figure flew out and crashed through the wall.

Right on target.

"That's it." Mei Ji said.

"It's still a little early." Zhili raised his eyebrows.

Twelve people fell down one after another and looked at the big hole in the wall.

"I didn't kick it," one person said.

"Who kicked him away?" One person said in a slightly serious voice, with a hint of questioning.

"He bumped into it himself." Another person replied: "Uncle."

"Idiot." The Hyuga ninja scolded: "I don't know how to hold back some strength."

"It was too fast, I didn't react." The young man replied, "Uncle, he came up by himself."

The buried ruins of the building were filled with offices and chairs that had been knocked over and thrown over, and documents like snowflakes flying in the smoke and dust.

The hand beneath the cover twitched slightly and moved.

"It hurts so much"

Pushing away the rubble on his body, he sat up with difficulty.

Shisui, who was covered in dust and mud, looked at the blurry world with double images in front of him with stars in his eyes, and gradually came back to his senses.

The flowing chakra on his body was full of ferocious cracks, and the half-formed Susanoo faded away.

Picking up the ninja sword, Shisui placed it in front of his eyes, his eyes reflected on the bright blade surface.

The scarlet kaleidoscope rotated rapidly.

Other gods, activate.

"Pain masking."

The aching nerves calm down, the disintegrating pain subsides like a tide, and my heart is like the moon in a well, clear and still.

"Increased sensitivity."

The body becomes sharper, and the tentacles of spiritual perception extend in all directions.

Clear footsteps echoed around, and the complete figure was outlined in his mind. The overall scene was displayed in his heart like a 3D map, like eyes behind him, white eyes, 360 degrees without blind spots.

"Full output restrictions are lifted."

In the body, the shackles of muscles are broken and released.

In order to protect the human body itself during daily activities, the body has a force-limiting safety valve.

Now, it's lifted.

This means that the combat effectiveness is improved.

"If you are quick, there is a chasm in the sky."

In the yard, the girl was walking with her hands behind her back. Behind her, two children looked at the girl's back.

"The only ninjutsu in the world that can't be broken is the speed."

"Don't worry about the bad Susanoo at home, there's nothing to teach you."

"The first lesson I want to teach you today is"


"Creatures perceive the wonders of the world with their eyes."

"And in the eyes of different creatures, the world will be different."

