Dawning Skye - C.554Feb 26, 2023

Dawning Skye

C.554Feb 26, 2023

554 An Offer(Part One) 𝐟re𝐞w𝐞𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝚎𝒍.c૦𝚖

The evening air was crisp as winter began to set in. Skye thought about Yuletide, which was fast approaching, and smiled as she imagined her mother and father trying to help the servants decorate. She was hoping to be at Moonstone Castle for the holidays this year, but Genie had effectively destroyed that thought.

She didn’t resent him for it due to Mei and Rukia being in danger, but Skye still felt a tinge of animosity towards him whenever she thought about her home. Being away in the Highlands last year had made her miss home terribly, and this year was bound to sting even more, being the second in a row away.

As Skye glared at him without realizing it, Genie sighed before announcing; “The Tokuga Estate is up ahead! I will land first with everyone, then you three can! Don’t forget our plan! Especially you, Zazzy!”

Hearing herself being singled out, Zazzy huffed as she made a disgruntled, guttural sound. Genie chuckled lightly before praising her diligence, but laced in a reminder of why she needed to be extra careful while near Tokuga’s estate home..

“I know how intelligent you are, but the Senator’s estate has been in his family for many generations! Including ones that both owned, and defended themselves against dragons! His defenses are made to protect against you, Zazzy! So unless your parents call for you: Do Not Come! Understand?!”

Seeing her nod and Skye’s as well, Genie was satisfied that Zazzy had listened. As she eased back and slanted her wings to drag air, Genie continued ahead with Ralph, Klaus, Kari, and Ronnie. Around half a dozen ninja trailed behind them as well, but they were a countermeasure; in case they needed cover while escaping.

Genie wasn’t sure what to expect from Tokuga, but he had no doubts that it would involve some variation of false flattery, attempted bribery, hollow promises, and empty threats.. ‘Most likely in that order, based on the smell of the food in the air..’

As Genie hovered above the massive castle, he glanced at the four with him. He had already warned them to exhale all of their breath as they descended, since he wanted to do it fast.. ‘Since it’s mostly dark out already, this should give that old bastard a jump..’

With a devilish grin on his face, Genie double checked that everyone was ready, then literally dropped down directly in front of the senators. Many gasped and backed away as the small dirt clouds fanned out from their impact. As the dust settled, Genie’s smirk remained as he greeted the Senators.


“Good evening, gentlemen. Beautiful weather we’re having, isn’t it?”

“Why are you here, Jin Laos?! An invitation was not extended to you,” Chen Tokuga nearly yelled, but he kept his composure.

Genie’s grin stretched at the obvious annoyance on Tokuga’s face; “Come now, Chen. You didn’t really think that I’d let those three come alone, did you? That’s a bit foolish on your part..”

Senator Tokuga took a breath like he was about to stat screaming, but a gust of wind from Zazzy’s wings sent the Senators retreating several paces back. She growled low as they landed, and made it a point to dig her claws into the perfectly paved driveway. The materials weren’t all that expensive, but the cold weather made it impossible to fix until springtime.

The urge to holler and chide them was strong, but not as strong as his fear in that moment. Instead of wearing formal clothes like what was expected, Skye and Tidas came in their dragon armor..

They looked ready for war, not dinner.

The image of them standing before him with hard expressions, and Zazzy snarling in the background sent an unpleasant chill up his spine. Chen Tokuga had stared down thousands over his lifetime, and never in his life, had he felt so intimidated. Taking in a shaky breath, Senator Tokuga walked over to Tidas, and bowed before speaking in Alconian..

“It is a great honor to have the Guardians of the Last Dragon visit me personally. As well as the legendary beast itself. Welcome to my home. I hope you make it as your own.”

“Zazzy may be an animal, but she is not a beast, Senator. And she understands both Alconian and Saianese, so you may speak freely,” Skye stated with a testy tone in Saianese.

As shock covered his features, Tidas kept his poker face up. Skye had just lied, which wasn’t like her at all, but he could understand why she’d done it. If the Senators all thought that Zazzy understood what they said, then they’d be even more intimated by her..

‘Dragons are revered for their wisdom.. If they believe a dragon as young as Zazzy was as intelligent as a human in their twenties, then they’ll most likely think twice before attacking her again..’

Skye was ready to translate for Zazzy if needed, but she truly did understand a good amount of Saianese. Both her and Genie had taught her bits of phrases and specific words to listen for, but not enough to understand a full conversation. Since both she andTidas could communicate with Zazzy telepathically, Skye felt confident in maintaining the lie.

‘I hate bein’ a hypocrite, but I dinna care so long as I can keep me bairn safe..’

As the thought passed, Tokuga smiled as he spoke in Alconian; “I am highly impressed that your dragon can understand two complicated languages at her age. My congratulations to you, as her Guardians. I have food prepared in the back for your dragon-”

“There is no need,” Tidas cut in; “Zazzy loves to hunt, so she has already eaten. We, on the other hand, are starving.” 𝗳𝘳𝒆𝘦𝑤𝐞𝚋𝗻𝚘𝘷𝘦𝙡.𝑐𝐨𝘮

Gesturing towards the inside of his home, Senator Tokuga replied; Then please: right this way.”

Skye led them behind Tokuga, which the other Senators found odd, but they all bowed regardless as she passed. They’d barely gotten through the foyer when Skye suddenly stopped, and yelled; “Why do ya always pop up in the oddest places?!”

Richard Yaris grinned as he walked towards Skye, bowed, then grabbed her hand while saying; “Princess Skye! How wonderful to see you again. I prefer the dress from the last time that I saw you, but this armor is still quite flattering on you.”

“Watch your tongue, Yaris,” Tidas barked as he came to stand at his wife’s side.

Yaris quirked an eyebrow at him; “What do you mean? I didn’t say anything offensive. The exact opposite, in fact.. I believe, dear Prince, that are you offended by a simple reality..”

“What do you mean?” Tidas asked with obvious irritation in his voice.

“That you married an extremely beautiful woman,” Yaris smiled at Skye before he looked back at Tidas; “Men are going to compliment her. If you cannot handle it, then.. Tell me-”

Yaris took a step towards Tidas; “Is it other men that you don’t trust, or your wife?”

“Yaris! You are going too far-”

“I got this, gentlemen,” Skye interjected over an irate Genie, and a glaring Tidas; “Richard Yaris..”

Skye stood before him with a sharp smile, and daggers in her eyes as she spoke; “Ye may be a business partner of me Father’s, but that affords ya nae special treatment, ya ken?”

Leaning a bit closer, Skye added; “Piss off me husband like that again, and I’ll have Zazzy roast you alive..”

Yaris’ eyes grew wide with shock as she finished speaking, which matched everyone else’s. Women didn’t talk to men like that: in Sai or Alcon. Skye had earned her titles and rank, and had every right to exercise it, but it was still surprising to hear.

Tidas wanted to laugh, but kept his face stony. Richard’s expression was priceless, considering how cocky he’d been just moments ago. The only thing that bothered him was that his wife had essentially defended his honor, which was a role usually reserved for the male in the relationship.

A few of the Senators made a some offhanded comments, but they shut up as soon as Genie glared at them. He’d noticed Tidas’ shift in mood, and he didn’t want Tidas to turn the problem into a bigger one.

“Zazzy is leaving as soon as we are inside. She is no concern to anyone, at the moment.. But understand something, Tokuga,” Genie stepped eerily close to him; “If I sense Any threats while we’re here: you’re the first that I will go after.”

Flustered by the open threat to himself in his own home, Chen narrowed his eyes on the former assassin; “Do not Dare threaten me in my own home!”

“That’s enough, Genie. This is a diplomatic dinner, not a war council. There’s no reason for hostility, right Senators?”

The ones gathered together towards the entrance to the foyer nodded in agreement, forcing the three to calm down. Skye’s knuckles were white from restrained anger, and her eyes were fixed on Senator Tokuga. Not wanting to ruin their mission, Tidas smoothly convinced the Senators that Genie was simply being over-protective due to a promise he’d made with King Magnus.

“My Father was very worried about sending us here, and made Ge-Jin Laos swear to protect us from all possible threats. I apologize for his and my wife’s overzealousness. They mean well.”

Senator Tokuga looked at Tidas with a small smile as he partially bowed, and apologized. He began chatting with Tidas about ‘knowing the feeling’ of having to keep one’s subordinates in line. As he listened with a courteous expression, Tidas prayed that Genie and Skye understood what he was doing..

The groups were led into an expansive dining hall, where servants lined the walls, ready with drinks and appetizers. The walls were painted a bright white with real golden flecks sprinkled in it. The painter made random spirals and patterns with it, making the walls themselves part of the decorative scene.

Massive scenic paintings of battles, coronations, and proposals lined the walls in between the golden patterns. The floor was a vibrant shade of green jade that reminded Skye of her husband’s eye color, which brought a small smile to her lips.

The tables had white bases and legs, but the tops were the same shade of green as the floor, and curtains. As much as Skye hated to admit it, the room was utterly stunning.. ‘Genie said that this was the former home of the Emperor’s wife’s family.. Makes sense that it’d be decorated like a fortune was spent on each room..’

As soon as everyone was seated, the servants brought over pre-filled cups of a cooled fruit tea paired with trays of fruits and vegetables that complimented the drink. After that, a small plate of mixed greens that Skye could hardly recognize was placed in front of her. Devouring every morsel in record time, she patiently waited for the next serving while listening to Tidas talk up the Senators..

‘Thank the gods he’s got the experience and patience ta deal wit all of this nonsense.. I canna do it, especially wit that man.. I feel somethin’ from Tokuga.. Tis familiar, but I canna put me finger on it.. Tis nothin’ good, tho..’

As the thought finished, Skye perked up her ears when she heard Tokuga say; “After dinner, I’d be happy to show it to you. My family’s old training grounds for our dragons has been perfectly preserved and maintained throughout the generations. There’s a few things I’d like to show you there as well..”

