MTL - Card - C.604 kingMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.604 kingMar 06, 2023

Kaxiu will always have some advantages in the face of no card flow, and being able to fly and attack from a distance is undoubtedly the most effective among them. Especially when the two are combined, the advantages that can be exerted will become even greater.

This is reflected in this battle.

With the distance, Chen Mu could even change cards calmly, which is almost unimaginable in the battle between Kaxiu. This also means that he can always occupy the initiative in the battle.

[Evil Lord Pupil], the only seven-star card in Chen Mu's hand, and the strongest ray card.

[Evil group pupil. Golden pupil weaving]!

The small golden pupils in the blood-colored pupils opened, with a golden icy luster, staring at the bald Ange indifferently.

The hairs on Ange's whole body stood up suddenly, and a cold chill came up from the deepest part of his heart without warning. No need to discern, such a strong danger had never appeared in his previous battles.

With a low roar, he arched his body, bent his legs slightly, and lowered his waist immediately.

Countless tiny golden threads shot out from the golden pupil, like a drizzle, sweeping towards Ange.

"Hey!" He exhaled, Ange's eyes were wide open, and in the blink of an eye, his bald head was covered with a layer of fine sweat. He looked extremely labored. The movement of lifting gave the illusion of being extremely slow, but before the golden line of Napeng shot in front of him, his hands were already raised to the top of his head.


It was as if a thunder broke out on the ground, with Ange as the center, the air was turbulent and scattered.

Hold your hands together like a giant axe, slashing hard!


Like a boulder running over the ground, the people around them changed color. They were almost unsteady, and the ground was shaking.

An air axe slashed almost the size of a bald head, the axe body is crystal clear, and the axe tail is like a fog, it is like a roaring giant, daringly rushing towards the countless golden threads.

In the roar, there were continuous explosions, crackles, crackles, like a tens of thousands of volts of electric light drilling into the water, and like countless dried woods suddenly cracked into wood wool.

The golden thread axe hit without any tricks!


Unexpectedly, there was no earth-shattering explosion, only a crisp sound like a glass shattering.

The bald-headed, twisted face was flushed red, as if drunk.

The crisp crack sound seemed to ring in the ear, and the previous amazing momentum was suddenly pulled away, like a quiet night.

0.5 seconds!

This quiet like the middle of the night lasted only 0.5 seconds.


The violent energy is like a beast trapped in a cage. It can't wait to open the cage with its sharp claws and roar and struggle out.

The shock wave of the explosion was like a hurricane, sweeping across the entire crack. Rumbling, the edge of the crack began to collapse and slide in large chunks, and the dust covered the crack.

Another straight golden light, penetrating the smoke and dust!

In the smoke and dust, his face flushed red and his bald head roared again, screaming the air giant axe like a knife cutting butter, easily splitting the smoke and dust!


Another bang!

The energy collided, squeezed, collapsed, and exploded, and madly radiated to the surroundings.

The bald head groaned, his body swayed, and he took a step back, his red face quickly turned white.

Another straight golden light, thicker and brighter than before!

The bald Ange's eyes were splitting, he roared, and raised his hands again!


An Ge, who was in the midst of the explosion, couldn't control his body any longer.

His face was pale at this time, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, his arms were full of blood, and he kept shaking. He widened his eyes and stared at Chen Mu in the distant sky for a moment.

A little golden light suddenly lit up.

The world freezes at this moment!

A straight golden beam pierced through Ange's forehead and sank deeply into the ground behind him.

Everyone's movements stopped. They stared blankly at Ange, seeing Ange being pierced by the golden beam and nailed to the ground.

The sound of the cracks collapsing away from them, all the sounds around them are away from them at this moment, they open their eyes, they can't believe it, their minds are blank!

In the gray sky, that bewitching face, that bewitching golden pupil, was deeply etched in everyone's mind, destined to become a nightmare that they could never get rid of in this life!


I don't know who screamed hysterically, the peace was broken, and the fear that could no longer be contained in the depths of the heart was like a flood pouring down, engulfing the last trace of reason and courage in my heart in an instant.

There is only one thought in their hearts, stay away from that monster!

right! It's a monster!

The monster killed Anger! OMG! Killed Anger!

Everyone's reaction was surprisingly consistent, they turned around, spread their feet, and ran forward. They didn't even know they were shouting, and many of them even had a blank mind at this time.

Watching the enemy recede like a tide, Chen Mu in the sky breathed a sigh of relief and fell in front of the bald man.

The bald man had a thumb-sized blood hole on his forehead, his eyes were wide open, and he looked up at the sky, but he lost his energy.

Chen Mu was full of respect for this no-card flow. From his standpoint, the bald head did not lose, the only thing that lost was no card flow. Being able to use his power to this extent is already the ultimate, Chen Mu doubts it, even Weah is not as good as a bald head at this point. But at their level, the strength of one aspect alone does not have many advantages, especially when the opponent has the initiative to fight.

Unless, like Weana, it is terribly strong in every way.

But even if he is as strong as Weah, if he fights with Tang Hanpei, Tang Hanpei will still have the initiative. Of course, it is only the initiative to attack. In fact, even if Tang Hanpei takes the initiative to attack, the most likely result is that he can't help Weah.

However, Weah is a no-brainer. The bald head is not Weah, so he can't ignore the disadvantage of No Kaliu to Kaxiu.

he died.

However, Chen Mu still respected the bald head in his heart. In any field, those who can achieve such achievements should be respected by others.

He sat down beside the bald corpse. The battle just now wasn't long, but his perception was almost exhausted. [Xie Juntong]'s full-strength three-hit combo had never been used before. If the group of enemies rushed forward, he would only have to turn around and run. Fortunately, the enemy was frightened and scattered.

Deep tranquility has a unique advantage in restoring perception. After about an hour, Chen Mu's perception has recovered.

It is already Chen Mu's instinct to enter the deep tranquility faster and faster, which comes from the constant battle in the depths of Baiyuan.

Getting up and looking at the bald corpse, Chen Mu casually blasted a big hole in the ground and buried the bald corpse. Such a strong man exposed the corpse in the wilderness, and he felt a little sorry in his heart.

He regained his composure, and continued to fly in the direction from which those who had no card flow escaped just now. These no-card flow escaped, leaving many traces, and he could easily follow the direction to chase.

The control of emotions in battle is very important. For him, who climbed out of the **** sea of ​​countless fierce beasts in the depths of Baiyuan, this experience is particularly profound.

Sometimes you need to be calm and it's good for your judgment. Sometimes you need to be excited or even frenzied, and that can get you over the line. Sometimes you need cowardice to keep you out of danger, especially if it's more dangerous than you can handle.

"Anger was killed? There is only one other person?" Wang Chen Sheng asked. The golden mask that symbolizes kingship is still cold, but anyone below can hear the anger contained in Wang's calm tone under the mask!

Ange is the king's right-hand man, the king's most loyal minister, the sharpest sword in the king's hand, and the strongest line of defense to protect the king! With his presence, no one dared to oppose any of the king's orders. With his presence, the king could sleep peacefully in any corner.

Because since that person disappeared, Ange has become the strongest in the Mohadi domain!

But he died. The king can still remain calm, and all the following officials admire him sincerely.

"Who did it?" Wang suddenly calmed down.

"A Kaxiu, he can call out a blood-red eye, and this eye will emit a golden beam. Ange was killed by the golden beam." The men reported tremblingly, he suddenly felt a little ashamed, and he was so scared Turn around and run.

"Kaxiu?" Wang asked, tilting his head, his voice seemed to have become a lot easier, and like him, many people below felt a lot more relaxed.

"Blood-red eyes?" Wang suddenly murmured thoughtfully, "Mo..."

When the words reached his lips, he stopped abruptly. Turning and returning to his seat, Wang regained his majesty.

"I'm ashamed." The faint sarcasm that came out from under the mask was in the hearts of the ministers: "Oh, he can defeat Anger, it's very powerful. However, it seems that he is only one person. There are so many of us, but one person Feeling terrified. This kind of thing happened once, and I didn't expect it to happen again. What a shame!"

The faces of the courtiers below immediately flushed red, and the king's mockery was tantamount to slapping them in the face.

A chief of the tribe stood up and said loudly: "King, please put it down, even if I don't want this life, I will kill this thief for the king!"

Everyone stood up immediately, leaned over and shouted: "I swear to kill this thief for the king!"

With cold eyes through the mask, Wang swept across the crowd and smiled softly: "It's not for me, it's for yourselves. Find your lost faces."

As soon as his voice calmed down, he stood up from his seat, waved his sleeves and drank, murderous intent solemnly.


(To be continued)

