MTL - Card - C.605 Feast before encounterMar 06, 2023

MTL - Card

C.605 Feast before encounterMar 06, 2023

Along the shadow of the crack, two figures quietly advance. The speed of these two figures is extremely fast, but their figures are hidden very well, and they are always under the cover of shadows. The movements are light, and the landing is silent, like two ghosts. Behind them, there were two figures, one with a dark golden mask on his face, and the other a rough man.

A small round face with two thick snow-white eyebrows stands out on this small face. The boy is about seventeen or eighteen years old. The small eyes are always vigilant, and the body is slightly bent in the shadow. Beside him, an expressionless man stood motionless in the shadows like a rock.

Xiaobu Mo's two thick snow-white eyebrows were twisted together, and a somewhat puzzled expression appeared on his face. Beside him, Weah was expressionless.

Behind the two of them, Su and Yang Shanfei kept their flight at their leisure. The two of them were used to acting silently with Wea Xiaobu every time. In the past few years, it has been the practice for the four of them to act together. At the beginning, Su and Yang Shanfei were a little bit repulsive, but soon, the two found that although the intensive battle was very tiring, it was very beneficial to the improvement of strength, and the positive surname was much higher.

It was just that the four of them were divided into two groups, Wea Xiaobumo was in the group, Su Ze and Yang Shanfei were in the group.

"It's so boring! It's so boring!" Yang Shanfei sang one after another, but the singing was really uncomplimentable.

The eyes exposed by the silver mask suddenly opened, and Su suddenly said: "No!"

Yang Shanfei's singing stopped abruptly, and he asked stupidly, "No? What's wrong?"

Su's eyes showed a cautious expression: "We have been advancing for so long today, and we have not encountered an enemy yet, something is wrong!"

"What's wrong with this? Ha, they are afraid of being beaten by us!" Yang Shanfei grinned.

The dignified look in Su's eyes did not weaken in the slightest, and he shook his head: "No. The situation is not right, the other party has mobilized their troops."

Yang Shanfei was refreshed, he said: "Ha, these days are boring. The two woods in front are so perverted that we don't even have to drink soup. Haha, we can fight today!"

Su looked into the distance and whispered softly, "I'm afraid it's going to be a big fight today."

Weia's eyes flickered, and suddenly he stepped forward and rushed forward. Xiaobumo hurriedly followed. The two behind him saw this and did not dare to neglect, and followed closely behind.

in another crack.

A dangling, silver-haired man stood on his hips scratching his head, shouting, "You all cheer me up, I'm personally leading the battle, whoever wants to lose face for me, hum!"

In front of him, there were all ten-year-old boys. These teenagers were the same as the silver-haired men, sitting lazily on the ground. These youths were dressed in a variety of styles and disorganized, and looked like a rabble. But if you have a discerning eye, you can find that these young Kaxiu seem to be lazy and casual, but their posture can be activated at any time, and the guard posts, dark posts, and firepower ambush points are faintly visible.

The youth guard has grown many times larger than when Chen Mu left. These young people selected from the grassroots of Dongwei are extremely talented, and under the influence of the stoic style of the entire Dongwei, they have trained extremely hard and their strength has increased rapidly.

In the assessment of some authoritative organizations, among all the forces now, Dongwei ranks first in the cultivation of the second echelon, far ahead of other forces. For such a result, many people are quite ignorant. In terms of long history and complete facilities, the five colleges are far ahead. But who would have thought that an emerging force, Dongwei's second-tier youth guard, would leave everyone else behind.

In these authoritative assessments, this conclusion was not drawn because of strength. In terms of average cultivation, the Federal Comprehensive University ranked first, and Young Guard was only ranked third. But what affects the assessment of these authorities is a place that has hardly been noticed in the past, and that is the will. All evaluation agencies are accustomed to using one word for the evaluation of the will of the youth guard - steel!

The steel-like will is the most prominent temperament of the youth guard and the entire Dongwei.

In fact, in the expansion of the past few years, despite having the federation's leading staff, Dongwei still has the experience of failure. But no matter what the adversity is, Dongwei's team has never collapsed. It is not uncommon for people to come back from a disadvantage, and those who go to Dongwei can experience this first-hand.

Youth Health has also become the most desirable place for all young people. However, the current youth guards are not so good. If you want to enter the Youth Guard, you must first enter the ranks of the Youth Guard at all levels. But even so, there are countless outstanding young people every year, desperately trying to squeeze into the youth guard.

But the silver-haired man seemed to be dissatisfied with the young people in front of him. He looked gloomy and sneered: "Hmph, last week's record is really shameful! It's even lower than Triangle Eyes! Back then, when my boss and I moved to the Federation, Triangle Eyes I still don't know where to get milk. If you want to compare with me, he is far worse. You are not afraid of shame, but I am afraid of shame! "

The young Kaxiu shuddered, and the boss was furious. Their end was extremely miserable, and they cheered up and shouted: "Boss, this time we must give them a good look!"

"Last time we just took a nap, hey, if tigers don't show their power, think we're sick cats!"

"Just their group of guys want to compete with us? Hmph, they beat them all over the place!"

These voices were uneven, like hooligans screaming.

The silver-haired man didn't take it seriously, but instead showed a satisfied look. A gust of wind blew, waist-length silver hair fluttering in the air, and the arrogant voice spread far in the wind.

"Grandma's, kill them!"

Everyone looked murderous, like a pack of wolves, and shouted in unison: "Kill them!"

An extremely narrow fissure at a distance of about two hundred and fifty kilometers from them.

Sang Hanshui's triangular eyes flickered with cold light. As Chen Mu's former second general, he had a very high reputation in the entire Dongwei. He carefully watched the silhouettes flickering in the distance, thoughtfully.

"Army mobilization?" Sang Hanshui murmured softly. Since they were reorganized into Muzi Battalion and Hunter Corps, and each captain became familiar with their team, he and Xiao Bo took the initiative to request that they be transferred to the Youth Guard. Therefore, the youth guards were divided into two groups, one was led by Sang Hanshui, and the other was led by Xiao Bo.

Behind him, a thousand young Kaxiu stood with solemn hands. Both are young guards, but the group feels completely different. They are disciplined and can be called a model of Kaxiu. All of them looked serious, unsmiling, dressed in neat and standard combat uniforms, and their actions were neat and tidy, without the slightest sluggishness.

Even sitting there, it was a neat and standard queue.

There must be something wrong! Sang Hanshui pondered in his heart that he was experienced in hundreds of battles, and as one of the commanders of the young guard, he was very sensitive to changes on the battlefield.

After making a decision, he turned around and clapped his palms.

All the resting Kaxiu stood up and moved neatly.

Sang Hanshui nodded with satisfaction and said warmly: "Everyone did a good job last week. However, last week was completely defeated, and this time the second group will definitely fight back with all their strength. Although the atmosphere of the second group is not very good, it was only affected by some unscrupulous person. The guys are misleading, their overall strength is still not to be underestimated. So, this week, we have to cheer up and not give them a chance."

"Yes!" All Kaxiu responded in unison.

"En." Sang Hanshui nodded, his triangular eyes flashing coldly, and he waved his hand: "Let's start."

The young Kaxiu was like a torrent, silently flying forward along the crack.

In a wide fissure, just after a fierce battle, corpses were everywhere. A group of people are resting, and they turn a blind eye to the surrounding corpses.

"Hey, they are all free of cards, but unfortunately they are far worse than Weah." The one who spoke was a plump and fit female Kaxiu, whose full **** almost broke the battle suit. The surrounding Kaxiu was drooling, but no one dared to let their eyes fall on the murder weapon.

Lu Xiaoru's temper is not so good.

She is qualified to say that there were not many people who were trained by Weah back then. Although the one-word eyebrows on the side did not speak, the stone-like face showed a rare expression of approval.

The guard group was adapted into a guard camp, which originally belonged to the hunter group. Lu Xiaoru regained the position of commander, while Yizimei was the deputy commander, and Xi Ruiyi, who was quiet and witty, was the third person and acted as a military advisor. As for the violent elements like Wu Yu and Zhu Heng, they can only be thugs.

However, the current guard battalion is much stronger than it was in the past. This can be seen from the number of Level 7 card repairs. Except for the old man of the year, all the others were all seventh-level card repairs. However, the old man's perception strength also reached the sixth-level level, and with the special cards and planting cards that Chen Mu gave them, their combat effectiveness was extremely powerful. And the one-word eyebrows are even more brave and crown the whole camp. [Cross] is matched with [Breath Conditioning Method]. Until now, no one has beaten him except Weah. Although Lu Xiaoru's combat power is not as good as the one word eyebrow, but she came to be the commander, but it was the unanimous suggestion of everyone.

"Something's wrong." Xi Rui pushed the gold-wire glasses on the nosepiece, looked solemn, and said solemnly, "This is the third group we have encountered. From the direction, they are all returning."

"What's the problem?" Lu Xiaoru asked. Among all the guards, Xi Ruiyi's judgment was often the most accurate.

Xi Rui gave a thoughtful expression: "If it's one or two rounds, it may be accidental. But in such a short period of time, three groups of returning teams are encountered in a row, then it can't be accidental."

Lu Xiaoru was a little dissatisfied: "Just say whatever you want, don't go around!"

Xi Ruiyi's expression was a little helpless: "The enemy should be assembling a team."

"Assemble the team? What is the purpose of assembling the team?" Lu Xiaoru looked suddenly changed his face: "Did they discover the location of our base?"

"Impossible!" Xi Rui shook his head. "Their camp is still far away from ours, and no trace of the enemy has been found near the base recently. It is impossible for them to break through so many layers of dark posts without a sound."

"Then why did they assemble the team?"

"I don't know." Xi Rui shook his head, but his tone was very certain: "I guess something happened. They had to gather their strength."

Lu Xiaoru's eyes lit up: "Isn't that our chance?"

Xi Ruiyi smiled: "I don't know yet, but we can go and see."

The others stood up one after another, showing excitement. The two violent elements, Wu Yu Zhuheng, were even more eager to wait.

I do not know when the eyebrows have disappeared from the place. Lu Xiaoru has long been accustomed to it, and waved her plump jade arms: "Go!"

(To be continued)

