MTL - Go Legend - C.929 The moment machines surrendered to humansMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.929 The moment machines surrendered to humansMar 06, 2023

Chapter 929 The moment when the machine surrendered to the human

The "break" that Lao Shi said was actually the breakpoint left on the periphery of Black's appearance when there were more than 60 moves globally.

Well, although Lao Shi didn't say it clearly, and there are many breakpoints on the chessboard, but with the tacit understanding of the two, Li Xiangping knew that the plug-in was talking about that breakpoint as soon as he heard it.

Not only that, but Li Xiangping knew within a second that it was a good move after getting a hint that it was a plug-in!

That is a very clever "trial move", which is a very advanced tactic. With this move, White will immediately be in a favorable position in the next robbery.

So the move that Lao Shi pointed out is likely to be the winning move in this game!

I believe that most Go fans have heard of the name "trial test" in Go, and they should have heard many professional players say: "Test test is a relatively advanced move in Go", but in the end it is advanced Where, many chess fans may not know much.

Maybe from today's actual combat example, everyone can understand a little bit of the magic of "trying hands".

In fact, as early as more than 60 moves, before Li Xiangping played the "one move of will", he aimed at the breakpoint of black, because at that time, that breakpoint was the weakest part of black's overall appearance.

It’s a pity that although it was a weakness, it was not a “weakness” for Black at that time—

If Li Xiangping had taken the plunge at that time, according to the overall configuration at that time, it would not be good to fight White head-on.

Because of this, Li Xiangping did not dare to break it at that time, but adopted other methods.

After that, neither side fought in the mid-belly area, but fought for officials in the corners of the chessboard.

So now, the situation in the mid-belly area has basically not changed. The breakpoint still exists, and it is still considered as Black's weakness, but if White moves directly, it seems that it still cannot be established.

It’s just that a robbery is about to appear on the board.

A valuable robbery with a total number of close to 15.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a robbery that the breakpoint that was not considered a "weakness" has now become the dog's flaw!

Why does    say this? We still use this basic principle in Go to explain this problem:

To judge the quality of a chess move, the most important thing is to look at the opponent’s answer. If you make a move, you can make your opponent in a dilemma, make your opponent respond badly, and you can’t find any changes that can satisfy you.

Then this kind of chess can be clearly said to be good chess.

And today's "break".

And this "break" can only be played at this time, which is such a good move!

Now think about it from the perspective of a dog.

In the face of White's "broken" move, if you only look at that part, the dog is of course not afraid, because the surrounding situation is basically unchanged, and the dog is not afraid at all in frontal combat.

But now there's a **** on the board.

Although this robbery did not appear, it was completely predictable: for a long time to come, that robbery would be the main contradiction on the chessboard.

Since    is the main contradiction, you must always stare at such a main contradiction when you play chess anywhere on the chessboard.

And what are the key factors that determine the success or failure of a robbery? Of course it's robbery!

Yes, Li Xiangping's "break" in this step, although he won't gain much victory in that part, but it can affect the amount of robbed material, and then use such a way to connect with the main contradiction of the overall situation, and then directly affect the overall situation. win or lose.

The above is the wonderful taste of "trying hands"!

Because of the existence of "trying hands", it fully explains that Go is a global and holistic game.

A means that does not seem to be valid locally, but it has an important impact on the overall situation, and can even directly determine the outcome of a game of chess.

In addition, there is a game of chess in which the second generation of dogs defeated the third generation of dogs. A tactic that seems to have no solution in part and is extremely sharp, but it may become a losing move in the overall situation.

In all human chess games, it seems that only Go can unify such contradictions harmoniously. Therefore, Go is worthy of being the most complex board game invented by human beings.

“55, 56, 57…”

Li Xiangping still followed his own rhythm. When the countdown reached 57, he "broken" his hand on the chessboard. Then, while waiting for his opponent to make a move, he continued to think in a different position, standing from the dog's point of view. Consider how the dog would respond to this move.

In the face of this "broken" hand, there are not many ways for the dog to deal with it, and there are only two things that he can see.

Of course, here we must first rule out the possibility of the dog getting out of the way. Don't look at the fact that this hand is broken locally, but it can't let White make two moves in the middle of the belly——

If the dog dares to take off first, then Li Xiangping will not rob the dog.

Anyway, with the "duan" move just now, White is already alive in some parts, so it doesn't matter if all the corners are broken by the opponent, the value is definitely not as good as playing two moves in the middle of the belly.

Since the possibility of detachment has been ruled out, there are only two ways the dog can respond locally.

One is that if you don't pull out a single hair, just pretend that the calamity does not exist, and you can do whatever you want to change in that part.

However, if the dog really dares to play like this, White will have at least 5 more robberies, and after White has so many robberies, he will definitely not be able to win the next robberies.

Another way to win is to take care of the robbery on the other side of the chessboard, so choose to compromise locally and completely eliminate White's robbery in the mid-belly area at the cost of losing 2 moves.

Well, compared to a 15-goal robbery, 2-goal chess is of course a trivial matter. If the dog can win that ko, the loss of 2-goal chess is worth it.

It's just a pity, um, it's a pity from the dog's point of view. Once the dog chooses to compromise and lose 2 goals locally, it will actually affect the overall robbery.

The reasoning here is this: the total value of the robbery is 15 items, so in the process of robbery, the robbery material found by any party must always match this value.

You find a move worth 14 objects, which is barely considered a robbery, but you find a move worth only 10 objects....

The opponent must be happy to eliminate the robbery, and then make a net profit of 5 eyes through a robbery.

It is precisely because of the problem of "matching the robbery" that if the dog loses 2 items here, Li Xiangping will find it easier to find the robber, and it will be more difficult for the dog to find the robber.

Li Xiangping just needs to find a 13-purpose robbery material.

And if the dog wants to win or lose, it will be a little behind before considering it. Every robbery material it finds must be worth more than 19 mesh.

Obviously, the chessboard is so big, and there are definitely fewer robbers with high value. Therefore, it is calculated in this way that once the dog chooses to lose 2 goals in advance, the local robbery will be eliminated, but from a global point of view, it is still Will face the dilemma of insufficient robbery.

And such an example, in fact, once again demonstrates the integrity of Go, which is a global game. It took about 5 minutes for Li Xiangping to sort out all the clues on the chessboard. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt for the dog, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the dog couldn't handle it.

Since the dog didn't respond, Li Xiangping felt that victory was already beckoning to him.

"...Huh! It's been another 5 minutes, why hasn't the dog made a move yet? Hey, today I made a chess move, and then Lao Shi made a chess move, forcing the second-generation dog to take the test for more than 5 minutes, but it's a pity that domestic dogs such as Jueyi are now The dog hasn't come out yet, and I don't have the conditions for walking the dog yet, otherwise I really want to take the current situation to walk the dog and see what the winning rate is now..."

Well, of course Li Xiangping doesn't know now, he doesn't have the conditions to walk his dog, but he can in Europe.

And after the dog's last long test, Fan 2nd Duan and Yan Qing already had experience, and now seeing the dog "long test" for more than 5 minutes, they immediately urged Dr. Huang to turn on the background monitoring again.

The winning percentage displayed in the background made the entire Afago team silent.

18.3 percent!

After Li Xiangping left the hand "broken", the background showed that the dog's winning rate was directly down to nearly 20 points, and now the winning rate is less than 20%!

Seeing this situation, Yan Qing suddenly asked:

"Hey, Dr. Huang, since the win rate is now below 20, shouldn't the dog start playing some meaningless generals like he did against Lee Sedol last time?"

For the first generation of dogs, when the Google team set up the competition program, they still thought that it was relatively simple. The dog was in the position of winning, and once the winning rate dropped to a certain critical point, the dog would appear some inexplicable "players".

Because at that time, only "playing generals" can maintain the previous winning rate, and playing any other chess will cause the winning rate to continue to decline. It is precisely because of this principle that humans can see the continuous "playing generals" of dogs.

In the face of Yan Qing's inquiry, Dr. Huang, who has the level of 6D in the Internet (note that Dr. Huang is 6D, not the level of amateur 6-dan as some netizens said) shook his head and replied:

"No, we have now improved the program and adjusted the critical point to 5%, which means that as long as there is still a 5% win rate, the machine will still function normally."

"Oh, that's good, then let's continue to watch Li Xiangping's performance and see if he can withstand the impact of the master in the end."

Same as the previous time, the dog took another "long test" for about 10 minutes before making a move. Li Xiangping was a piece, and the dog chose not to pluck the hair on the part, and dealt with himself in this way.

Li Xiangping cheered up and devoted himself to the game again. Today, he is eager to hold victory firmly in the palm of his hand.

The time passed little by little, and the next Li Xiangping had entered a state of ecstasy. He felt that his mind was very clear, and even in his eyes, the black and white chess pieces criss-crossed on the chessboard had formed an incomparably beautiful picture.

The time has come to 10:10 pm. At this time, Li Xiangping did not know that in the future, countless chess fans are already very excited, and everyone is waiting for the moment when the dog surrenders.

is the moment when machines surrender to humans! call the shots

At 10:20 p.m., at this time, the game of chess had reached more than 240 moves. At this time, Dr. Huang, who had been monitoring the background, saw that the dog's winning rate had dropped to less than 5%.

"Hehe, you can admit defeat." After saying this, Dr. Huang helped the dog decide and pressed the admit defeat button on the computer's silver screen.

Seeing the dog admit defeat, Li Xiangping laughed at that time.

He smiled extremely happily.

(end of this chapter)

