MTL - Go Legend - C.949 Unparalleled victoryMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.949 Unparalleled victoryMar 06, 2023

The chess shape called "Don't mention 3 eyes" is indeed very rare, so rare that even Li Xiangping himself is not familiar with this chess shape, so in the game, Li Xiangping used "playing generals" 3 times. , it is clear how to present such a strange chess shape on the chessboard.

After confirming that there is a real possibility of "not mentioning 3 items" today, Li Xiangping quickly judged the situation again.

Waiting for Li Xiangping to count the number of meshes, when he found that his black chess only had 5 meshes on the board, he didn't want to dig other means, and now just wants to use this special chess shape that is rare in a thousand years to make some fuss--

At this time, the overall situation is close to 180, and it is a proper stage for small and medium-sized officials. Then at this stage, let alone three generations of dogs, even human "control flow" masters like Korea's Dali and China's Kong Er, In their peak period, the gap of one eye and a half is almost like a scorpion, and it is difficult for ordinary people to make a comeback in their hands.

Therefore, Li Xiangping feels that, after this game of chess has been played, all other means should be useless. Even if there is such a very hidden trick on the chessboard, but since even the dog has not found it, I guess he is also very good at it. Hard to find.

Since this is the case, then let’s just do everything in one battle, and put all the hopes of turning over the game on that special chess shape.

But after he made up his mind, Li Xiangping went to the chessboard in no hurry to cash out the "not mentioning 3 goals".

Because when he perfected the whole plan in his mind, he knew that if he wanted to use this chess shape to turn the tables, he had to meet an important condition.

This condition is very unique, even a bit strange. That is, if Li Xiangping wants to succeed, the difference in the number of meshes between the two sides must be an even number.

Yes, this condition is so strange, which means that if it is a black chessboard with 6 points, Li Xiangping's plan may succeed, and if it is a 4-point board, this plan seems to work.

One more thing to mention, but if there are only 2 or less on the board, then the whole plan will not work, because if it is below 2 on the board, because the gap between the two sides is too large, even if Li Xiangping fulfills the chess shape, he is unable to turn the game in the end. .

But now, according to Li Xiangping's count, his black chess is 5 on the board, so because the difference between the two sides is an odd number, Li Xiangping's turnaround plan seems to fail again.

Therefore, out of prudence, Li Xiangping decided that it is best to satisfy this condition before formally implementing the turnaround plan.

To meet such a wonderful condition, there are only two ways. The passive way is to expect the dog to lose 1 mesh in the year, so that the 5 mesh on the board becomes the 6 mesh on the board.

And another way, of course, is that Li Xiangping will take the initiative to self-destruct 1 head, so that from the 5th head on the board to the 4th head on the board, he can also implement his comeback plan.

Well, in Li Xiangping's entire career, of course, he never played the kind of chess that took the initiative to damage one goal, so although he made up his mind, he really couldn't make a move for a while.

It's okay, Li Xiangping didn't wait too long, the dog played the "safe operation" again. It's time for more than 180 moves in the whole world. The dog makes a bad move again. This move obviously loses 1 game, but it eliminates the last robbery that may appear on the chessboard. Maybe in the dog's opinion, this move is the most "safe". …

Now that he sees that the conditions have been met, Li Xiangping no longer hesitates, and he is also afraid of other variables on the chessboard, so he makes a quick decision on the chessboard.

5 minutes later, when Li Xiangping made the 195th move of the game, a rare "not to mention 3 eyes" chess form officially appeared on the chessboard.

Looking at this chess shape that has been rare for thousands of years, Li Xiangping reconsidered his entire plan in his mind, and then recited in his heart, Brother Ding'an, brother Ding'an, do you need to return to the world the day after tomorrow? See if the dog gives you face.

The so-called plan of things is done by people and things are done by God.

No, today it should be said that "the dog will make it happen", although I thought of this plan, but whether it can be successful or not depends mainly on whether the dog knows this chess shape.

While Li Xiangping was talking about cheating silently in his heart, in the remote capital, in a live broadcast hall of "Big Pants", Lao Nie and Chen Ying were explaining the game.

And at this time, now with the help of "Exquisite Art", the two have actually begun to summarize this game of chess:

"Mr. Nie, although the third generation dog Afayuan lost 1 eye just now, according to the judgment of the domestic excellent art, it thinks that Xiangping's black chess still only has 6 eyes on the board. Do you think this chess is..."

Old Nie nodded after listening, "Oh, Jue Yi still thinks that Black is half an eye, so it can't be wrong, the dogs were running safely just now, we all know that once they think they have an advantage, they usually don't pick the most ruthless one. Instead, they will choose the one they think is the safest to play. Just now, this move was very safe, eliminating the last robbery, in fact, eliminating the last hidden danger. So it seems that today's chess... Well, Xiangping should not be. I have a chance, but I would like to say here that even if Li Xiangping loses today, he is still amazing. At least he tried his best to fight until the last moment, and he played a very high level, leaving us such a wonderful chess record. Therefore, I want to say here that although Li Xiangping lost the battle to maintain the man-machine battle, he can leave the arena with his head held high. ?"

"Ah? I'm sorry, Mr. Nie, I'm looking at the latest chess manual. Look at this chess shape, this chess seems..."

"Oh, what kind of chess shape can still make you a professional chess player?"

When Lao Nie took over the chess manual, even the well-informed he was surprised at the time:

"Hey! This is... not to mention 3 eyes! The legendary chess shape that has never been seen in a thousand years actually appeared in today's actual battle, hehe, this man-machine battle is interesting, this game not only let us witness the dog The shrewdness of the game, I have experienced the style of the top masters of our human beings, even because of this rare chess shape, this series is destined to go down in history forever..."

After Rory said that it was useless, Old Nie finally did not forget to popularize this strange chess shape to the chess fans in front of the TV:

"Why is this chess shape not mentioned 3 eyes? Everyone, the changes here are still very interesting. In this corner, the black pieces are contained in the mouth of white, and the same is true for white. There are a few pieces in Black's mouth, but after the actual battle, both sides have scruples and neither dare to take the other's pieces, Chen Ying, do you know why?"

Well, as long as you see the real chess shape, the question of Lao Nie is too simple, let alone a professional chess player like Chen Ying, even a chess player with a skill level of 3 can easily calculate the local changes.

Chen Ying's first stage is of course a very good follower, so at this time she pretended to be surprised and showed the local changes to the more junior chess players:

"Oh, it's true, all chess players, please see, if black chess moves to take white chess first, then what will happen? This is a classic knock-off of boots, so black chess will suffer a loss, the same reason, here The white chess of the chessboard is also afraid to take the black chess, because it will also leave a chance for the black chess to take off his boots, so Mr. Nie, since both sides of this chess form dare not move in advance, then this part can be regarded as... a kind of Do you live double?"

Lao Nie nodded: "The normal situation is indeed a kind of double-live, it is the most special kind of double-live..."

At this time, Lao Nie will tell you about the origin of the name "Don't mention 3 items":

"...Everyone, please see, if black moves first, then black will lose 3 moves in this part. Conversely, if white moves first, then white will lose 3 moves, precisely because of who Whoever moves first loses, and they all lose 3 points. Therefore, the Japanese gave this chess shape this unique name, which is called not mentioning 3 points. It is very rare, very rare. In Go, there are two The chess shape is very rare, one is called "Changsheng", the other is this "don't mention 3 eyes", "Changsheng" is to use the characteristics of Go two-for-one, and the local cycle will never end, so once the "Changsheng" chess shape appears , that's usually a verdict..."

Old Nie continued to talk endlessly: "Although Changsheng's chess form is rare, it can still be seen occasionally in professional chess games in the past. Shujiudan once had a change of longevity in a news chess battle. As for this one, not to mention 3 goals, anyway, in my memory, it has never appeared in an official game. Today is the first time. "

Finally, after Nie finished all the popular science, Chen Ying finally asked a question that everyone is most concerned about:

"Then Mr. Nie, since there is such a rare chess shape today... Will this chess shape affect the final outcome?"

Lao Nie thought about it, shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"This should not be, because not mentioning 3 goals is different from Changsheng. Changsheng is a two-for-one game, and there is always a chess game to play. This can only be a draw, but this does not mention 3 goals, but the two sides are deadlocked in this part. , According to the previous regulations of Japanese Go, once this chess shape is played in actual combat, it will be determined that both sides are active and active, and the final game of both sides can be determined forcibly.”

Chen Ying had a whim:

"What if the dog doesn't know this rule, if there is really no other chess to play at the end, it runs like crazy and loses 3 games. Isn't that the case with Xiangping winning?"

"This... Haha, I don't know about this, whether the machine will go crazy in the end, let's just wait, I believe it won't take long before we can see the final result."

Well, in fact, what Chen Ying said was the core of Li Xiangping's entire plan, and it was also the final result he expected. …

To achieve this goal, "the difference in the number of meshes between the two sides is an even number" is a key.

Because only the difference in the number of meshes between the two sides is even--

The board has a total of 361 intersections. As long as the difference in the number of meshes is an even number, the last single official on the board will fall into the hands of Li Xiangping, who is holding black.

In other words, only the last single official falls into the hands of Li Xiangping, which can force the dog into a situation of "no chess to play".

You can imagine the scene at that time: when Li Xiangping received the last single official, and then he did not agree with the end, then there were only three ways in front of the dog.

The first rule is to fill in your own space.

Article 2, go to the next 3-purpose change of the loss.

Rule 3, of course, just like a normal human chess player, apply to the referee at that time for the final game.

Li Xiangping is betting now, of course, that the third situation will not happen.

At the same time, Li Xiangping certainly knows that it seems a little disgraceful to fool the dog in such a way, but for Lao Shi, in order to fulfill his wish of cheating, even if it is disgraceful, Li Xiangping recognizes it.

The finale came soon. At about 4:20 pm, while Li Xiangping was waiting anxiously, he saw Dr. Huang, who replaced the dog Luozi, with a wry smile, while following the dog's instructions, he went to the suicidal "fall". Take off your boots".

Li Xiangping breathed a sigh of relief at that time:

"...Brother Ding'an, brother Ding'an, I know that today's game will inevitably lead to huge controversy, so you must come back, and the day after tomorrow we will fight with the dog in an upright manner, this will not let me down today. pay..."

2 to 2!

Li Xiangping used a way of winning chess that is "unparalleled in ancient and modern", dragging this man-machine war into the final tiebreaker.

