MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.339Mar 06, 2023


I don't make it.

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Ji Gongling to call herself for this kind of thing.

Wait, she just said that it is a mission of the game of destiny, so that is to say, is my current identity really related to her...

Zhao Yexuan thought for a while. Obviously, the fake identity of Chen Yingxia could not trigger the prompt of the game of destiny, so, is it the original relationship of the identity of "Zhao Tu"?

Hold on......

Zhao Yesui suddenly thought of something.

Ji Palace.

Himemiya Aya just said that her identity in this world is Hime Palace Ayane, the eldest daughter of the Hime Palace family.

The Himeiya family......

Zhao Yesui remembered.

When he asked Lin Tianwu of Daxia Longque why Daxia chose him to carry out this mission, Lin Tianwu's answer included this sentence.

"According to the gossip, you seem to have a close relationship with the eldest lady of the Hezhou Jigong family..."


Jigong's house.


......It's you who won't say it, right? !

The corners of Zhao Yesang's mouth twitched. He really did not expect that the player would actually act as an identity related to another player.

Moreover, it is still such a delicate relationship.

Just when Zhao Yesui was thinking, Ji Gongling observed his expression and said slowly, "So, Mr. Yama knows me, or my current identity, right?"

" not know."

Zhao Yesui could only answer sincerely: "I only know about my current identity, 'Chen Yingxia'. I don't know anything about what you said."

He could swear to God that he really didn't know what Zhao Tu had to do with this Ji Gong Lingyin, and whoever came would answer the same way.

He learned all about Zhao Tu through Daxia Longque, and Daxia Longque obviously did not spend a lot of time in the official archives to repeat Zhao Tu's emotional relationship, so Zhao Yesui was naturally unknown. .

"Chen Yingxia..."

Ji Gongling took a deep look at Zhao Yeshou, and then said, "That is to say, Mr. Yama, don't you know that you may have another identity?"

"Yes." Zhao Yeshou replied without changing his face.

This seemingly perfunctory answer didn't anger Himimiya Aya, she just said seriously: "Since that's the case, I'll tell you the information I know, and maybe it might be helpful to you, Mr. Yama. "

Zhao Yesui did not reject her, nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Miss Ji Gong."

Ji Gongling organized the language and said, "Actually, I didn't receive this task immediately, but when you introduced your current identity, Mr. Yama, I received this task."

"At the same time, fragments of memory emerged in my heart, which should belong to 'Himemiya Ayane'. This is not a strange thing, because the game of fate does not really make a person's memory for a lifetime All of them are transmitted to us, only to tell us some important points, and only when we really need to use it, will we use this 'blessing to the soul' way to tell us."

"My memory tells me that your real identity is Zhao Tu, a swordsmith. Although your body, appearance, and voice have changed, you can still be familiar with 'Jigong Lingyin' and 'Zhao Tu'. Identifying you is like a kind of telepathy, which is probably why I trigger this mission."


Zhao Yeshou said that he was invincible, what the **** did this **** Zhao Tu do to make a beautiful girl turn into his shape like this, and even telepathy came out.

"Is it Zhao Tu?" Zhao Ye said noncommittally: "It seems that the identity you are playing, Miss Ji Gong, is quite familiar with this Mr. Zhao Tu. Then what?"

"Then..." Two blushes appeared on Ji Gong Ling's fair face, and he said hesitantly: "In short, some experiences of 'Jigong Ling Yin' and 'Zhao Tu'...... .."

"Cough, that's not the point."

Ji Gongling calmed down and said, "In this memory, I saw that Mr. Zhao Tu seems to be a wanted criminal, Mr. Yama, do you have any impression?"

"No impression." Zhao Yesui blinked and said, "I only know my current identity, Chen Yingxia, who is innocent, and should not be a wicked person."

Ji Gongling fell into deep thought, and then said after a while: "So, maybe it's a dual identity? Mr. Yama, have you received any identity-related tasks?"

As expected of an old player, I can even guess this...  

In order to maintain the character, Zhao Yesui just raised his eyebrows and said, "No, if it wasn't for what you said to me, Miss Ji Gong, I don't know what other identities I would have."

"However, why did Miss Ji Gong keep me here and mentioned this to me? Do you need my help for the mission you triggered?"

This is a very reasonable inference, and it is also a reasonable statement by a player who has just learned that he actually has another level of identity.

Ji Gongling gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, Mr. Yama."

"The content of the mission is, let me put you..."

"Take it with you."

Take it with you?

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Ji Gongling meant.

Good guy, this is to hide the beauty of the golden house.

After thinking about it, he asked tentatively, "Is it just taking it with me? Is there any specific action that needs to be taken?"

Looking at Ji Gongling's blushing face just now, Zhao Yesui roughly guessed that the relationship between "Zhao Tu" and "Jigong Lingyin" does not seem to be something that children can read. In this case, what if there are related requirements for personal tasks? manage?

Zhao Yesui is not someone who would sell his color for a mission.

At least pay extra.

"No, but you need to join the Jigong family." Jigongling said helplessly: "No matter what method, in short, I want you to become a member of the Jigong family. If you don't complete this task, then I will I was punished for violating my identity, which is why I had to ask you, Mr. Yama."

After finishing speaking, Ji Gongling stared at Zhao Yesao and said seriously: "I know it is very difficult to do this. After all, Mr. Yama, you belong to the Daxia camp, and you will definitely pay a lot to change the court. Therefore, if Yama If you are willing, sir, I can treat this act as the employment of Zhaoqi Taisha to you, and pay the game currency or equivalent materials at double the market price."

"At the same time, you will gain the friendship of Zhaoqi Taisha."

When he said these words, Ji Gong Ling returned to the elegant and calm appearance at the beginning, and explained his chips.

It is a very unwise move to make your own demands and chips clear during negotiation, but for a creature like the player, concealing it will only be counterproductive.

In this case, it is better to show the horses and horses from the beginning and show your sincerity.

But, even so, it is difficult for the other party to agree... After all, this means betraying one's natural camp, and there may be negative effects such as pursuit and killing...

Just as Ji Gongling was waiting for Zhao Yeshou's answer, Zhao Yesang also showed an embarrassed expression:

"Joining the Himimiya family... This is not an easy decision..."

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......

P.S. I was reminded by other patients in the same room, I have to get out first, let's do it today (X

Chapter 402: The purpose of poverty alleviation for the **

Aya's heart sank slightly.

Zhao Yesui would reject her request, which was also what she expected.

Zhaoqi Dasha's face is not that big, and it can make players pay their respects as soon as they hear its name, even the five big hooligans can't do it.

But she couldn't deceive Zhao Yesui by means of coaxing, because this would obviously be a long-term task. If you use deception, you can deceive it for a while, but not forever. If it is exposed, it will only attract more serious consequences.

According to her observation, this "Yama" should be a stealth player, and he can get a glimpse of him without any information about him.

This kind of sneak player is generally very free and loose, and doesn't like to be controlled, so no matter how much benefits she puts out, it may not be as good as his "ideal mastery".

Moreover, the price of his betrayal of the camp may also be the last straw that overwhelms the camel...

Just when Ji Gongling felt uneasy in her heart, Zhao Yesui, who looked embarrassed, actually had a feeling of "the willows are dark and flowers are bright in another village".


Betray the camp?

No, I'm here to engage in activities behind enemy lines. In this case, after a lot of unremitting personal efforts, I have successfully won the trust of the eldest lady of the Jigong family, infiltrated the Jigong family, and made the espionage mission an important step. The next step is that this big summer dragon bird doesn't give me more money. Do you still want to punish me?

Moreover, Zhao Yesui has not forgotten the main task.

[Main quest: Join an organization related to the Imperial City Guard and obtain the highest possible position in the organization. This quest is a personal quest, and the progress of the quest will be calculated separately]

According to what Ji Gongling just said, her Ji Gong family is undoubtedly an "organization related to the Imperial City Guard", and Zhao Yesang was swollen and fat, saying that his main task had been completed, but Actually he hasn't made any progress yet.

At this time, Ji Gongling invited him to join Ji Gong's house, and it was like a pillow when he was dozing off, saving him a lot of steps for free, and directly sending him to the task to complete.

In addition, Ji Gongling also proposed to hire Zhao Yesui at twice the market price...


Won hemp.

Are all the people in Yingzhou so rich?

It’s a good thing to eat three fish with one fish, eat once at Daxia Longque, once at the main quest, and once at Jigong Ling...

The reason why Zhao Yesui tensed his face was mainly to prevent the corners of his mouth from rising, which would be too obvious.

"I also know that it's hard to be strong like this..." Ji Gong Ling said seriously: "So, we can discuss the specific conditions..."

To Ji Gongling's surprise, Zhao Yesui rejected her offer of a "salary increase".

"No need."

Zhao Yeshou waved his hand and rejected Ji Gongling's statement.

He had eaten a fish three times, and it was a bit too much to wait for it at this time.

Zhao Yesui has always been a contented and conscientious person, and it is too difficult for him to be a profiteer.

Ji Gongling misunderstood what he meant, thinking that Zhao Yesui's refusal meant "this matter has nothing to talk about", bit her lower lip, sighed lightly, and said, "Yes, it's me Meng Lang... …”

Then, Zhao Yesui's next sentence made her open her eyes at once.

"Miss Jigong's request, I can accept it."

Zhao Ye said solemnly: "Everyone is a teammate. It would be fine if Miss Ji Gong would not be implicated because of this, but since you will be punished for this, then of course I have an obligation."

"Of course, I have to ask you to wait for a while. I have to make a handover with the previous organization and deal with the end of the hand, lest they think I defected."

"If you're worried, you can make a contract with me first."


Zhao Yesui agreed, and Ji Gongling was a little surprised. He felt that his first view might be wrong. Mr. Yama, maybe he is a good person who is eager for justice and righteousness?

"No, then there is no need. I believe in Mr. Yama's character."

- Mainly because of the confirmation of the game of destiny, this kind of thing cannot be faked.

"Then I'll wait for your news."

Ji Gongling nodded slightly, solemnly took out an amulet from the inventory, handed it to Zhao Yechuang, and said, "If Mr. Yama has dealt with it, then drive this amulet, and I will send someone there. Pick you up, and then we will discuss the detailed contract issues."

Zhao Yeshou took the amulet, turned around and left the restaurant without saying anything.

He had to leave immediately, because he couldn't stand it any longer with Hime Gong Ling.

Ji Gongling looked at the back of him leaving in a hurry, and sighed slightly that there are not many good people like Mr. Yama this year, and he actually sacrificed his own interests for a player he didn't know...

The most important thing is that Ji Gongling didn't see the slightest covetousness for her beauty or covetousness for power in Zhao Yesui's eyes.

Some are just some pure emotion.

Should be justice, right?

Himemiya Aya thought so.

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

On the streets of the imperial city late at night, the nightlife has just begun.

The city that never sleeps is slowly waking up, and the colorful neon lights make the whole city seem to be bathed in colorful rays of light cast from the sky, dazzling.

There is no sign that this city is about to become the front line of the war, the fuse of the fourth world war. People are still indulging in the intoxication of money, drinking the wine of desire and brewing deeper sins.

However, undercurrents are surging.

Standing in a phone booth in front of a custom shop, Zhao Yesui rolled his eyes as he watched the girl who was soliciting customers at the door of the custom shop scratching his head and making gestures at him.

"God-killed Big Xia Longque, which idiot thought of setting up a secret contact point in such a place..."

The reason why Zhao Yesui came here is to contact Daxia Longque and report to the organization.

