MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game - C.345Mar 06, 2023


"En." Zhao Yesui said lightly, "I have already talked to Daxia."

"Is the communication still pleasant?" Ji Gong Ling asked earnestly: "Is there any bad connotation in their words? Do you think they will pursue you?"

Zhao Yesui recalled the respectful Lin Tianwu, and his expression became subtle. After thinking about what would happen if a normal Daxia person rebelled against the country, he replied, "It's okay, in fact, I am in Daxia. Your status is not as high as yours."

"My current identity seems to be a Xiahe hybrid from Xihezhou. Miss Jigong should understand this kind of thing? After all, I will be discriminated against and encounter some invisible barriers."

This is a matter of course.

Even with the name of Daxia, Daxia has been educated since childhood. Daxia's policies in this regard are also enlightened, but there are always differences.

At the bottom, he may be favored because of some political considerations, but when he reaches a certain level, the identity of this mixed-race person will become a hindrance.

Even if there is nothing on the surface, there will only be more difficulties in the dark.

On the other side of Hezhou, the situation will probably only get worse.

Either completely abandon the original national concept and integrate into the new country, or live as an independent nation. Both of these situations have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former means giving up the backbone of the nation, while the latter will encounter obstacles everywhere in the current situation.

At present, Hezhou's situation is in a state of being unable to go up and down, so both sides are not flattering, just like the situation encountered by the mixed-race children.

There is probably no one who hopes that Hezhou will fail completely than them. This is why the two and five boys are more desperate than their real enemies.

Only in this way can you find a place to stand.

"...That's it."

After Ji Gongling heard what Zhao Yesui said, her mood became depressed for some reason, but she quickly recovered and said, "So, Mr. Yama means that they will not initiate a cleanup on you. Portal action?"

"Probably not." Zhao Yexuan thought for a while, but didn't bother Daxia Longque's friend to accompany him in acting, and said, "It's good to get together, so it shouldn't be chasing and killing me."

"That's good, otherwise, I'll have to trouble you to pay a little more."

Ji Gongling seemed to be sincerely relieved about Zhao Yeshou's affairs, and then said: "Then, do you want to come and discuss relevant matters with me now? Then I will send a driver to pick you up."


Not long after Zhao Yesui spoke with Ji Gongling, a black limousine slowly approached from the end of the street. Wherever it passed, the crowd consciously separated from the road.

One is because this car is indeed a genuine luxury car, and the other is because of the family crest of the Jigong family on the car.

As the former Duke family of Hezhou, even now, the Jigong family has a considerable position in Hezhou.

The car stopped in front of Zhao Yesao, and the serious-faced waiter got out of the car, walked to Zhao Yesao, bowed and said, "Mr. Chen, Miss Chen has been waiting for you for a long time."

Zhao Yesao nodded noncommittally, and the waiter opened the car door for him. After Zhao Yesang got into the car, he trotted back to the driver's seat.

The car moved slowly, but Zhao Yeshou, who was sitting in the car, was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that the waiter's "eldest lady has been waiting for you for a long time" was a polite remark, but it turned out to be the truth.

When he got into the car, he saw Himimiya Aya sitting on his left.

"Hello, Mr. Yama." She greeted with a smile.

"You didn't seem to say you wanted to come together just now..." The corners of Zhao Yesang's mouth twitched, but he didn't expect Ji Gongling to come directly with the car: "Aren't you busy over there? come from?"

"After all, it's just the identity in the scene. It's best if it can provide assistance for the execution of the mission. It can't be, of course, it's not as good as the mission."

Jigong Ling said seriously: "Also, I asked you, Mr. Yama, and of course there is no reason for you to wait for me."

Although I understand that what these superiors say and what they do may not be the same, but Ji Gongling's posture still makes Zhao Yesui feel more comfortable.

As for being flattered by it?

I'm crazy, my little angel, as the top person, still cooks for me every day. Have you ever seen me surprised?

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said: "But it is true, Miss Ji Gong, if you make good use of your identity, it can indeed provide a lot of help."

As a local famous family, a veritable local snake, it is almost unnecessary to think about how much manpower can be used.

In comparison, although Zhao Yesui stood behind the big Xia Longque, it was still a problem for the other party to be able to do it for him.

They are all players, why is there such a big gap in the distribution of identities?

As for the identity of the "Blood Moon" and Zhao Tu, of course, Zhao Yejiao chose to ignore it.

Because this identity is really exposed, with the character of the "Blood Moon" group of terrorists, it is probably not the King Qin who came over, but watched Zhao Yesao be besieged and beaten by the sidelines.

terrorist? That's Zhao Tu, what's the matter with me, Zhao Yesao?

Seemingly guessing what Zhao Yesui was thinking, Ji Gongling laughed lightly, showed him the jade seal on her waist, and said, "This is the proof that I am a goddess and witch of Zhaoqi Taisha. A special effect, when I enter a world based on the present world, I will automatically acquire the status of a force related to Yingzhou, and generally it will be a higher status."

Understood, krypton gold players belong to yes.

"In the case of the Life Strategy Bureau, there should be similar items. Although it's not as exaggerated as I am, every official member of the Life Strategy Bureau should have relevant credentials." The hidden benefits of the big forces are already there, but there are not many dungeon worlds based on the present world, so it is not a very outrageous benefit."

Is she supposed to be testing if I am someone from the Fate Strategy Bureau?

Zhao Yesui was unmoved on the surface, but he was thinking secretly in his heart.

There will be one more player who can match her. As the ruler of Zhaoqi Taisha, it is normal to want to inquire about Zhao Yesao's information based on professional habits.

The pseudonym "Yama" reported by Zhao Yesui can be traced back to the **** in Hindu mythology who controls death and judges the undead, but with Ji Gongling's eyesight, it is not difficult to tell through some details that Zhao Yesang is not a curry man .

In comparison, the Yan Kingdom also has a myth related to "Yam", and Zhao Yesui is also assigned to the Daxia camp. All kinds of coincidences add up, Ji Gongling will suspect that Zhao Yesang is the secret of the life strategy bureau. Ace is also a normal thing.

What? Why do you go to the life strategy bureau to guess when you encounter a powerful player in the Yan Kingdom?

It's just a matter of probability.

Of the 100 top players in the Yan Nation, at least 70 must be from the Fate Strategy Bureau. In this case, if you want to test, try the most likely ones.

However, Himimiya Aya's mind was doomed to fail.

Because Zhao Yesui is indeed a member of the Life Policy Bureau in a sense, but he is a serious labor dispatch employee and is not protected by labor laws. At the same time, the Life Policy Bureau probably has no real information about him at all.

Shivering cold, why don't I have this certificate?

Oh, I'm a temp, that's fine.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yecang said excitedly: "So, when the members of the Life Strategy Bureau enter the scene, will there be a high probability that they will gather in the same camp?"

Ji Gong Ling observed his expression and nodded: "Yes."

So, if Tongtong and I illegally formed a team to enter this scene, with her position, she would probably be a senior official of Daxia, such as the inspector of Daxia?

In this case, I probably don't have to suffer from the cold violence at the beginning...

After missing the nursery rhymes for a while, Zhao Ye said seriously, "Then, Miss Ji Gong, can we start discussing the contract between us?"

"Well, of course."

When it comes to business affairs, Jigong Ling gave up her previous thoughts and said instead: "According to our previous agreement, I will hire Mr. Yama at twice the market price. You are temporarily joining the Jigong family, what else do you need? Compensation, please feel free to speak, I will try my best to satisfy."


Zhao Yeshuo thought about it, the person in front of him is the actual ruler of the Yingzhou Zhaoqi Society, a veritable rich woman, if you want to make a rip off, this is a good opportunity.

However, Zhao Yesui had already taken a big advantage, and it was not in his style to take advantage of the fire and rob at this time.

Therefore, he just said first: "Let's talk about it. Compared with this, it is better to discuss other content of the contract, such as the distribution of powers and responsibilities when carrying out specific tasks."

Ji Gongling nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

"Mr. Yama must have his own things to do, so how about signing a contract based on the alliance without interfering with each other?"

Non-interference, that is, the two parties do not disturb each other, and there is no obligation to assist the other party. It all depends on the mood. If there is a conflict during the execution of the task, each has his own abilities.

This is exactly in line with Zhao Yesui's idea. He still doesn't know what the consequences of his personal hidden mission will be. If Ji Gongling proposes to establish an offensive and defensive mutual aid alliance, then he really needs to think about it.

At that time, in case there is a conflict, but because of the contract, you can only stare, it will be interesting.

If it is not necessary, Zhao Yesui doesn't really want to breach the contract in a super-standard way. He has always been a very trustworthy person, especially this kind of contract signed with the consent of both parties after sufficient communication.

Ji Gongling is worthy of being the current goddess of Zhaoqi Taisha. She handles things in an orderly manner, and quickly confirms the terms of the contract with Zhao Yesui, but there are differences in the final selection of positions.

The position, that is, the position that Zhao Yesui held after joining the Ji Gong family.

Zhao Yesui looked at the blank space in the last column of the contract and said thoughtfully, "Speaking of which, Miss Ji Gong, when I join the Ji Gong family, will your personal hidden mission be updated because of this?"

"Should it be?" Ji Gongling thought for a while and said, "Because it doesn't seem to be difficult, there should be a next step."

"Then, what if this mission is to kill me, or is it bad for me?" Zhao Yeshou blinked and said, "After all, according to what you said, this Zhao Tu seems to be an uncompromising one. It's normal for a scumbag to be caught with a hatchet, right?"

"If that's the case, then I will give up on this task." Ji Gong Ling said decisively: "The contract is still the same, and the consequences are borne by me. There is no reason for you to take responsibility for my problems, Mr. Yama."

It's really courageous...

Zhao Yesui secretly admired in his heart, this kind of rich woman with more money and less attention has always been his favorite, which is in stark contrast to the kind of Party A who needs to deal with follow-up matters all the time.

After a while, Zhao Yesui looked at the main quest and suddenly thought of something, and said with a subtle expression: "Hey, wait a minute, Miss Ji Gong, I probably found the compensation I wanted."

"Well?" Ji Gongling looked at Zhao Yesao and said, "Mr. Yan Mo, but it doesn't matter."

Zhao Yesui didn't answer immediately, but looked at the main quest and tapped his forehead, feeling that he seemed to have found an opportunity to take advantage of it.

[Main quest: Join an organization related to the Imperial City Guard and obtain the highest possible position in the organization. This quest is a personal quest, and the progress of the quest will be calculated separately]

"Miss Jigong, there is one thing I need to confirm first."

Zhao Yesui looked at Ji Gongling and said, "You shouldn't be able to improve the progress of your main quest, right?"

"En." When she said this, Ji Gongling smiled helplessly and said, "My current identity is basically the second person in the Ji Gong family, unless I overthrow the current Ji Gong family master and do it myself. Patriarch...but that would not only be troublesome to operate, but would also make the Ji Gong family fall into a state of division, greatly reducing the power and making the gains outweigh the losses."

No, I'll just ask casually, co-author, have you really thought about being a filial daughter?

Zhao Yeshou couldn't help but stare at him, and sure enough, the natural blue was black when cut.

"The others should be similar, because they have a high status from the beginning, so it is difficult to make any progress..."

Zhao Yesui felt that he had caught a loophole.

Although he doesn't know why, he alone has nothing to do with the Imperial City Guard, but at the moment when he made a private deal with Himemiya Aya, he had a chance to lick the wool of the game of fate.

Others are from 90 or even 99 to 100, but he started from zero, and the difficulty and the harvest are not the same.

Ji Gongling quickly realized Zhao Yesui's thoughts and said, "Mr. Yan Mo means, let me arrange the highest possible position for you, so as to obtain high task progress?"

"It's not difficult, I will do my best, but some important positions need to be approved by the clan elders meeting, I can't control the group of old men for the time being..."

Inadvertently overheard one of the evidences of blue cut black.

But Zhao Yesui didn't care about these details. After analyzing the positions that he could obtain with Ji Gongling, Zhao Yesang quickly made a decision.

He took a deep breath, stared at Ji Gong Ling, and said word by word:

"Actually, there is a position ... no, that might not be called a position."

"But in short, it is something you can decide for yourself, Miss Jigong, and you can withstand the pressure of others in a short period of time."

"Huh?" Ji Gongling was a little stunned, thinking hard, even if she was as smart as she was, she couldn't keep up with Zhao Yesao's brain circuit for a while.

Zhao Yesui did not act as a riddleman, looked at Ji Gongling's beautiful light blue pupils, and said in a solemn tone:

"I made a decision."

"Miss Jigong, please marry me."

...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... .........

P.S. I currently owe more updates (12/14), and I have to pay it back, ok.

It should be noted that the "Daxia" in the text refers to the "Daxia Empire", so the policies on race are naturally different. The same is true for New Rome, which is a silhouette of a certain historical period, and it is still different from modern times. of.

Originally, it was planned that Tongtong would be the Daxia inspector to join the mission, but it didn't feel good to start a new character, so I changed it (X

In addition, I updated 1W2 today, and it is the end of the month, please ask for a ticket~

Chapter 408 Get the certificate with Miss Ji Gong


After hearing Zhao Yesui's request, Ji Gongling was stunned for a while, then she was completely stunned.

Why did it suddenly come to a marriage proposal? ? ? ? ? ?

"This, this is a little too fast, Mr. Yama..."

After Ji Gongling calmed down for a while, she said euphemistically, "Mr. Yama, we have only just met, and we are not familiar with each other. Is this a little too fast..."


Zhao Yesui blinked, not knowing what Ji Gongling was saying: "Miss Ji Gong, what are you talking about? I just said, I want to be your husband."

Isn't this something very impactful...

