MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.119Mar 06, 2023



Hit by another laser cannonball, the blue fighters were already crumbling, and the imperial fleet not far away had begun to clean the battlefield. Only the sporadic blue fighters and the cruisers that were able to escape the encirclement with agile speed were still fighting fearlessly. The intentions of the Imperial Fleet have been exposed. After surrounding and annihilating the Star Fleet, the entire team returned, wiped out the Guard Fleet of the Star, and severely damaged the mainland of the 678th Star, at least saving some face for the Imperial Fleet. Soran Edrich has never had such a commendable victory since he boarded the battleship!

The combat armors and cruisers on the Huo Xing side have left the main battlefield. Even if they turn around and run away, no one will blame them. They are still brave warriors! Perhaps the Imperial Fleet will no longer pursue them.

However, not a single person, a fighter mech, a battleship left the battlefield!

The space jump particles have been opened, the main fleet of the empire has returned one after another, and the fleets that have left the follow-up scavenging work have begun to strangle these remaining enemies mercilessly. Maybe they admire these mysterious star soldiers, but the enemy army is the enemy army. Since they don't plan to escape, then help them become benevolent!

The last blue cruiser burst into dazzling sparks. The silent, black battleship seemed very satisfied. Shang Ping knew that there would be no rescue.

Suddenly, a black fighter armor pounced on Shang Ping, and the energy indicator in the cockpit flickered. The remaining energy of the fighter armor could not even return to Huo Xing, let alone fight back. Shang Ping's vision began to blur, and the blue combat armor swayed, almost unable to stabilize his huge body.

Really, dying here?

The cheap old man I picked up cheated, and said there was a way to get out of it?

Thinking of goodwill, Shang Ping began to grit his teeth. There was a slight fluctuation from the small communication device left in the teeth, but Shang Ping ignored it.

The black combat armor is getting closer and closer. After the other imperial combat armors have cleaned up the remaining blue mechas, they seem to think that one combat armor is enough to deal with the seemingly miserable Shang Ping, and they have turned around and returned to the battleship.

Don't bring such a contemptuous person!

Shang Ping felt a little aggrieved, and he tried to reincarnate himself again, but he also had to pull his back! If only his melee combat performance was as good as Austin's, he could use the mecha's fist to smash the guy in front of him! Thinking of the blond boy, Shang Ping felt inexplicably blocked. He remembered that he had promised him to live well...

Unexpectedly, Shang Ping avoided the attack of the black combat armor extremely easily, and looked at the control screen in surprise, but the other party did not give him a chance to think. Too late, I was hit by the black mecha, and the black and blue mechas were entangled, and the sparks that erupted could easily give others the illusion of perishing together.

Perhaps the driver of this mecha was not well-liked. The Empire's transport ship loaded with combat armor saw this situation, did not send a communication, and did not come to check, but immediately closed the hatch, and a laser cannon directly hit the two. The entangled combat armor, then entered the space to jump to the particle, and returned home.

The universe finally returned to peace, with only broken battleships and fragments of mecha floating slowly in the darkness. Before long, they will be completely reduced to dust in the universe, leaving no trace.

No one will remember what happened here, and those brave and fearless people.

Shang Ping's blue fighter armor was firmly imprisoned by the black fighter armor. Almost all the previous laser cannons landed on the black fighter armor! If you were still suspicious a moment ago, you can be sure now that the other party is helping him, or to be precise, saving his life!

I tried to use the communication device to contact the other party, but I didn't get the slightest response. The next moment, I was stunned to find that my cockpit had left the body of the mecha!

No, this guy is not actually saving him, he is trying to kill him more thoroughly, right? !

The black fighter carefully protected the cockpit of the blue mecha that was "forcibly dismantled". Through the blue mecha's system, it located the coordinates of the star, and then flew to the route leading to the six hundred and seventy-eighth star. . Shang Ping has been trying to contact the other party, and the response to him is that the flight speed of the black combat armor has doubled! After leaving the mecha body, the oxygen supply in the command cabin was somewhat insufficient, and coupled with blood loss, Shang Ping began to feel a little difficult to breathe, and told himself that he could not sleep, but he still fainted involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took, the voice finally sounded in my ears, I opened my eyes with some difficulty, and found that I was still stuck in the air, but the black combat armor landed on the land of the six hundred and seventy-eighth star, already Some airports that are completely indifferent are surrounded by soldiers with gunpowder smoke and live ammunition. The Governor's goodwill is not far away, and he doesn't seem to be worried about what will happen to this black combat armor that has thrown away all its weapons, although, Well, he was holding the cockpit of a blue combat armor very out of place. To put it figuratively, it is like holding a head in the sense of a mecha.

Shang Ping was glad that some functions of the cockpit could still be used, he pushed open the cabin door, and waved to Goodwill in the distance. Can you put him down? Or what would you like to talk to me about?"

The black combat armor didn't make a sound, it just signaled the goodwill and the army to withdraw a further distance. After the other party did so, they put Shang Ping's cockpit on the ground. on the ground.

Goodwill almost jumped up and hugged Shang Ping in his arms, and the surrounding army also rushed up. After confirming that the black combat armor did not respond, several tall soldiers jumped onto the cockpit of the black combat armor, and just pryed from the outside. Open the hatch!


However, Shang Ping exclaimed after seeing the people in the cockpit: "Zhou Ting?!"

The black-haired boy who was dragged out of the cockpit by the soldiers lay on the ground, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Shang Ping, who was running over, and pulled out a difficult smile. The control chip behind his ear had been forcibly torn off, and his blood was blurred. , Bright red blood kept pouring out from the corners of the nostrils and mouth, Shang Ping wiped it over and over again, but it seemed like he could never finish it.

"Zhou Ting, it's okay, it's okay, doctor! Doctor!"

Shang Ping yelled, and the blood scab on half of his face was slowly peeling off. The handsome young man, showing a bit of grimness, shouted at the doctors who rushed over, but no one would accuse him. he.

"Shang Ping..." Zhou Ting grabbed Shang Ping's hand, looked at his red-eyed friend, and said slowly, "Don't be busy, it's useless," put the clone control chip in Shang Ping's hand, He coughed twice, but it was full of blood, "The things here are very important and must be preserved!"

"...You know, on the battlefield, I found out that the one who controls the blue combat you! Only you have so many whimsical ideas... Contact you with a communicator, but don't give me a response! Stinky boy!"

Zhou Ting chuckled twice and continued: "I miss the days of the military academy, the big John, the fat Joseph... on that planet that was imprisoned... being sent to the clone lab... I keep thinking about it. Think, don't, I'm going crazy..."

"Shang Ping, live..." Zhou Ting suddenly clenched Shang Ping's hand, the edges and corners of the chip almost cut into Shang Ping's palm, and red blood droplets slid down the palm, and Zhou Ting's blood pooled together , "Live! Defeat them!"

The words fell, as if the last fire of life had been burned, and there was no sound. beat them...

Shang Ping let go of his hand and slipped to the ground, his eyes fixed on the boy who had closed his eyes, black hair, the same eyes as him, a friend in the military academy, who fought side by side. Comrade-in-arms, the only classmate who likes to take history class with me...


A warm palm landed on Shang Ping's shoulder, and then his eyes were blocked by the other hand. A faint sunlight shone through his fingers, but his vision was blood red.

"Child, cry."

"Father, he's not dead, he'll be fine as long as he wakes up, right?"


"Father, he is my classmate, he is my friend, he saved my life!"

"I know, I know." Goodwill took Shang Ping into his arms, shook his head after watching the two doctors' examination, and had to state the cruel truth: "He forcibly removed the control chip behind his ear. , was seriously injured, there is nothing I can do, I'm sorry, child, I'm sorry..."


Shang Ping pushed away Goodwill's hand, his eyes were sore, but he couldn't shed a single tear. He just wiped the blood from Zhou Ting's face numbly, put Zhou Ting's hands on his chest, took off his military uniform, and covered Zhou Ting's face. Standing tall, he solemnly gave a military salute!

My classmates, my friends, my comrades-in-arms, I swear, I swear with my life, I will live, I will defeat them, destroy them, and repay everything they gave me today!

The brown eyes ignited with blood-colored dark fire, and Shangyu was shocked by the evil spirit that Shang Ping exuded in an instant, but the black-haired boy softened in the next moment and fell into his arms, and transparent tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Muse Galaxy, Mars military regime

The list of the fleets that will open up the route to the border of the Golden Empire has finally been determined. Colonel Edgar, as the supreme commander of the entire fleet, was awarded the rank of major general. Together with the deputy commander, Major General Charles, and Colonel William, the chief of staff of the fleet, they participated in the highest command before the operation. Meeting.

Austin South had become a squadron commander in the Fleet's One-Man Fighter Group, although Colonel William wanted him to be transferred to the staff, but was turned down.

The tall and handsome blond boy looked at the one-man fighter jets that were constantly being sent into the battleship, his dark green eyes flashed with determination, and he clenched his fists.

