MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.162Mar 06, 2023


After the actual combat exercise of the Deco Galaxy Fleet, Major Bomi stepped off the battleship and was sent to the ship bound for Saisha. It is worth mentioning that Major Bomi, the party involved, did not raise any doubts. The moment he stepped off the battleship, he realized what a stupid thing he had done. Sid? Major Hall and Chad? Major Mays expressed some regrets for his colleagues at the right time. At the root, the happiness behind sympathy is more appropriate to describe them at the moment. Bomi's stupidity also sounded the alarm for them. Rebellious behavior is not tolerated under the strictly hierarchical fleet and star-led regime. The commander of the Second Fleet was taken over by Lu Dan, a major officer from the Imperial Guard Army, with light brown hair and silver-gray eyes, very handsome, but unsmiling.

After a brief exercise summary, Shang Ping let the three commanders retire, leaving only him and the attendant in the entire office. As time passed, the office fell into silence.

The sudden silence made Shang Ping a little irritable. Pushing the document aside, I couldn't help thinking of Soran Edrich. The emperor always invaded his mind inadvertently, even if it was official business, he could not completely expel the images in his mind.

Do you want to get in touch?

Shang Ping squeezed the communicator, frowned, and seemed to be hesitant.

Keeping silent all the time, the court attendant standing behind Shang Ping suddenly bent down and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, at this time, Your Majesty will not be working."

Shang Ping turned his head abruptly and glared at the attendant angrily. Who said he was going to contact the emperor? !

The attendant stood up straight, looked at his nose and heart, and said nothing. As if to say, some things don't need explanation.

Shang Ping continued to stare, who saw that he was going to explain? !

The sergeant raised his chin slightly, and his expression seemed to say that he saw it in both eyes.

Shang Ping wanted to continue staring, but his finger pressed the switch of the communicator, and as the familiar voice sounded, the whole person stiffened.

Damn, what is he nervous about? !

No matter what the attendant said was correct or not, Soran Edrich still appeared in front of Shang Ping. The attendant was indeed right, there is no urgent government affairs that needs to be handled by him now. Seeing the Emperor's expression at the moment, Earl Reichate and the others exited the Emperor's office knowingly.

Seeing the virtual image of Soran Edrich appearing in front of him, Shang Ping suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty, did it bother you?"


Soran Edrich was sitting on a large office chair, his fingers clasped on his lap, his long silver hair hanging down on his golden epaulettes, a different kind of luxury.


Shang Ping opened his mouth and couldn't find a topic. What should he say? Before, it was because of official business or the emperor took the initiative to contact him. Are you going to tell Soran Edrich that he misses him? God, someone give him a shot.

Shang Ping's expression was a little distorted. Sweet talk doesn't suit him, really.


Soran Edrich seemed interested in Shang Ping's ambiguity, and the virtual image kept leaning forward as if the emperor himself was in front of Shang Ping, which made Shang Ping even more uncomfortable.

The attendant, who had been in the background for a long time, couldn't see Shang Ping's lack of prospects, and said directly: "Please forgive the minister's slander, the lord misses His Majesty the emperor very much, and there is no official business."


Soran Edrich raised one eyebrow, his blue eyes were like clear lake water, rubbed into a gentle iridescent light, and looked at Shang Ping with a smile at the corner of his mouth, until Shang Ping's ears were faintly red, and then he lowered his head. Laughed out a voice.

"Forgive your innocence." Soran Edrich said with a smile, "However, you can leave now."

"My lord obeys."

The attendant retired and closed the door of the lord's office. His actions were indeed slanderous, but the imperial concubine was too unsatisfactory, so out of helplessness, she could only do this.

The attendant looked up at the sky and seemed to be thinking about difficult problems.

In fact, he was just standing at the door of the lord's office, doing nothing. I don't know how long the lord will chat with His Majesty the Emperor. Today's etiquette class can only be postponed.

Muse Galaxy, Mars military regime

"He really said that?" David South looked at Martin in surprise, unable to understand why Liu Xi took such an attitude.

Chief Executive Martin nodded solemnly, put away the gentle smile that often hung on his face, and was surrounded by a gray atmosphere.

"David, is there still no news from the expedition fleet?"

"Well." David Soth was helpless about this matter. Judging from all the signs, the fleet may have really encountered an accident. It may be a particle storm in the universe, or it may be a surprise attack by an enemy. The journey of exploring the route is full of variables. Naira? Both the Hatteras and Lords lost contact, making this speculation almost a reality.

Martin opened his mouth, as if trying to say something, but it turned into a sigh.

"Really bad."


"Is there any way to remedy it?"

Martin just subconsciously questioned, and David South's strange eyes made him realize what he had just said, and his face became even more ugly.

"Are you asking me?" David South sneered, but changed his mind halfway through, in any case, now is not the right time, "Seth, the young president, will not stand behind the Free City Federation for no reason. , they must have come to some kind of agreement. It's very bad for Mars."


"No buts." David South cut off Martin's words, and continued, "Look for any clues until they're nowhere to be found. Speaking of which, that's what you do best, isn't it?"

Martin had nothing to say, indeed, it was his job as Mars chief executive.

At this time, Joe, David South's adjutant, came in and whispered a few words in David South's ear. Martin did not hear the content of these words, and from David South's face I can't tell if it's good or bad, this man is very good at hiding his emotions.

After Martin left, David South's face instantly turned gloomy, "Are you sure you can't get in touch?"

"Yes." Adjutant Joe stood straight next to David South and said without emotion: "It's certain, Ai Jia? Derich took the initiative to cut off contact with Mars, while Ben Deridge and others Several people also lost contact not long ago. It is probably related to Aijia? Derich. "

"Why didn't you report it immediately?!"

David Soth's words were already tinged with anger, and Adjutant Joe hesitated for a moment before continuing: "I couldn't be 100% sure before. After all, Aijia? Ben Derich and others also mysteriously disappeared, so..."

"Needless to say."

David South interrupted Adjutant Joe, "You go out first."

"As ordered!"

Adjutant Joe withdrew from the office, and David South finally showed a tired expression. The voyage fleet was in danger, Diana was worried about Austin all day long, and he had no time to comfort his wife. Love Jia now? Derich might have betrayed Mars, if it was for the merchant's sake alone, and if there was anything else... David South felt that all the bad things seemed to come together.

October 1129 in the Galactic Calendar

The Deco galaxy fleet has finally been reorganized. The structure of the entire fleet incorporates some experience gained by the imperial military system and Shang Ping, including flagship headquarters, staff, main battleships, cruise ships, carrier-based combat armors, transport ships, energy replenishment ships and many other units and fleets. More than 95% of the staff are in place. Shang Ping was not completely satisfied, but he was barely able to accept it. After all, the Deco Galaxy Fleet is not exactly the same as the Imperial Fleet. Most of the fleet infrastructure is clone soldiers, which limits the arrangement and scheduling of fleet personnel. Due to the many previous battles with pirates and the recent actual combat exercises, some people were transferred from the fleet, and among the people transferred, imperial officers accounted for the majority. Solan Edrich gave the Imperial Guard to Shang Ping, and the subship command system would not have problems because of the departure of these people, which made Shang Ping very fortunate.

Of course, Shang Ping did not think that the Deco galaxy fleet would always be what it is now. After fulfilling the wish of goodwill, the Deco galaxy fleet would no longer need to be limited to clone soldiers. Perhaps Shang Ping was worried about Soran Edrich before, but now he thinks this worry is superfluous.

As long as he doesn't make a rebellious move, Soran Edrich will basically not move his galaxy and fleet. Although he didn't believe in the emperor's promise 100%, Shang Ping still had this confidence. Like a male lion facing a mosquito, the first thought would never be to eat it. The metaphor is inappropriate, but adequate.

"So, are you all ready?"

Shang Ping put down the document in his hand and looked at the three fleet commanders and eight subordinate staff officers.

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander!"

Sid? Major Hall faintly has the posture of the head of the three fleet commanders. Fortunately, he knows the proportions, and Chad? Major Mace and Major Lu Dan will not let Sid casually? Major Hall's complete suppression was not something any superior would like to see, and Shang Ping was no exception.

After getting a positive answer, Shang Ping stood up abruptly, and the soldiers present also straightened their backs and held their breath because of Shang Ping's action.

"I order, from now on, the first-level combat readiness alert, three days later, the entire fleet will set off, the destination, the Muse Galaxy!"

"As ordered!"

The sonorous voice echoed in his ears, and Shang Ping was in a trance for a moment, and then suppressed this sudden emotion. From ancient times to the present, conquering and being conquered, occupying and being occupied, at the root, are only the nature of highly intelligent races.

When Goodwill received the news of Shang Ping's departure, the Deco galaxy fleet had already entered the universe jumping point, and the message sent by Goodwill fell into disarray and did not receive a word or a word of response.

