MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.163Mar 06, 2023


After several space jumps, the Deco galaxy fleet arrived at the site of the ruins of the Royce artificial celestial body in the former Republic of Seth. After this was abandoned, the artificial celestial body used to test Mars's new weapons, with the departure of the voyage fleet led by Major General Edgar, once again left people's sight. Apart from a small number of maintainers and garrisoned soldiers, there is no garrison fleet at all.

Therefore, Shang Ping saved a lot of trouble.

After several days' journey, Shang Ping led the Deco galaxy fleet to occupy the artificial celestial body of Royce. Stepping off the flagship and stepping on the rusted teleportation bridge, Shang Ping felt more like returning to a familiar place, even though he had never been here.

Doing the math, he didn't leave the Muse Galaxy for a long time, but it seemed like a century had passed.

When did you start to feel sad about spring and autumn? This is not a good habit.

Perhaps due to sudden emotions, Shang Ping felt a little tired. After a short stay, Shang Ping returned to his flagship. The entire fleet was ordered to take turns stationed in the Royce artificial celestial body for rest. After continuous space jumps, even clone soldiers could not immediately enter the battle, and everyone needed to rest.

After the flagship reopened the communication, Shangping finally received the continuous news from Goodwill. However, this belated news did not bring much surprise to Shang Ping.

"There is no shortage of people who judge the situation everywhere, I should have expected it."

Turning off the communicator, Shang Ping summoned the staff officer, handed him a string of special communication passwords, and then forgot about it. He didn't want his father's news to be helpful. On the contrary, he was very reluctant to change his battle plan because of the "friend" in the news. He didn't want to waste time. It had nothing to do with laziness. No one likes a planned change halfway through, and forced.

To Shang Ping's disappointment, the second day after the fleet entered the Royce artificial celestial body to rest, a group of transport merchant ships loaded with a large number of energy stones arrived at the Royce artificial celestial body. They clearly control an extremely secret cosmic route. Accompanying him is a person who is both unfamiliar and familiar to Shang Ping, who is also a "friend" called by Goodwill.


Shang Ping was a little surprised that he could recognize him at a glance, and the memory deep in his mind came alive because of the gray-haired boy. They participated in the actual combat exercise of the Canon Military Fort together, and participated in the actual combat exercise during the graduation of the Madoff Military Academy as a junior. For Shang Ping and Ben at that time, they were all proud. It seems now that both Shang Ping and Ben, who had been hostile to Shang Ping at the beginning, were able to meet at the artificial celestial body of Royce with a wonderful and rather ironic taste.

"long time no see."

Book? After Derich sat down on the sofa, Shang Ping said, "It's hard to believe that I would meet you here." Is this an alternative fate? This sentence was swallowed by Shang Ping's throat. Even if Shang Ping didn't mean anything ironic, this sentence is still not suitable for saying it face to face.

In order to hide a little embarrassment, Shang Ping added another cube of sugar to the coffee, took a sip, and never raised the cup again, it was too sweet.

Compared to Shang Ping's somewhat fluctuating mood, Ben? Derich seemed much calmer, and he re-introduced himself to Shang Ping very naturally, not as a graduate of the Madoff Military Academy, but as a member of the Derich family.

"...There's nothing strange about this, the members of the Derich family have been branded with the word betrayal from the moment they were born, so you don't have to worry about it."

Shang Ping's hand paused, left the coffee cup, tapped the table lightly, and said nonchalantly, "Drich?"

"Yes, the Derich family, a spy family that has served the upper echelons of Mars for generations. We have no nationality, no family, no family. If necessary, perhaps even to death, it is impossible to walk with our relatives aboveboard. Our own The relatives are dead, and they are still kept in the dark, but they are still loyal to the enemy! Is it ridiculous?"

Shang Ping couldn't express his emotions, should he feel sad for Ben? Or pity him? I'm sorry, he's really not that affectionate. In other words, how the people of the Derich family live has nothing to do with him. Of course, this cannot be said in any way. Therefore, Shang Ping still made an appropriate expression, at least let the slightly excited Ben? Derich was able to calm down. He didn't come here to complain to himself about the unfair treatment the Derichs received?

Finally, Ben? Derich gradually regained his composure, the coffee was cold, but Ben still took a sip. There is no sugar or milk in the coffee, but Ben doesn't seem to taste that bitter taste at all.

"Sorry, I'm a little rude."

"It doesn't matter." Shang Ping said, "Then, can you tell me your purpose?"

"Didn't you get definite news from the Governor of Commerce?"

"Just roughly, I would like to know more details. Also, you don't need to use honorifics to me, after all, we are also alumni."

"Okay." Ben? Derich sat up straight and said seriously and seriously: "I am here this time to express the position of the Free Cities Federation and the Republic of Seth. Once your fleet attacks the Muse galaxy, the Federation of Free Cities and the Republic of Seth will I surrender to Your Excellency, and I hope that you will open up the door and not involve civilians in the war. If you agree, I will inform you of the secret route to the Muses and guide you."

Book? Derich did not pretend to be a peer, as Shang Ping said, and his attitude was still very respectful. Shang Ping did not continue to correct him.

"Are you confident that you can represent the Free Cities Federation and the Republic of Seth?" Shang Ping paused and continued: "Also, how can I believe that when I fight the Mars Space Fleet, there will be no 'friends who are defecting' behind me? ' What? For me, it's easier to cut off the source of danger in the first place than to let this uncertainty exist, isn't it?"

Book? Derich took a deep breath, took out a paper document from his jacket pocket, and sent it to the business plane. As expected of a member of a spy family, when I unfolded the half-slap-sized document in my life, I found that every crease cleverly avoided the text, and the document would not be damaged by the folding of the paper. content has no effect.

This document has Aijia, the actual ruler of the Free City Federation, on it? Autographs by Derich and Liu Xi, President of the Republic of Seth. Love Jia? It is not surprising that Derich's signature has the signatures of all the city owners of the Free City Federation. It is worth mentioning that under Liu Xi's signature, there are even the signatures and seals of several senior officers of the Space Fleet of the Republic of Seth.

Shang Ping read it carefully, a light flashed in his brown eyes, he put down the document, and said, "Here, there is no seal of Marshal Helu, commander-in-chief of the Space Fleet of the Republic of Seth."

This seems to be a problem, but it does not constitute a problem. But Shang Ping's tone still became indifferent and full of wariness, and his deep eyes fell on Ben? Derich's face involuntarily straightened his back, but he couldn't help but turn pale and remained calm.

"You know, some stubborn guys will not accept well-meaning persuasion. If they can't change their minds, there is no need to exist. Therefore, it is not a big problem whether Marshal Helu's seal appears or not. "

Shang Ping smiled slightly, and the gentle smile made Ben? Derich felt that the tense atmosphere just now was just an illusion.

"Well, maybe accepting your 'help' saves a lot of trouble. And I'll repay your kindness."

As soon as Shang Ping's words came out, Ben? Derich breathed a sigh of relief, the black-haired commander in front of him was completely different from the boy he remembered.

Fifteen minutes later, Sid? Major Hall, Major Ludan, Chad? Major Mays and several officers walked into the conference room of the flagship one after another. Shang Ping introduced this book to the officers? Derich, and after explaining Ben's intentions, unexpectedly, the taciturn Major Lu Dan took the lead in raising questions.

"He's a spy!"

Imperial soldiers don't like such people and don't trust them. Especially Major Lu Dan, who was born in the Imperial Guard, in his inherent understanding, spies are cunning and fickle, and cannot be trusted. What's more, it's about a galaxy.

"Your Excellency, if your distrust of me comes from my identity, then I can tell you with certainty that it is my identity that makes me more trustworthy!"

"Anyone can say nice things!"

"True, but, it's definitely not what you can imagine! My mother, my father, died for the planetary regime I once served! I didn't realize how much I was until my sister told me everything How stupid and pathetic! Even before this, I had been spying on my sister unknowingly!"

"Your sister?"

"Yes." Ben? Derich looked directly into Major Lu Dan's narrow eyes without fear, "My name is Ben? Derich, my sister, is the current ruler of the Free Cities Federation, Aijia? Derich!"

There was a brief silence in the conference room. Shang Ping coughed lightly, looked around the crowd, and said, "So, are there any other questions?"

Muse Galaxy, Republic of Seth

Standing in front of the heart of the water capital, the government office building in the capital of the Republic of Seth, two distinct troops are fighting each other. Marshal Helu, the commander-in-chief of the Space Fleet of the Republic of Seth, Ang Zang's body stood on the ferocious armed aircraft, glaring at President Liu Xi who was escorted behind the soldiers not far ahead.

Compared to Marshal Helu's anger, Liu Xi seemed calm and relaxed. He even smiled and waved to the reporters outside the army who were blocked by layers. In contrast, people who don't know the truth will always involuntarily prefer the young and handsome president in terms of perception. As for Marshal Helu, there was only an impression of a menacing warrior.

The confrontation lasted for several hours. From Marshal Helu suddenly leading his troops to surround the heart of the water capital, to the appearance of President Liu Xi, the two sides began to confront each other, making many Seth people involuntarily recall the Shesha incident a few years ago. , The era of President Shesha, which appeared and fell like a meteor, is still fresh in our memory when I think about it now. It was Xie Sha's suicide that made Liu Xi appear in front of the public. Now, is the scene of the year going to be repeated?

This sudden confrontation not only caused an uproar in the Republic of Seth, but also got news that Mars and Liberty City were a federation. For Liu Xi, who was aggressive before, but is now in trouble, Martin, the chief executive of Mars, maintained a schadenfreude attitude. He was only in the identity of the alliance, and formally issued a message calling for calm on both sides, while David South Thinking more, why did Marshal Helu suddenly draw his sword towards Liu Xi? Love Jia? Deridge remained silent throughout the sudden incident.

Time passed by in a hurry, and when the big bell on the top floor of the Heart of Water City rang again, a series of neat and heavy footsteps broke the balance between the two sides. Among the thirteen fleet commanders under Marshal Helu, in addition to the three loyal and loyal following him, seven led the soldiers to surround Marshal Helu and stood firmly on the side of President Liu Xi. , the remaining three people who are watching, no longer pose any threat at all.

Marshal Helu was so angry that his forehead burst into blue veins, and the laser gun in his hand pointed at Liu Xi, but Liu Xi smiled and pushed away the nervous guards, took a few steps forward, looked directly at Marshal Helu, and said, "Marshal, you lost."

"Ha!" Marshal Helu let out a short laugh, a voice distorted by anger like a blade rubbing against the shell of a battleship, "Liu Xi, and you! You have betrayed your own country, your own planet, and yourselves. galaxies! You will be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

Marshal Helu's words caused an uproar among the people who didn't know the truth, but Liu Xi didn't care, "Marshal, have you heard the saying in the earth age, 'The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit'. History always consists of the winners. Written. Maybe you think I'm sinful, and I don't think I'm right, but I don't think I'm wrong. Rather than wait until it's up to someone else to decide, I'll do everything I can to keep the initiative in my own hands In your hands, to protect the innocent civilians on this planet! You only consider the honor of the soldiers, and I think more about my responsibilities."


"Perhaps. However, there is hope in living. Instead of paying for mistakes that are not your own, why not give up some superficial things and strive for greater interests?"

"Shameless! You are making up excuses for your betrayal and betrayal!"

"Indeed, in your eyes, I am a filthy and shameless politician, but I must protect the people on this planet! What's more, what is about to happen in the Muse galaxy is just a thousand years ago when the earthlings occupied the Muse It’s just a repeat of the galaxy event. It’s just that the earthlings at that time were the victors, and now… the disappearance of the voyage fleet, can’t you understand it?”

Liu Xi smiled and shook his head, not planning to continue. The soldiers surrounding Marshal Helu were surrounded by several times the number of troops, and there was no chance of victory.

With the disarming of Marshal Heru's army, the standoff that lasted all day ended. That night, Liu Xi, President of the Republic of Seth, delivered a speech, announcing that the Republic of Seth would dissolve the union with Mars and form an alliance with the Free City Federation.

