MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.170Mar 06, 2023


On October 23, 1129, the galactic calendar, the Golden Empire Emperor Soran Edrich is about to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday.

From the coronation of the emperor to the present, a series of changes have taken place in the political situation of the empire. The privileges of the old-fashioned aristocracy have been deprived, and the decadent system of the period of Hainy III and the taxation that caused the financial officer a headache have been improved. Under the hand of Soran II's iron and blood, the decrees from Ivan's Summer Palace were implemented unimpeded in the empire, and the cabinet members headed by Count Reichardt were often exhausted from their work. At this time, they will always be entangled in a question that has not been answered for a long time. Sitting on the throne of the emperor, is it better to be mediocre like Haine III or wise like Solan II?

So far, still unsolved.

"His Majesty the Emperor is very young."

This is the common cognition of imperial officials. A young emperor with strong strength and firm will, symbolizing forge ahead, under the rule of a dictator of iron and wisdom, the territory of the empire will be expanded, and Soran Edrich has also proved this very well. Even if the existence of the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huxing makes these empire's bigwigs stick in their throats, it cannot become a stain on the emperor's scepter. But being young also means restless. The young, beautiful, celibate emperor always had a subtle worry in the eyes of conservatives. Compared with a married emperor, a single emperor always creates a feeling of restlessness and recklessness.

Now, all these problems will be solved, and the emperor is about to get married.

Although the new concubine cannot leave an heir for the emperor, it is not a big problem. None of the imperial nobles thought that Soran Edrich would have only one princess, let alone a princess, not a queen.

Before long, these people will find that they are dead wrong. For now, though, the error remains silent under the ice.

Tonight's Ivan Summer Palace is brightly lit, and in the banquet hall with fragrant temples, huge crystal chandeliers are shining brightly. The dexterous fingers of the court musicians danced on the snow-white keys, and the notes that leaped from the fingers formed a set of the most gorgeous movements.

The young and beautiful emperor was not in high spirits. He sat alone on a chair, with fair skin as if translucent, silver hair, sapphire-like eyes, and pale lips evoking a charming arc. The wine in the crystal glass swayed gently with the shaking of the fingers, and through the blood-colored liquid, everything in the banquet hall took on a hazy, extravagant color.

The court attendant stood faithfully behind the emperor, pouring wine into the emperor's crystal glass at any time, he took the attendant's job, but turned a blind eye to the angry eyes of the attendant. He has mastered the art of blending in with the background.

Is he staring at him? No, he was staring at the wall.

Soran Edrich declined all invitations, and the opening dance was handed over to Count Reichardt. The silver-haired Prime Minister of the Empire slid elegant dance steps while thinking about the emperor's intention. Already used to deep? The introverted Prime Minister didn't even consider that the emperor might just be too lazy to dance with people other than Shang Ping. Occasionally absent-minded, Countess Reichardt narrowed her eyes in dissatisfaction, burning with anger. She still doubted that the Prime Minister was busy and had nowhere to go before, which was the sadness of all men in the universe.

Work, or family?

Soran Edrich leaned back in his chair bored, resting his chin in one hand. He didn't like wasting time here. If he could, he would rather go to government affairs or have a bedtime greeting with his future wife. Now, he has nothing to do here...

The emperor rejected everyone's invitations, including Manxia who rarely came to the capital? Grand Duchess Edrich.

Mansha? Grand Duchess Edrich was a cousin of Hainy III, a direct relative of Soran II, and she is still unmarried. The Grand Duchess has three large galaxies and numerous small vassals. Compared with other royal family members, Manxia? Grand Duchess Edrich was undoubtedly rich and powerful. But Grand Duchess Manxia has no interest in politics and the struggle for power in the court. She devotes most of her energy to equestrian and architectural design. On the leading star where Grand Duchess Manxia lives, the buildings of the lord's mansion are entirely from Hand of the Grand Duchess. Most of the Edrich family members did not show much interest in the throne, perhaps voluntarily, or it may be a decision after reviewing the situation. Very well, not to make emperors jealous because of their inheritance rights. Of course, if the reigning emperor is really irrational and bloodthirsty, he will never stay in this position for too long.

No one wants to lose their life because of a lunatic, everyone is the same.

Mansha? Grand Duchess Edrich didn't care about the emperor's refusal. The Grand Duchess has a hearty personality, but she is quite critical of Haini III. During the reign of Haini III, she never set foot in Ivan's summer palace for half a step, and always lived on her own star. It was not until Soran II came to the throne that she resumed normal socializing at Ivan's Summer Palace. It is undeniable that during the reign of Heine III, some powerful members of the royal family did distance themselves from the center of imperial power. Their alienation and blindness indirectly contributed to the "tragedy" in the later period of Heine III's reign.

Mansha? After a polite dance with Count Reichardt, Edrich went straight to the seat beside the emperor and sat down. Gently shaking the folding fan, it seems that emotions are brewing. Of course, she was definitely not angry, there was only some curiosity in her expression.

"Your Majesty, tonight's banquet was very good."

"Your Excellency, thank you for your compliment tonight."

After simple social rhetoric, Mansha? Grand Duchess Edrich finally got to the point. She leaned slightly, her deep blue eyes were the same as the emperor's, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was decent, but she was mischievous that didn't match her age.

"Your Majesty, I'm very curious, and I hope you can clarify my doubts."


"Your fiancee..." Manxia? Edrich lowered his voice slightly, his tone full of curiosity, "He, is he a civilian from an alien galaxy?"

Mansha? Edrich missed the banquet where Soran Edrich announced his engagement, and only saw Shang Ping through a virtual image, a beautiful black-haired teenager. She didn't think she was attracted to Soran Edrich just by looks. The emperor is prettier than anyone, and the most stubborn souls will kneel and kiss his boots if he will.

"Yes. However, he is now a major of the Empire, the lord of the Deco system."

"Ah?" Man Xia? Edrich was a little surprised, "Your Majesty, are you sure he's just your 'emperor'?"

"Princess?" Soran Aidrich blinked, his mood seemed to have finally improved. He supported his chin with one hand and looked at Manxia? Edrich, "Your Excellency, I never said that."

In Mansha? When Grand Duchess Edrich thought she had heard something extraordinary, Shang Ping, who was far away in the Muse galaxy, was looking at the communicator in his hand in distress.

During this time, he has been busy with the aftermath of the Muse Galaxy. Although the flagship was stationed in the Free City Federation, Shang Ping did not give it to Aijia? Derich spared no effort to support. He always has to leave here. In order to avoid a certain situation, checks and balances are necessary.

Shang Ping and Aijia respectively? Derich had a brief meeting with Liu Xi, and Martin was selectively ignored by him. After his departure, the Muse Galaxy, at least Mars, must begin to change its political shape. Complete militarized management, for the current Mars, is unnecessary and has no benefit. Shang Ping was unwilling to destroy the original civilization system of the Muse Galaxy, but he was also unwilling to cause any trouble in a short period of time. The wedding with the emperor was three months away, and he had to leave at the end of November at the latest.

Liu Xi is not the best choice, but love Jia? Derich couldn't hold him down at all. For now, Shang Ping can only hope that Liu Xi's ambitions are bigger than he imagined. Although this is not a good thing, it can save him a lot of trouble. Shang Ping did not want the emperor to send troops directly for other reasons.

Love Jia? Derich has given Shang Ping the planet that produces the power stone, but he needs to pay a certain fee. Liu Xi promised to integrate the entire galaxy and conduct a referendum in the shortest possible time.

"That's not necessary."

Shang Ping rejected Liu Xi's suggestion with a smile, looked at the same black hair as him, and said lightly: "The current Seth is still not the opponent of Mars, I promise to give you status, but this is conditional. "

Joke, now hold a referendum?

This meant the beginning of a massacre, which Shang Ping absolutely did not want to see.

In the end, Liu Xi compromised, and Shang Ping contacted Martin and asked Mars to fulfill his previous promise to reform the existing regime. Reforming a political system that has lasted for thousands of years is undoubtedly very difficult, which will leave the Mars people too busy to focus on other things.

The Deco system fleet will leave some warships stationed on the planet that produces the power stone, while the original Mars clone soldiers in the fleet will still be sent back to Mars, and others will go to the Royce artificial celestial body. Shang Ping only said that he would not send troops to land in Mars, but he had to let the Mars people go home, right?

Of course, they are not spies.

Shang Ping also plans to send both Uncle Edgar and Austin back to Mars. If Uncle Edgar wants to, he can also live in Shangdu, and Austin, he must come back, I believe he thinks so too.

Things are arranged in an orderly manner, Liu Xi and Aijia? Neither seemed to get what they wanted most, but Deridge wasn't disappointed. As Shang Ping said, if they want to become the governor of this galaxy, Shang Ping has already paved the way for them, and then it depends on how they go. As for whether to establish a planetary alliance in the future, who will be the chairman of the alliance, they can "play freely", and whoever succeeds is not a matter of Shang Ping.

Time always flies fast when busy. Entering November 1129, the Deco galaxy fleet finally left the Muse galaxy and embarked on a voyage back to the Empire.

The emperor in Ivan's summer palace received the news of the return from the Deco galaxy fleet, his fingertips brushed the corners of his lips, and he smiled with satisfaction.

