MTL - Interstellar Fairy Tale - C.171Mar 06, 2023


In mid-November, 1129, the galactic calendar, the Deco galaxy fleet arrived at the border of the Golden Empire. The entire fleet has not changed much since it left. The disparity between the two sides made the battle loss of the Deco galaxy fleet a negligible figure. A fleet of nearly one million battleships, cruisers and transport ships, guarding the majestic flagship, stopped at the last space jumping particle entering the empire's territory. Most of the battleships entered the route back to the Deco system, including the flagship. . Shang Ping took another cruise ship, escorted by dozens of small and medium-sized warships, to the 678th Huoxing.

Regarding Shang Ping's decision, the staff officer raised objections, which were of no use at all, so he just let it go. Regarding the commander's insistence, as a subordinate, Roger dutifully did what he was supposed to do. As for whether Shang Ping listened to him or not, it was not his concern.

Three squadron commanders, Sid? Major Hall, Chad? Major Mace and Major Lu Dan have already learned about the promotion and rewards after returning to the Deco Galaxy. The rich material rewards could not make the three officers so excited, but the rank of lieutenant colonel in the empire made them gear up. Without him, only one person could be promoted, which was granted by Shang Ping. After all, Shang Ping, the lord of Deco and the commander-in-chief of the fleet, is currently only a major. Although Shang Ping's military rank promotion is ironclad, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step, and it is impossible for all the fleet commanders under him to be on an equal footing with him. It was impossible to see a fleet of three majors led by a major before.

Shang Ping didn't care about the private undercurrents of the three squadron commanders. There is competition, there is enterprising spirit, isn't it?

Hearing this sentence, Staff Officer Roger couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The character of the Lord Lord does not seem to be as good as it looks on the surface.

"Okay, Roger, don't keep your face straight. You're already handsome, and you don't need to worry about sagging skin and wrinkles."

Staff Officer Roger looked at the sky helplessly at a forty-five-degree angle, and the attendant stood behind Shang Ping and began to struggle whether to report the future princess's praise of a young officer's "handsome" truthfully. Thinking that this officer came from the Imperial Guard, and was delivered to the imperial concubine by His Majesty the Emperor himself, let’s forget it.

Roger escaped invisibly, but unfortunately he didn't know it.

"Your Excellency Commander, I still don't agree with some of your handling of the Muse Galaxy."

Roger failed to stop Shang Ping from going to the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing, and simply came with him. He was always worried that Shang Ping did not return to Deke to lead the star at the first time, and he returned to the emperor. Likewise, previous dissatisfaction with the disposal of the Muse Galaxy also erupted.


"I know that this is already suspected of overstepping authority, but as a soldier loyal to the Empire, I still need to remind you that in any case, it is inappropriate for the occupying galaxy to retain its own armed forces, which are extremely aggressive. "

"En..." Shang Ping narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head to the side, and looked at Roger, who was standing straight on one side, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Roger, have you heard of animals like wolves?"


"Yes." Shang Ping said in a very nostalgic tone: "In the Milky Way, there used to be a beautiful blue planet, and today's human beings in the Muse galaxy originated from that blue planet. And the wolf is the A carnivorous mammal that lives on that planet. Fierce, cruel, and extremely disciplined."

Roger frowned in confusion. Does this have anything to do with his persuasion?

"Wolf is a pack animal, a pack of wolves led by the most powerful wolf king is like a brave and tenacious cosmic fleet, with an orderly division of labor, no hesitation in executing orders, and even self-sacrifice for the sake of the collective. Isn't this kind of spirit worthy of awe?"


"However, once the wolf king dies suddenly and the wolves have no leader, then what kind of situation will this group fall into, do you know?"

Roger's eyes became deep, and he seemed to understand what Shang Ping meant.

"You see, when a wolf pack loses its wolf king, it's like a strong army without a leader. If one wolf is strong enough to overwhelm the others, the pack will continue to thrive, and when everyone is evenly matched, the pack will continue to thrive. , do not give in to each other, what will happen, needless to say?"

"Cannibalism? Is this your plan?"

"It's not that serious, am I such a cold-blooded person?" Shang Ping moved his fingers in dissatisfaction and continued: "Roger, there is always an inherent evil in human nature. Even soldiers are not exempt. I don’t agree that human nature is inherently evil, but I don’t believe that human nature is inherently good. Humans are contradictory animals. Even non-high intelligent creatures will fight for the leader of the territory and the group, or for their partners, not to mention that there is a natural Ambition and desire? Humans of desire?"

"So, you left the Muse galaxy fleet on purpose? Those soldiers who arranged to return to Mars, do you have other plans?"

"Yeah. Fighting for power and profit is inevitable. Once we leave and there is no threat to life, they will have no time to take care of others for their own interests." Shang Ping was in a rare good mood to explain the confusion to Roger. He didn't intend to say these. Yes, this is the clue he found from many historical documents during his time at the Madoff Military Academy. However, Roger could not know more than that.

Shang Ping has always been surprised that the Soth family who founded the Free City Federation was able to control the actual power of the Mars military headquarters for hundreds of years. Even if the person sitting in the position of commander-in-chief of the Mars Space Fleet is not named Soth, he must be inextricably linked with the Soth family. This kind of long-term coercion will definitely make many people dissatisfied. The incident of the Kanon military fortress that happened more than ten years ago was also the result of the wrestling of several forces. It is a pity that the Soth family won again this time, and the three Mars fleets, together with the family that fought against Soth, also disappeared.

This is the dirtiness of politics.

Shang Ping had to admire Greta Soth, a woman with both ambition and skill. As a descendant of Earth survivors, she single-handedly created the Free Cities Federation, and then extended her tentacles into the Mars military government created by Madoff White. , if it wasn't for her life coming to an end, perhaps the Republic of Seth would also become a trophy for the Soth family. However, compared to Madoff Whitewhite's fanatical warrior, Liu Xi's ancestor Liu Rui was not so easy to deal with. Various signs in history show that this man with oriental blood is well versed in tricks, but he disdains conspiracy and tricks, and his actions are mostly conspiracy. Perhaps because of this, Greta Soth's power has always been excluded from the Republic of Seth.

Greta South's descendants, however, are not as smart as she is. They broke away from the Free Cities Federation and were rooted in Mars, and could only use the likes of Derich to continue to remotely control the Free Cities Federation, but they didn't want to, no matter how thoroughly brainwashed and educated they were, they would not be able to reach the hearts of the people.

Love Jia? Derich's betrayal, accidental and inevitable. Derich has been suppressed for far too long.

Now, with the death of David South, the Mars military must be reshuffled. The new forces will strive for supremacy, and the old forces will certainly not be reconciled. Shang Ping knew these important military personnel, and their thinking was completely different from that of the soldiers at the bottom. After the threat from the outside suddenly disappeared, their eyes would all focus on the chair that was suddenly vacated. As they scolded each other and fought for power, Martin must have begun to reform Mars' system. Shang Ping believes that government personnel who have been suppressed by the military for a long time must have hidden unwillingness, various contradictions, and multiple forces entangle each other. Complete militarized management will no longer serve the interests of all. The breakthrough is obvious, and Martin will not miss this opportunity. Aijia, who is staring at her? Derich and Liu Xi also won't sit back and watch. Especially Liu Xi, Shang Ping felt that if he missed this opportunity, he would not deserve to be called Liu Rui's descendant.

When all the dust settles, Shang Ping will get a situation that satisfies him. The Muse was too far away from the empire, and Shang Ping didn't want the emperor to send the fleet directly, so he had to get the galaxy pattern he wanted. The clone soldiers who return to Mars will also become the trump card lurking in the Mars army.

“Change from within is always better than change imposed from the outside. No more bloodshed, only eternal interests that will convince people.”

Shang Ping's words were quite confusing, but he didn't plan to talk further. Roger was also very good at keeping his balance, but Shang Ping's next sentence made him break out in a cold sweat, "Roger, you should remember, you are my staff officer, you should be loyal to me, understand ?"

Yes, be loyal to him, not the Empire. This is also what Soran Edrich promised when he handed over the Imperial Guard to Shang Ping. Roger obviously forgot this point. The questions he raised were all for the sake of the empire, and Shang Ping could not allow such uncertainties to exist. If Roger can't find his position again, his fate will be the same as that of Major Bomi who was sent to Sai Xia.

The time from the space jumping particle to the 678th Puppet is half as short as the time to go to the Deco galaxy. When Shang Ping arrived at Shangdu, the fleet to the Deco galaxy was still on the way.

Goodwill was not surprised by Shang Ping's arrival. When the father and son met again, they felt as if they had been separated from each other, even though they had contacted by video not long ago. This kind of unfamiliarity mostly came from Shang Ping, his youth seemed to be completely swept away, with Jin Ge Tie Ming's killing aura, which was also well concealed under the youth's warmth. He is not yet an adult, but Goodwill feels that standing in front of him is a mature soul who has experienced several years.

This kind of growth is goodwill. After all, the place where Shang Ping will live in the future is the political power center of the Golden Empire. The luxurious Ivan Summer Palace is not as beautiful and charming as it looks.

"Father, I'm back."

Shang Ping took the initiative to step forward and gave Goodwill a hug after a long absence. Goodwill was a little caught off guard, and this kind of intimacy has always been initiated by him. Could it be that just going out can completely change the character of the child?

Shang Ping leaned on Goodwill's shoulder, raised the corners of his lips lightly, with a hint of joy at the success of the prank. However, thinking about what to do next, the good mood turned bad again.

"Father, I don't have much time, let's find a quiet place to talk."

Goodwill understands the subtext of Shang Ping, and the result of their transaction should be honored.

After staying at the six hundred and seventy-eighth Huoxing for less than four hours, Shang Ping and his party set off to return to the Deco Galaxy. Goodwill did not go to see Shang Ping, he stayed in the office until the sun went down, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated behind him, he lowered his head, covered his eyes with his hands, and salty tears dripped down his fingers. fall.

Xiaoxia, finally, finally... you see? And our daughter, she must be cute like her brother...

There were also two people watching the fleet fly into the clouds.

Edgar sat on a bench by the street, the smile on his lips gradually faded into the darkness. The blond boy standing in front of the library window, his dark green eyes flashed with determination.

After returning to the Deco galaxy, Shang Ping did not have time to rest, and was directly "received" by the fleet sent by the emperor and returned to the capital of the empire.

Shang Ping didn't even have time to change into his military uniform.

When the attendant was carefully wiping the epaulette of Shang Ping's military uniform with a silk cloth, Soran Edrich couldn't wait to wait at the parking lot outside the palace complex on the west side of Ivan's Summer Palace.

The roar of the engine made a huge wave, and the silver-haired emperor stood in front of the silver palace, smiling as he waited for his wagtail to step down from the cabin.

Count Reichate and other palace dignitaries stood behind the emperor. Out of respect for the emperor and the future empress, all members of the cabinet were present. They also got the news of the smooth return of the Shangping expedition, which added a lot to the new imperial concubine.

The court etiquette officer had already made the most adequate preparations to welcome Shang Ping and his party. Even if the time was short, the wine-colored carpet still extended from the parking lot to the palace corridor. Although some people questioned that this is the specification for welcoming the queen, but seeing the emperor's expression, they all wisely chose to turn a blind eye.

Shang Ping didn't feel like he was close to nostalgia, but he was indeed a little uneasy. As for what he was uneasy about, he refused to think about it.

As soon as he got off the cruise ship, Shang Ping was caught in a cold embrace. The hot kiss was accompanied by a long-lost breath, and he didn't have time to be stunned. Go to **** with shyness.

Shang Pinghui hugged the emperor's thin waist, and the gold engraved pattern on the belt lightly touched the inside of his wrist, causing a slight pain. His lips were slightly apart, and his breath had not yet calmed down. Shang Ping had already been picked up by Soran Edrich and strode towards the palace.

Count Reichate and other cabinet ministers were stunned by the emperor's outburst of enthusiasm.

Sure enough, it's good to be young...

