MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha - C.838 A sneaky smellSep 13, 2023

MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

C.838 A sneaky smellSep 13, 2023

Chapter 838 A sneaky smell

I really can't hold on anymore.

Yondaime, it’s too difficult.

This battle was earth-shattering. After all, the building was about to collapse.

As the gravel rolled down and explosions occurred from time to time, the surrounding residents who were watching the excitement screamed in surprise.

"Fuck you! This young man! Fuck you!"

"Can this guy win if dozens of people fight against one?"

He looked at the fierce battle with good eyes and said.

"He can't win. He doesn't have the ability. Do you know that?"

"If you can fight, you will never fight alone. Konoha's combat mode is like this. The famous three-three system in the Second Ninja World War stunned the four major countries. It is absolutely difficult to defeat the four countries alone and with two fists. Hands, I don’t know what’s going on in my head, I’m so brave.”

"Oh hoo!"

Along with the sound of the ninjutsu explosion, the onlookers all let out uniform exclamations.

I really can't hold on anymore.

It's not very painful physically, and you can't feel it even when you're in a state of psychological suggestion.

But the deformed body movements were a silent warning to Shisui that he was about to reach his limit.

You won't be able to withstand the next even more violent attack.

So far, there is still only one person who has been knocked down, that is, Senju Sheng who is dueling with him.

Under the heavy blow, Shisui flew backwards, smashed through the wall and window, and fell to a height of twenty stories.

From the breach, ninjas rushed out quickly one after another. In just a moment, more than thirty people stood on the wall, either with blue chakra flames swaying on their bodies, or with Susan's skeleton giant on top, watching as it fell in mid-air. of Shisui.

After struggling to open his swollen eyes, Shisui looked at the shadowy figure opposite.

Under the night, pairs of pure white eyes that were either scarlet or scarlet, or as deep as ink, also looked over.

Is that the end?

In the crowd, Itachi watched the battle and silently clenched his fists.

With a loud bang, Shisui hit the open playground on the ground from a high place, and smoke filled the air.

"it's over."

From above, a ninja said.

"Take this kid away." A ninja gave instructions: "Interrogate according to the procedures to find out who ordered it."


When everyone was about to take action, a ninja said: "Something's wrong, wait a minute."

"it's not finished yet."

In the smoke and dust, Shisui's figure stood up and shook.

"How dare he stand up."

It is obviously a battle with no chance of winning.

rather say.

"Did we act too lightly? We really look down on people."

Everyone looked at each other and sprinted down the wall. When they reached the fifth floor, they all ejected from the wall and landed one after another like heavy cannons, throwing up large amounts of dust.

"Break all his bones and let him lie down."

As they walked forward, the leader said in a deep voice.


Everyone responded coldly.

With his head lowered, Shisui didn't look at the people approaching from the opposite side. Blood dripped down his round chin and smashed into the dust. The swaying figure seemed to be ready to fall at any time.

"Strange." Zhili said.

Zhili knows very well how many pounds his disciples have.

Including the disciple’s hidden pair of kaleidoscopes.

The ninja cat that Shisui raised had already sold him out. Through daily personal practice and observation, Shisui knew even the color of his underwear.

The real head of the Ninja Clan, Sister Kaye, knows very well who has the final say and whose lap Uchiha should embrace. She has been friends with Jiri for at least thirty years.

He had long known what Shisui was doing in private.

The reason why I didn't tell Mei Ji was because it was unnecessary. Mei Ji might know better than herself.

"What's weird?" Mei Ji asked.

Rolling his eyes at Meiji, who was pretending to be confused, Zhili said: "Sure enough, it's interesting."

"Huh?" Meiji snorted.

Tong blinked blankly and said, "What? What are you talking about? What's interesting?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just a nasty guy who couldn't help it." Zhili said.

"Who is it?" Hitomi didn't understand as always.

Jiri simply explained: "With Shisui's ability, one-on-one, he can win steadily. There are no more than twenty people in Konoha who can fight him, not counting us."

"Two to three people are still within Shisui's processing range, and they can win at a small cost."

"The pressure on the ten or so people will start to increase. If you make good use of your own advantages in illusions, constantly stretch the space, and form a short one-on-one situation during the action, you can win the victory with difficulty."

"The current situation is beyond his ability to deal with it. Neither tactics nor combat power can play a decisive role in winning."

"After all, my opponent is not just any cat or dog that can be seen everywhere."

"They are true fighting elites accumulated from years of training in Konoha."

"That's the limit of what he can do."

"Unlike the large number of opponents we encountered when we were young, a group of crudely made cute cats and dogs can be easily slaughtered."

"Today's young people are not inferior to him in terms of resources, effort, and quality. In some aspects, they are still better than him."

Hitomi understood.

"Oh, he's still a dish."

That’s right.

Meiji nodded.

Since it’s a dish, let’s cheat.

Zhili was a little unhappy and added: "I can persist to this extent."

He looked down at his watch.

"Twelve minutes is already quite difficult."

Therefore, Tsunade was a little anxious.

Is this kid really a disciple of Zhili?

Why are you so careless?

When he was a teenager, he was a ruthless person who went against the strongest in the ninja world, and almost killed that guy with force.

There is no fierceness at all.

What did you learn?

"This boy Shisui is weak by nature, a bit like a girl. He has a delicate mind and courage, but not much."

Zhili said.

“Sometimes when encountering difficulties, we subconsciously avoid them.”

"But upbringing and responsibility will drive him to action."

"Once pushed to the limit, like a tight bowstring suddenly breaking, I wouldn't be surprised if someone commits cowardly suicide to escape reality."

"At this time, he should be lying down."

"On the contrary, that boy Itachi is much more ruthless by nature. He is gentle on the surface but has an Uchiha-like ferocity in his heart. He is the most like me."

I have been watching Zhili for a year or two since I was a kid.

Pretty accurate at reading people.

However, that boy Itachi is not like you.

No one can force you to do something you don't want to do. You really dare to lift the table silently. No matter who he is, I'm the king of heaven. I don't want to give you face. What do you think?

That brat Itachi is really just a liar.

Shisui was much better than him, and he was not a tyrant in the nest.

Mei Ji glanced at Zhili.

"That kid is here for foreign aid." Zhili said, "That's why he is standing here. He is such a nasty guy. He touches other people's disciples without permission and doesn't even say hello."

Hitomi thought it was quite strange.

Given your personality, would you let me say hello?

"Who is so annoying?" Hitomi asked.

Zhili didn't want to say anything and said, "You can guess for yourself."

"Forget it." Hitomi didn't want to think too much and continued to watch the excitement. She didn't think it was a big deal and said, "It looks like we can still fight for a long time."

"Now, it's not his battle anymore." As he said that, Zhili glanced at Mei Ji and said, "It's a play between someone and someone."

A wave of resentment.

Meiji looked towards the battlefield.

In the distance, Chakra came from a hidden distance.

Slug-style chakra wireless transmission system.

They are genuine copies, but Mei Ji’s are pirated copies.

Tsunade didn't dare to be too blatant and blatantly poured Nine-Tails chakra into Shisui.

A sneaky smell.

Mei Ji couldn't help but feel happy.

Really thoughtful.

