MTL - Go Legend - C.937 fighting on the cliffMar 06, 2023

MTL - Go Legend

C.937 fighting on the cliffMar 06, 2023

Seeing that the dog is really "Shuangfeiyan", Li Xiangping nodded secretly in his heart, saying that the previous research was not in vain, at least in this opening, the dog basically played like this, so he had studied countless before.

Considering that playing chess with the dog is easy to fall into a time panic, Li Xiangping is no longer ink at this time.

Next: "pull", "long", "carry", "pull", "stick", "stick".

In these three rounds of 6 moves, both sides almost didn't think twice. When the six moves were finished, the basic form of "Shuangfeiyan" appeared on the board.

Well, it should be said that it is the basic type of "Shuangfeiyan" in the dog era.

Because "Shuangfeiyan" is a very old formula, it became popular in the ancient chess era, and after its development to modern times, human beings have created a lot of derivative changes.

However, since the era of dogs, most of the derivative changes have been eliminated by dogs.

A few changes can be called "interesting directions".

can be used as the "basic form" of Shuangfeiyan, and it may only be the one that appears today.

The so-called "basic form" can be understood as a "local positive solution", which means that regardless of the global configuration, just look at this part, both parties have positive solutions, and the situation is divided into two points.

As for the "interesting direction", it may suffer a little in one part, but considering the overall situation of sub-force cooperation, it seems that this is also possible. Such a change can be called "fixed interest direction".

Obviously, the game has just started, and there are not so many global configurations to consider, so there will definitely be no losses in the local area, so it is almost inevitable to form a "basic type".

"Hehe Ding'an brother, I remember your Xiping brother once said that it is not too tight to start flying with both hands. From this point of view, the dog is so early to fly to the swallows, but it is not in line with your concept back then. It violates the principles of ancient chess. I think it is like this. Today's game will be dominated by you. I will help you pick up the omissions and make up for the omissions. Brother Ding'an, come on, you can use the essence of ancient chess to compete with this three-generation dog. ."

"hehe, ok."

Originally, based on their years of practice, they both agreed that if you want to make the "two swords combine" to exert the greatest power, it is best to focus on Li Xiangping and then Lao Shi as a supplement, so that the winning rate is the highest.

The two of them also prepared in the same way.

But now Li Xiangping decided to give up this dominance, not because of anything else, but because of this "Shuangfeiyan" formula.

Because this is a typical "star position setting", and the medieval chess can only be born with "star position setting" due to the "zoozi", such as this "Shuangfeiyan", which was very popular in Lao Shi's time. Many countries in chess have a very deep research on this.

Not only that, the "star position" developed from ancient chess is still very different from the "small eye set" developed from Japan.

For example, look at Japan's "Encyclopedia of Set Forms" in the 1980s. Those small eye set forms have a basic feature:

takes "both sides stable" as the end point of the formula.

This reflects a kind of convergent thinking. It is precisely because Japanese Go has always been dominated by this kind of thinking, so you look at the stereotypes created by the Japanese.

Whether it's "Big Oblique", "Avalanche", "Demon Saber" with a large number of moves, or those with a small number of hands, then after a set is played, you can see that Black has completely lived, and White is completely alive. White won't die either, and both parties are happy and safe, which means that a formula has been completed.

On the other hand, the "star position" developed from ancient chess is different.

Because the "star position" has the characteristics of "difficult to attack and difficult to defend", so if you look at the stereotypes handed down from the ancient chess and black chess, um, it is obviously not alive, but it does not seem to be dead, because it is not easy to attack.

Looking at white again, it seems to be similar to black. Say it is alive, and there are no two obvious eye positions. Saying it will die, you don’t know how to attack.

When Go AI appears, everyone observes the formulas in the dog era, and you will find that most of the formulas recommended by the dog are similar to those of medieval chess.

Take the "Shuangfeiyan" that appeared today as an example. When the "basic type" is completed, both black and white are in a state of "neither dead nor alive", and each has a breakpoint, which is an obvious flaw in the chess shape of both sides. .

When the basic type is completed, it is the dog's turn to play next. If it is based on the relatively introverted thinking of Japanese Go in the past, black usually has to "dismantle" one at this time. While grabbing the big game, it also indirectly protects Live at your own breakpoint.

Then most of White's chess pieces are also torn one, so hello me hello everyone.

But the ancient chess will not play like this. This is not purely brave and good at fighting, but based on a relatively open thinking, the ancient chess will think that this is too passive and the rate of the stones is not high.

And the same goes for dogs.

For example, today, in the face of the "Shuangfeiyan" that appeared today, the dog will never simply make up the chess, it must be a strong attack, first make a fuss around the opponent's breakpoint, and hope that after the first attack, it will be "natural" Make up for your own flaws, this is what the dog thinks is high efficiency.

And the above is the reason why Li Xiangping let Lao Shi lead the chess game today.

Although the level of the two is about the same, Li Xiangping is a modern chess player after all, and he also started to learn the theory of Japanese Go when he was a child, so it will still be affected to some extent.

And today's opening is destined to be an extremely open pattern, and Li Xiangping is still very self-aware of this pattern. He knows that he is not as good as Lao Shi in this regard, so it is more appropriate for him to dominate.

The next process did not surprise Li Xiangping. The dog started to attack and started to make a fuss around the breakpoint of White.

Lao Shi certainly wouldn't show weakness. After doing some simple bandages, he took the initiative to take the first shot and directly "touched" the "small eyes and big flying guard corner" at the beginning of black.

The "Shuangfeiyan" is in the upper left corner of the chessboard, and the "Shuangfeiyan" of black is in the upper right corner of the chessboard. When his chess shape was still not clean, Lao Shi suddenly took the first shot. It seems a bit unreasonable to go to another place to open up a new battlefield, but Li Xiangping knows that this is precisely the essence of medieval chess.

And after studying so many chess records of dog fights, Li Xiangping also knows that this is also the dog's fighting thinking. He believes that if it is to change to another AI to play against Google's three generations of dogs, it is probably a similar choice.

Lao Shi's "touch" also means "trying to do it".

The reasoning is this: When the dog attacks first, the direction of his attack starts from the upper edge.

And if Lao Shi is passively defending, it is very easy to meet him. Once Black's pieces in this area increase, if she gets the first move again, it will be easy for these pieces to cooperate with that "little eye and big fly guarding the corner". It forms an excellent shape with the legendary "wings spread out".

Once Black has really formed "two wings open", then it will be difficult for White to enter. No, it cannot be said that it is difficult to enter, but it is easy to form a one-sided governance of orphans, and then maybe a dozen or twenty hands are all single officials without a purpose, and the sub-rate is so low that it is impossible to win or lose.

Lao Shi "touched" in early, that's what he meant.

Anyway, the chess shape in "Shuangfeiyan" in the upper left corner is "difficult to attack and difficult to defend", so what if you attack first? Anyway, you can't kill me with a single hand of chess. If that's the case, then I'll try your hand at another place. If you are willing to give in and let me get a little cheaper, then I'll go there and make up for it honestly.

If you don’t give up a single inch here, then roll the two corners together and kill them.

Anyway, according to the flow of the chess game, if the two corners are really rolled together to deal with it, then the two pieces must meet on the edge of the chessboard, and as long as the two pieces touch, then the piece you attacked first will always be Thinner? And as long as your chess edge is thin, then my "Shuangfeiyan" will not be difficult to deal with.

As a "host", Li Xiangping still understands Lao Shi's wishful thinking in seconds.

It's just that he can understand the intention of cheating, and the dog's response is a bit unexpected.

The dog chose a seemingly most aggrieved coping.

However, it is the toughest and most "black" move.

Dog even chose to give up the ground and let White pierce a fat corner.

After some rushing and demolition, when White completely pierces the black corner and goes away, if you just look at this part, then there is no doubt that White has made a huge profit.

However, Li Xiangping did not dare to have the slightest optimism.

There are two reasons for   . First, the string of chess pieces that just pierced through the black horns looks cool, but Li Xiangping noticed that the dog allows you to pierce through the fat horns, but it doesn't allow you to be an eyewitness.

In other words, the string of pieces that White just ran out is actually a lonely piece, and there is still a possibility of being attacked in the future.

Second and more important, just in the rushing and demolition just now, Black had already made an extra move on the side "unconsciously".

With this move, Black has reinforced his pieces a lot, so that when the other side is eliminated, White's "Shuangfeiyan" will naturally appear thinner.

The overall situation has just been less than 50 hands, and the dog seems to have the conditions for "entanglement attack", which naturally makes Li Xiangping worried.

Of course, the dog's "entanglement attack" is not in vain, it is obtained by giving up a lot of ground.

The most feared thing in Go is "too many chess and thick", or "too few chess and thin".

But this is not the case today, so Li Xiangping was worried and worried, but he didn't feel that the situation on his side was already bad.

Because the opponent this time is a machine, and I heard that the machine is extremely power-hungry when playing a game of chess, there is no lunch break in this game.

At around 11:30 am, the rush and demolition in the upper right corner came to an end temporarily, and a big melee pattern that swept the whole situation had been formed.

"Hey, Brother Ding'an, today's game is like a fight on the edge of a cliff. It's really shocking every step of the way. You can't tolerate the slightest mistake in every next step. You have to play with 12 points of spirit."

"Don't worry about Ding'an, by the way, it's not just me, Xiaoyou Xiangping, you have to cheer up and help me watch."

"Oh that's natural."

When the two communicated here, Li Xiangping beckoned to ask the hotel staff to bring him some pastries.

At this time, be sure to add a little energy to meet the fierce battle with the dog.

